Tuesday 6 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by Smileband, 

Google was sued by the US Branch of Equity justice in 2020 over its control of around 90% of the web-based search market.

The US said Google commonly pays more than $10bn (£7.8bn) a year for that honor, tying down its admittance to a constant flow of client information that kept up with its hang available.

Google's web crawler is a major income generator for the organization, getting billions of dollars thanks to a great extent to promoting showed on its outcomes pages, likewise information use through individuals' gadgets through there organization.

This case has on occasion been portrayed as representing an existential danger to research and its proprietor given its predominance of the pursuit and web based promoting business.

Google was sued by the US Branch of Equity in 2020 over its control of around 90% of the web-based search market.

Google acted illicitly to squash its opposition and keep a restraining infrastructure on web-based search and related publicizing.

Google and Letter set will look because of the choice. The fines or different cures will be chosen in a future hearing.

Google actually faces extraordinary rivalry, not simply from general web index firms, like Microsoft's Bing, however more particular locales and applications.

US Principal legal officer Merrick Wreath, the nation's top examiner, hailed the decision as a "memorable win for the American public.

Attached is a news article regarding the monopoly court case 


Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday 5 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

Malaysia and Google are collaborating to propel our common work to make a strong environment for development and open the capability of computerized change.

Tech monsters have additionally been declaring huge interests in the locale. Microsoft President Satya Nadella declared cloud administrations ventures worth $2.2 billion in Malaysia and $1.7 billion in Indonesia during a new visit to the district.

Amazon has reported plans to put $9 billion in Singapore, $5 billion in Thailand and $6 billion in Malaysia.

Google will put $2 billion in Malaysia to foster its most memorable server farm and Google Cloud locale in the country, the unit of Letter set goggle.

Computer based intelligence) capacities and other trend setting innovations would assist neighborhood industry with climbing the worldwide worth chain. With a youthful well informed populace of 670 million, Southeast Asia has been drawing in a lot of revenue and speculation as of late from innovation goliaths including Microsoft.

The server farm resolution administrations including Search, Guides and Work area, and will assist with conveying computer based intelligence administrations, while the cloud place will offer administrations to neighborhood firms and public area associations.

Attached is a news article regarding goggle new AI development 


Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, Sponsored by smileband, 

It was another night of epic drama, as people clashed in riots across Liverpool, looting shop’s and attacking police, this has been a continuous battle that is being taken serious, as its a claim that people will face the full throttle of the law justice system. 

Around 700 individuals plunged on the town's Vacation Motel Express lodging which has recently been utilized to house refuge searchers.

Police immediately dwarfed and overpowered, the crowd started flinging boards of wood and blocks at officials who utilized the riot safeguards to safeguard themselves.

10 officials were harmed, including one who was thumped oblivious, South Yorkshire Police affirmed later, saying one individual had proactively been captured and others included ought to "anticipate that we should be at their entryways doors very soon.

Riot police moved in to clear the consuming trash yet ended up going under assault, by a gathering tossing rocks and different rockets.

A few shelter searchers including Kurds, Afghans and Iranians told The News they heard shouts as agitators broke in and alarms went off.

it is severe thuggery coordinated against the absolute most weak individuals in our general public.

Cops were confronted with being gone after with petroleum bombs and firecrackers, and harm was caused to the inn by dissidents, with the existences of occupants inside put in danger.

The neighborhood local area don't merit being dependent upon this way of behaving, and neither do the valiant officials putting themselves as harm would prefer to protect everybody.

There have proactively been in excess of 100 captures broadly regarding these demonstrations and they expect the people who are recognized will meet the entirety of the law.

Reciting "we need our nation back", a portion of the hooligans endeavored to get through police lines.

Windows were crushed as alarmed families, including kids, groveled inside. A portion of local people came to their guide and aided solace the people in question and clear up broken glass.

They are totally panicked and can't really accept that what they are seeing in this country.

