Sunday 11 August 2024

Smileband News


Dear 222 News viewers, Sponsored by smileband, 

This is a time of age, a change that cost money based on development, the use of drugs and the impact of gang related young offenders attacking each other based on street fights. 

The streets are a daunting task” an evolution that has overshadowed its true existence, drugs users are filling the street, as it’s a major problem to normal people within society. 

It was said that Southend use to be a nice location, the end of the country, a time that had a length of prospects that was structured based on development, people are all finding it hard to get a job, a life that sees a wage and a path’ as it’s a falling economy society that has fast food chains growing by the numbers. 

Killing more chicken’s then ever” farmers that are not feeding in the correct manner that can have health impacts on the human body. 

Looking at people views, as it’s a transmission that evaluates its stereotypes that undermine the quality and value that was a reality in its route to a better future. Southend still has the potential, as it’s only a category of people that are subjected to drugs and failure. 

The housing market is of a sustainable value, as it has nice locations that seem ok to the corner of people, who don’t act in a manner that is of a behaviour that is not considered acceptable in society. 

Mental health is a major problem all over the uk, people are lost in the mind of a different world were they can never return to due to the damage within the mental mind. 

The sea front is a place that people can relax within Southend, due to the little girls who death was impacted by the attack of a youngster who was of a sycophantic nature. 

This is a lost path, a Vision that has no meaning of a future that is of today. 

Smileband send out full condolences to the little girls who died. 

People have no respect for Southend that is a sea side resort. 

Attached above is a video link of black man the traveller, bring peace between the people in Southend. 

Attached is a description of southends drug problem

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday 10 August 2024

Smileband News


Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

There is a spread of infectious bed bug’s that might not harm your health, but that are a pest that can drive you crazy, the can start off as one then exceed over time. 

The france is seeing a minor issue with bed bugs today, as it has spread to the uk streets, it’s a pandemic that is on the rise, they are on trains buses and people that are travelling around, they are on stuff that you buy in the shop’s they are in restaurants and other locations and you can’t see them. It’s bad! 

It’s a matter of strong concern that bed bugs are everywhere and specialist are needed, it’s a fight with the army, it’s a bring’s you experience of a real war was to take place in your homeland country. 

They are invisible, they hide and when you think they are gone one just pops out to feed, as it’s there dinner that they need which is your blood. 

The spray’s that they are making is not strong to kill these bugs, it’s a business that is making millions around the uk and the world. 

Bed bugs are a problem, people are calling out experts to kill these pest, as it’s a matter of concern that we are in a war that is in our own house hold, some people are immune to these insects as it does not have any sort of impact on there skin but they are still there in your environment. 

Bed bugs are on the spread, they are jump jack’s out on the hunt for your blood and a home to live, they are in shop’s things you buy and they can reside any were around the world. 

They are on the out side of buildings that are travelling from one neighbour to the other, it’s a pest that is taking over your home environment, you need to control that little F……, because they are a irritating mess of species that are traveling all over the uk from France. 

There are so much homeless people on the street that pass you and it’s a hitchhike from them to you with out you knowing, they are in cloths and other stuff you buy. 

The old saying when you was a child, was’ don’t let the bed bugs bite at night because this has been a problem for years in other nations. 

The doctors state that they are harmless and can not cause you any health problem, unless you have an allergic condition to these pest. 

The best advice is keep on fighting them, as theylook for places that they can breed and hide, as they can hide is the most smallest gaps that is impossible to see with the naked eye 

There should be a major program that can help people overcome this matter of bed bugs, as living with them is a nightmare. 

It’s like a horror movie called bed bugs the night attacker, because they come for you are night and in the day they hide” unless they can use you are a hiding place to feed of your blood. 

It’s the little tick tick on your skin that happens to everyone, who is apart of this world and it’s a dust mite or bed bug that is in your environment. 

What is the bug that looks like a lobster?

Panoploscelis (commonly referred to as spiny lobster katydids or giant lobster crickets) is a genus of very large insects belonging to the true katydid tribe Eucocconotini, which is a subfamily of the Tettigoniidae.

