Wednesday 21 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News, sponsored by smileband, 

Andrew Tate and his sibling Tristan, who have a gigantic following via web-based entertainment, have denied all past charges against them.

The BBC comprehends that this examination connects with Andrew Tate and that these examinations have been happening for quite a while.

Andrew Tate is a self-depicted misanthrope and was recently prohibited from online entertainment stages for communicating sexist perspectives.

The Tate siblings, previous kickboxers who are double UK-US nationals, are blamed for taking advantage of ladies by means of a grown-up satisfied business, which examiners claim worked as a lawbreaker bunch.

The web character was at that point anticipating preliminary for assault and illegal exploitation, yet might actually now have to deal with extra penalties of sex with, and dealing with, underage people, as well as tax evasion and endeavoring to impact observers.

Attached is a article regarding the raid on Andrew Tate,

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday 18 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

Pink cocaine is another creator drug. It's normally a fine blend of ketamine and unlawful substances probably colored with food shading. In some cases it might have a wonderful smell, similar to strawberries.

The medication, which initially came from Colombia, has filled in notoriety in the U.S. also, different locales all over the planet. Pink cocaine hasn't been around extremely lengthy, so scientists have close to zero insight into the drawn out impacts it might have on individuals who use it.

The epithet tusi/tuci comes from how it sounds when you say 2C - - a gathering of hallucinogenic medications that might have initially been in pink cocaine. New clusters scarcely at any point have 2C medications in them.

Road drugs aren't controlled by the public authority, so it's basically impossible to know precisely exact thing's in pink cocaine. Yet, regardless of the name, this medication isn't simply brilliant cocaine. It might not have any cocaine whatsoever, truth be told.

Scientists have found that most examples of pink cocaine incorporate a blend of ketamine alongside at least one of the accompanying:

NPS are another sort of engineered drug. They cause you to feel like medications that as of now exist, like weed and cocaine. In any case, they're synthetically somewhat unique and may not appear on current medication tests. That is the reason they're some of the time alluded to as "legitimate highs.

Pink cocaine frequently incorporates the two energizers and depressants. This blend of "uppers" and "killjoys" is in some cases alluded to as a "speedball."

You will most likely be unable to foresee how you'll feel when you take pink cocaine. The impacts rely upon a few things.

Your high might feel most grounded inside 1-3 hours, however the impacts of pink cocaine might wait for 4-8 hours.

Your incidental effects might be gentle to serious. It really relies on the amount you take and what's in it. Expected secondary effects.

Please keep your self safe of this drug as it can destroy your life which is contaminated with a cocktail of different drugs that are life threatening in a big way. 

Attached is a news article regarding pink cocaine

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday 17 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

The News is that a man in his 20s has been shot by the metropolitan police, this is a story that leads in to the understanding why a man was shot by police, it was said that the person was armed with a gun. 

This has seen issue’s that has been subjected to the police being involved with death’s that related to gun offences, were a person life has been taken in response to measures taken by the police. 

This is a sad day for the family of a young man who was killed by police, as it was said that the young man was armed in the street with the fire weapon. 

This looks like a matter of carelessness by the police, as the man held no risk to others in the public environment, that he was situated in at that time. 

This could of been handed in a better manner by the police due to the individual who had a firearm, as this was a altercation between two people that was impacted by them having guns as the police encountered the scene, which ended up with a young man losing his life. 

The day tells a tale that words it’s expression that aims a instinct that is a lost cause to street violence, street police and a street road man are of the same category, as they only express different value’s in life. 

The police have in the past killed in a wrong full manner that take’s a life you only get once, which does not return as this is why the police should be trained to a high level of ability to handle situations like this if it arises. 

There should entered in to a training period over and over again, as this is a matter that should be established with the police work related 9-5 job. 

This is a job not a competition, not one gang vs the other, it’s a profession that should be handle like a pro, it’s like a footballer player taking a slide tackle at the knee on purpose and not at the bottom of the feet that can cause career damaging injuries. 

The intelligence of the police is low grade, as it’s a matter of understanding that the police are lost within there own thoughts, there mind is not competent, it’s like a plumber that can’t fit a gas boiler. 

Then there is a situation we’re the plumber should be skilled to the highest level to fit the gas boiler otherwise they will blow up the house a person lives in. 

At the same time there are police individuals that counteract there job in a professional manner, eg taking a shot at the knee or the leg of a shot at the arm in a professional manner, if a police officer can not take a shot with gun in a advance manner this is highly skilled, then they should not be in there job related job. 

Then there is mistake’s! As this mistake can lead to a police officer being arrested or charged for misconduct or murder or manslaughter. These are the risk’s of not being a professional like a gas engineer plumber that could blow up a house. 

This is a matter that take admission to its strategic level of importance, as the young man was in critical condition in hospital for 5 days  only to end the fight for his life. 