Attached is a news article regarding the riots in Liverpool last night 


Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday 3 August 2024

Smileband News


Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by Smileband, 

The heart of Europe are seeing people as sex slaves, selling them self for an amount of 4 euros, this is a matter of concern that sights a degrading matter, based on the nature of influence to other’s within society. 

The world is changing for the worst, it’s a lost interaction that drop below living standards, beating the women in to submission, serving clients up to the amount of 30 men a night, as they are forced to have sex for the nature of the sex trade business development. 

Women at first did not see any point, as it’s was like they was treated like animals, they just wanted to be treated like a normal women. 

Some women held abused by there grandfathers and raped in there family, it’s a sad thought that brings a lost purpose, the adults and younger generation need’s to know” that a life that toll such risk, as it carries infection’s and a risk of danger to life as a whole. 

They lose trust in any person as a whole, as it’s a form of abuse, a disease, a contagious virus to the human body, “help is needed” as it’s a way that can’t see a different route in life. 

The ban for this motive would turn a legal route, as it’s a dying faze that alights, the increased of setting up sex location’s, as they depend on this job, to support their living life. 

60% come from Romania and Bulgaria, as most of them are minors, these people are the influence in parts of Europe, as it’s a failed society, to see and understand that it’s a plague, a disease that keeps on going like a force of evil. 

They arrange programs that offer a way out for these people, as it’s a need to sight a change, England has become as sex service industry that is silent, women pray on the streets to find a solution for earning money, also using social media like only fans or Facebook or instagram to find sex money mule’s to bleed dry. 

It’s a fail society, a dark deep lost of respect for the future of the younger generation growing up, people lose respect for each other, it’s a mafia controlled industry. 

Germany has the same issue, as it flood’s the environment and travel’s like a bed bug that hide in the light and attacks in the dark, it’s a pest that needs control, women have become a product, a price tag. 

The Romanian women are the impact of travelling to other countries with the influence of a sex job that is not a normal job, as this industry is the only one they know and can relate with” using young children as a business pole like a dancer in the street on A class drugs. 

They agree to do stuff and are happy with there place in life, they might act in the manner of distress, but it’s a cover up based on how they like doing a easy job for the nature of cash. 

The ones who don’t make money, but have had sexual interaction’s, claim the abuse ticket because there money wage is not of a substantial amount. 

It’s a circle that continues, as there is not much the police can do, if they earn good money and act in a silent manner to the nature of there sexual job. It stays as silent like a house that is empty. 

Breathing bad odour from so much different oral interaction with man after man, as this can lead to infecting others in society from just breathing. 

There global footprint that has not been detoxified, steams like an old school steam train, walking along the street, this is the sad fact of the sexual revolution that is developing across Europe. 

The matter of carbon credit, VER, are an investment fact, that the governments needs to tackle’ due to the rise in this infectious pandemic of a sexual street trade that affects adults and youth of today. 

The 11 billion trade alone in Germany is on the rise, as it a trade that carries a matter of infection, if this is not governed in the correct manner, it could be a major problem. 

Young girl’s only know this because’ so much adult women are seeing this as a easy route, boosting there lips, shaping there bodies to bring that look that steels the naked eye and influences there children to act in the same manner growing up. 

There is need for close attention from group’s and law, to act as a barrier that holts that development of this industry. 

Attached is a news article in the sex trade in Europe from neighbouring nations like romania and Bulgaria and the uk


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday 2 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

There was a massive protest in London today, as people was feeling threatened by the police with there riot gear, it’s a fight for justice, a matter of concern as a value of expectation that is brought on by justice” as a matter of the British claiming that immigrant’s are entering the country based on destroying the uk. 

They feel that people are here to use their nation for the value on self interest, as they hate the English society, the English people who feel that their motherland is at risk. 

They claim that nothing is to do with race, the colour of skin which is not an issue, it’s the use of destruction that is causing a lost cause of belief based on religion and views. 

They feel that the police with not save them, it’s an element that is a fraction of time and interaction, this is a fight with the police” as they feel that they are the problem. 