This is an attack from France to the uk, it’s coming for everyone’s household, they are invisible and they will attacked to you in any location. 

This is a state of emergency for the department of pest control, get your home ready for the attack like no other. The bed bugs want you and the need to eat and it’s your blood. 

Doctors has stated that if you feel symptoms of bed bugs then you should find the best treatment to solve the matter, as it’s a continuous cycle that is affecting the nation as a whole. 

It could be a job for the armed police MI5. Secret service’s” It’s dangerous, it’s a terror attack, if you have not encountered this problem with bed bugs, then your time with come and they will start off with the tick tick on your back. Just know it’s your turn to fight the war on bed bugs. 

Don’t let it get out of control!!! They grow in to a little lobster. 

It’s like the Covid 19 pandemic that is unfolding today. They will not let you sleep, they are attacking and they mean business, it’s a matter of them getting on the property ladder and owning your home. 

Attached is a news article regarding the matter of bed bugs today

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

There has been a major incident were a plane has crash falling out of the sky in Brazil, there was no one alive from the crash as this was devastating based on the catastrophic damage. 

There were 57 travelers and four group individuals on the flight, the aircraft has affirmed.

One Icing includes water drops freezing and gathering on surfaces like wings and propeller edges. It can hamper an airplane's exhibition by diminishing push, diminishing lift and expanding drag.

Airplane maker ATR said it had been educated regarding a mishap in Vinhedo including one of its airplane.

Specialists fixed off the gated local area where the accident occurred as firemen and the tactical police dispatched groups.

The organization second thoughts to illuminate that every one of the 61 individuals on board flight 2283 died at the site,

dove into a gated local area in the province of Sao Paulo in Brazil, killing those ready.

The airplane was recorded by flight tracker site FlightRadar24 as a 14-year-old ATR 72-500 turboprop.

A lady, who gave her name just as Ana Lucia, saw the accident and said: "I thought falling in our yard was going.

Attached is a article regarding the plane crash

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday 8 August 2024

Smileband News

This would be the impact on the moon, if it took a impact of a meteor shower that would strike the moon” having a impact that would see a end to our living existence of the moon which keep’s the earth stable, it’s a bond that would have a impact on our climate. 

This video is not real but it’s a exist of the truth, it’s a fictional look that we need to keep in mind, that we are vulnerable” as a species that have existed for thousands of years. 

Life is a path that tolls out thoughts as a wish to a degree of happiness, humans bind together as a soul that bridges its beliefs of safety. 

The moon's gravitational force balances out Earth's wobble on its pivot, which establishes a steady environment. Without the moon, Earth's seasons would change all the more broadly.

The moon's gravitational draw likewise causes tides, which have directed people for millennia.

The moon influences life in alternate ways, for example,

Relocation and route: The moon is significant for the movement and route of numerous creatures, particularly birds.

Multiplication: A creatures time their propagation to concur with the moon's stages.

Transformations: There are numerous variations connected with the moon's tides and evening glow.

Earth's Moon is the most splendid and biggest article in our night sky. The Moon makes Earth a more reasonable planet by directing our house planet's wobble on its hub, prompting a generally steady environment. It likewise causes tides, making a musicality that has directed people for millennia.

The Moon has been up there the length of development has been occurring, and lunar rhythms are implanted in the existence patterns of numerous life forms,

Moon is fundamental for movement and route. Other will time their proliferation to harmonize with the particular periods of the lunar cycle.

There is likewise an entire universe of captivating transformations connecting with tides and the novel properties of evening glow.

The moon is around 238,860 miles (382,500 km) away from Earth, identical to around 30 Earth breadths.

The point in the moon's circle when it is nearest to Earth is called perigee, frequently alluded to as a "supermoon." At perigee, the moon is roughly 224,000 miles (360,000 km) from Earth. During a supermoon, the moon shows up around 14% bigger than at its uttermost point, known as apogee or a "micromoon," it likewise shows up around 30% more splendid overhead.

It's difficult to recognize a supermoon and a micromoon with the unaided eye, yet seeing the immediate impacts by noticing the tides is simpler.