The police are becoming like bed bugs that are hiding to eat a person blood, there view’s and actions are lacking that now has a family that aims justice for the death. 

The person was in the wrong to have a gun but the police also need to understand that the world we reside in is at war, society is subjected to mental health issue because people do stupid things to provoke a person, as we are only human through the psychological mind. 

People of today only want to fight, not for a professional career but for the due fact of being within society as a whole. It’s a war in the streets, a long lost cause that is hard to fix. 

The world is changing and it’s a matter of awareness that needs to be addressed, based on a focus point, drugs are at it’s highest point of development, as there has been a new drugs listed within the drugs market called pink cocaine from Colombia. 

Colombia a state to manufacture drugs” but now it’s seeing a market that is growing in Colombia, as this is a daunting aspect that people are at risk of being exposed to this drugs pink cocaine which will send society in a different direction. 

Smileband sends out full condolences to the man who was killed by police, as guns should not be within the environment of this world, but the world is at war and it’s a strong influence of the human mind that gun’s are apart of life through anger. 

Attached is support regarding gun crime

Attached is a article regarding this matter of police killings a man in his 20s

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday 15 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

The Majority rule Republic of the Congo is encountering the biggest number of thought mpox cases it has at any point kept in a year, with in excess of 15,600 cases and 537 passings.

Mpox, which as of not long ago was known as monkeypox, is a significantly less serious, less infectious cousin of smallpox. Both are orthopoxviruses, a sort of 12 DNA infections that likewise incorporates cowpox and camelpox.

Another adaptation of the clade I infection, called clade Ib, has arisen in the ongoing episode and persuaded the crisis statement, since it very well might be more extreme or contagious.

Mpox is a zoonotic infection, sent to people by creatures. First found in 1958 among monkeys in a Danish exploration lab, the infection's unique name might possibly be a misnomer. Little vertebrates are remembered to hold onto the infection in African rainforests.

The two kinds of mpox can spread through direct contact with tainted creatures and debased materials. This can incorporate things like apparel, bedding, and towels.

Close contact can likewise spread the infection between individuals — including by kissing, respiratory beads that spread through conversing with somebody who has been tainted, and direct contact with irresistible skin or injuries on the mouth or private parts.

The 2022 mpox flare-up predominantly impacted men who engage in sexual relations with men. For general wellbeing authorities, it's been trying to teach the general population without defaming that local area.

Those occasions cultivated global spread, similar as enormous social events dispersed Coronavirus during the beginning of the pandemic.

State funded instruction is critical. "We don't believe that individuals should stress, yet mindfulness is what you want to safeguard yourself,

There are existing tests for mpox, which include just cleaning an injury. The CDC suggests testing provided that you have a mpox-like rash.

Fortunately individuals who are now full inoculated or who recently had clade II mpox "are supposed to be safeguarded against extreme disease from clade I mpox.

Smileband wants people to keep safe, if you see any symptoms of Mpox on an individual, please don’t approach this person’ as it is spreading across the world. 

Attached is a news article regarding Mpox

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday 14 August 2024

Smileband News


Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

The university are making a huge amount of money, this is a great exposure to the income regarding universities, making 9k of uk students and 22k of international student’s. 

The education structure is lacking skill and development based on educating student’s in the correct manner, we ask this question’ is it worth the money based on the knowledge student receives when studying a degree. 

2000 word assignment lack knowledgeable understanding, as it’s a look that seem’s like secondary educational experience, when attending university in the uk. 

We ask this question, is university worth 9k or for international students 22k, are you going to get the career that you wish to excel in, a lot of people gain a qualification and don’t end up in a job that’s worth a look at, as this is a failed business economy, that lack’s the innovation and development based on skilled individuals that sight a university degree. 

Some people attend university and get discriminated by given the wrong grades, due to racial background or gender, it’s a policy that should be looked in to further. 

English university make most of their money off international students, as that gives the look that they only care about the money flow and not the student’s career. 

They bring in start up organisations that would only last a few years before going bankrupt to induced you a opportunity, as this is just a cover up based on the driven cash flow the university wish to earn to keep them afloat, also for the job’s of established teacher’s in the industry. 

A lot of entrepreneurs don’t have a qualified education due to the lazy image they proclaim to themselves, it’s a sad matter of consideration when a person gains a qualification and can’t obtain a job through there cv that states a higher education qualification. 

The image of the United Kingdom gives people the image that they are backward, they mock the system and take advantage of students to benefit them self, the teachers don’t care for the student’s, but only for them self to keep a job that feeds there family and gives them a life that sits them comfortable in a way that is horrifying to the younger generation. 

Reading book’s by author’s who are 100 years old, are a past that has no existence to the present teacher today, old philosophies that are lacking an upgraded, as a backing of repeating them self in a lecture that gives them the easy route in there job as a lecturer. 

The question we ask is why, does the uk have a low amount of students and the rest are international, it’s another cover up that should be exposed for the good of today. 

Once again this leads to a failed society” because people who are born in the uk, find them self like a park bench to the people who earn to support them self as a person who is not English. 

The United Kingdom is full of drunken people that lack intelligence and integrity, dressing up’ is the goal of English people, to claim success as a fellow nation. 

The people that are English expect a silver spoon, a route that is free with minimal effort, an easy route off the back of people who learn and study and push for success in this living day. 

The university are reliant on international student’s because they can take advantage and don’t get a backlash off their failure, due to the progression they require. 

The university of today are a cheating institution that forwards people that are not educated in the right affected manner. 

People sit with debt’s like it’s a joke, nothing to show for there achievement in attending university, degraded based on the qualifications, which is a simple fact of a failed government system that don’t make sense. 

Cheating money out of people for the sake of looking good, as a profiled image in the industry of education. 

Attached is a news article regarding the discrimination in English university

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

This is a main fact of existence, as the inflation rate has go up 2.2 per cent, this is a matter of strong concern’ as it’s a description that is affecting the uk society, people who don’t have money are falling in to poverty” because the increase of organisation that are making billions of pounds. 

The price has risen, we ask this” has the government done a good job or are they just trying to send people crazy, mental health is subjected to people unable to feed them self due to the concern of price’s rising continuously. 

The government should of not took the decision to leave the European market, (EU) as this has just seen people affected by the lack of business benefits, why hold hate, why why why” do they want people to suffer, it seems that the government are lacking intelligence. 

The British are holding protest for the reason of immigration, people is what makes the economy drive, the British people are just sending them self deeper in to a life that is difficult, “selfish” as they feel that they should be treated better then others. 

This means people who don’t attend school’s or have a good sense of working relation, feel that they should be treated in a way they don’t make sense. 

The dark path, lost light’ weak understanding of what right for the people is lost in the heart of society, it’s a trick of speech, it’s a word that aims selfishness to who England is today. 

Broken British democracy, drinking in pub’s smoking cigarettes and taking drugs is not a sense of any understanding of what the people need. 

People depending on there property to increase in value is the only faith that most English people have today. 

The question we ask, is the people being told the truth, the prices from 2023 when inflation was at it’s highest has not dropped, as we have only seen it harder for people to eat and live. 

It’s a fake drop in figures! 

Big organisations are at the foot of success, no growth in investment, only a matter of taking money for the simple fact of there own interests, no help for any person who tolls for the sake of  life. 

It’s on the tipping point, a targeted position’s that back channels its health subject to the society we serve, this is only going to see people stress, seeing more attack’s the police can’t handle, the mind of individuals are at a point that is lost and can not be found. 

The world is at war, as England need’s the help of other’s to keep safe, it’s a day that is seen lost independence, as we ask this question, is this the end to what was normal, or has it never been normal” it’s just been a long inflation of sadness to the society. 

Smileband hold’s faith and support for people in this world, as it’s seeing war and death, a lost of a life that is important, as it’s a length which is a long road that sight’s horrific consequences to the world we live in today.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday 12 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

There has been a major incident involving a mother a daughter in Leicester Square, it’s was a viscous attack that was another traumatic incident, with a girl who was 11 years old and the women who was 34 years old. 

They have obtained video of the attack, as it’s was a moment that was horrific, 11.34am in the morning, the attacker was held on the ground until the police attended the incident. 

It’s was out side the tea shop in Leicester Square, the women and girl was taken to a hospital, the injuries was not life threatening, abdulla was the hero that took the individual who had the knife to the ground. 

This is a problem that is continuing across the uk, attackers looking to harm the public for no reason, as we ask this question why are people killing or attacking for no reason. 

The person who attacked the women and girl was relaxed, as it’s was a 32 year old man, they are looking to find the motive of this stabbing. 

The man was not known to the two victims, as the prime minister has said that his is taking measures to prevent this from happening on the streets of London. 

They have said that it’s not a terror attack, as it’s being looked at as a mental health problem, as it’s a call for change” a matter of looking in to this deeply, as a diagnostic element based on a internal disorder. 

They have knife crime organisation looking at this as a matter that distinguishes the fact, that they are interacting with young people who might be carrying knifes on the streets. 

It’s a hard question that sights a use of vision and a strategic approach that need’s a sense of urgency to the task of tackling this matter. 

Smileband sends out full condolences to the women and the girl who was attacked, as it’s a light that darken a life, becoming a matter were people don’t feel safe. 

Attached is a support group that help and look in to knife crime in the uk 

Attached is a news article regarding this matter that took place is Leicester Square 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  Sean "Diddy" Combs, also known as Puff Daddy, was arrested in September 2024 and i...