Attached is an article regarding the moon’s affection on the earth today.

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by Smileband, 

Google was sued by the US Branch of Equity justice in 2020 over its control of around 90% of the web-based search market.

The US said Google commonly pays more than $10bn (£7.8bn) a year for that honor, tying down its admittance to a constant flow of client information that kept up with its hang available.

Google's web crawler is a major income generator for the organization, getting billions of dollars thanks to a great extent to promoting showed on its outcomes pages, likewise information use through individuals' gadgets through there organization.

This case has on occasion been portrayed as representing an existential danger to research and its proprietor given its predominance of the pursuit and web based promoting business.

Google was sued by the US Branch of Equity in 2020 over its control of around 90% of the web-based search market.

Google acted illicitly to squash its opposition and keep a restraining infrastructure on web-based search and related publicizing.

Google and Letter set will look because of the choice. The fines or different cures will be chosen in a future hearing.

Google actually faces extraordinary rivalry, not simply from general web index firms, like Microsoft's Bing, however more particular locales and applications.

US Principal legal officer Merrick Wreath, the nation's top examiner, hailed the decision as a "memorable win for the American public.

Attached is a news article regarding the monopoly court case

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday 5 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

Malaysia and Google are collaborating to propel our common work to make a strong environment for development and open the capability of computerized change.

Tech monsters have additionally been declaring huge interests in the locale. Microsoft President Satya Nadella declared cloud administrations ventures worth $2.2 billion in Malaysia and $1.7 billion in Indonesia during a new visit to the district.

Amazon has reported plans to put $9 billion in Singapore, $5 billion in Thailand and $6 billion in Malaysia.

Google will put $2 billion in Malaysia to foster its most memorable server farm and Google Cloud locale in the country, the unit of Letter set goggle.

Computer based intelligence) capacities and other trend setting innovations would assist neighborhood industry with climbing the worldwide worth chain. With a youthful well informed populace of 670 million, Southeast Asia has been drawing in a lot of revenue and speculation as of late from innovation goliaths including Microsoft.

The server farm resolution administrations including Search, Guides and Work area, and will assist with conveying computer based intelligence administrations, while the cloud place will offer administrations to neighborhood firms and public area associations.

Attached is a news article regarding goggle new AI development

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, Sponsored by smileband, 

It was another night of epic drama, as people clashed in riots across Liverpool, looting shop’s and attacking police, this has been a continuous battle that is being taken serious, as its a claim that people will face the full throttle of the law justice system. 

Around 700 individuals plunged on the town's Vacation Motel Express lodging which has recently been utilized to house refuge searchers.

Police immediately dwarfed and overpowered, the crowd started flinging boards of wood and blocks at officials who utilized the riot safeguards to safeguard themselves.

10 officials were harmed, including one who was thumped oblivious, South Yorkshire Police affirmed later, saying one individual had proactively been captured and others included ought to "anticipate that we should be at their entryways doors very soon.

Riot police moved in to clear the consuming trash yet ended up going under assault, by a gathering tossing rocks and different rockets.

A few shelter searchers including Kurds, Afghans and Iranians told The News they heard shouts as agitators broke in and alarms went off.

it is severe thuggery coordinated against the absolute most weak individuals in our general public.

Cops were confronted with being gone after with petroleum bombs and firecrackers, and harm was caused to the inn by dissidents, with the existences of occupants inside put in danger.

The neighborhood local area don't merit being dependent upon this way of behaving, and neither do the valiant officials putting themselves as harm would prefer to protect everybody.

There have proactively been in excess of 100 captures broadly regarding these demonstrations and they expect the people who are recognized will meet the entirety of the law.

Reciting "we need our nation back", a portion of the hooligans endeavored to get through police lines.

Windows were crushed as alarmed families, including kids, groveled inside. A portion of local people came to their guide and aided solace the people in question and clear up broken glass.

They are totally panicked and can't really accept that what they are seeing in this country.

Attached is a news article regarding the riots in Liverpool last night

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  Sean "Diddy" Combs, also known as Puff Daddy, was arrested in September 2024 and i...