People drinking and shouting one Tommy Robinson, as it’s a matter of immigration on taking health service benefits and benefits for the reason of nothing to help there nation. 

The uk is limited to jobs and it is getting packed were it can’t support a job structure for all people, as they claim that it’s the people in government position that are affecting the matter of there country falling. 

People pushing the police to fight, as it’s the police vs the people’ government wars with the nation, as they feel that the police are here to serve the public but that are not serving the public. 

The turn out was for the little girls that was murdered in cold blood, as this is happening every day nearly, kids are attacking each other and getting killed, as it’s a brace for the nation. 

The circle that should be a promise for the freedom of speech, the police have a fight on there hands with the English people , as the police are trained to keep the peace within the public. 

They are trained to act correct, protect them self from threats, as it’s a duty under his majesty service, the police refuse to make any comments on the protest, only to watch and stop the threat of violence. 

A lot of people had views to bring based on aggression that is towards the people of the uk. 

They feel that the government is no longer there government, as some people was there for the peaceful protest, war is at the hands of the public. 

This has been going on for the last few days, continually happening, the police holding barricades to stop the people who are in a push and pulling situation. 

A lot of people was there, as they was not of high intelligence, it’s was people who had a word of mouth, it’s the matter of the girl’s who was murdered, as people was stating it will soon be a cashless society at a last cause. 

Attached above is a video  showing the protest in London today and a news article regarding the matter 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday 1 August 2024

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by Smileband, 

This is the day that we look at the police’ the affects that they have on individuals in society, there profiling that is subjected to assault on people in society, as the latest incident there was a police officer that kick another person in the head. 

This could be a cause of horrific head injuries to the individual who was impacted by this attack to the head, this can cause distress that leads to mental health problems, as today people are living in a different era. 

There are key policeman that pick women up in society, as this can lead to the police officer receiving a heavyweight prison sentence, a demographic action within society that leads to sexual assault, a mind frame a psychological disorder” this is met by a police officer that is of a position that has acts within the law that sustains a image to its formative phase as a police officer. 

The police officer calling a women with mental health a F….. B……. As this is a manner that brings a daunting fact of reality, as it’s a bulling factor that strikes its route of progression for the women who is suffering from mental health, as it’s a joke” a laughing matter that they profile like a pray of a vicious animal that bleed’s the blood off an individual who is vulnerable to the society as a whole. 

These police come across hundreds of people who suffer mental health, who act like a crazy raging bull that strikes like a thunder bolt. 

Today we need to analyse the police, look how they treat people, even a person who takes drugs or sells drugs” as it’s an addiction that affects them as a whole, a cycle that needs help, understanding based on there background, on how they become to sells or take drugs. 

This is a matter of consideration, a strategic elements that out perform’s it’s purpose based on inner value to the cycle of life, a promise in the never ended nightmare of a dark life that is a underworld of a daunting prospect to life. 

The racism that is a major problem in society today is a formative phenomenon, as punishment brings trouble” as the culture in society is of a mixed race element, a lot of English defence league are looking at them self, as they feel that people should work for the progression of there life, as they feel that they should be put first. 

Example, a cultured person has a mother or father who work in the social environment, as the job is not of high pay, as these individuals feel that the mother or father should work for the benefit of there life, as they feel being English they should be the first person in line, due to them just being of English culture, this is wrong” it’s a method of slave mind control. Thinking that you own people like a slave. 

This is wrong, they come out in thousands with the motive of violence on the basis of promoting the word of we first you second, this can reach the mind of a person who is not stable, which is subjected to some sort of trauma in a mental state, as it has cost the life of these beautiful young girls in society, who had the rest of there life ahead of them, attending a dance class to see there favourite artists but only to see a end to there little life which brings shame of the English society as a whole. 

The attack on a young boy who was on the way to school by a adult, only to see the end to this little young boy’s life, a end which is a devastating reminder that we are in a hell hole, selfish people who bring violence out in the streets because they feel there life should be better. 

The educated matter in these protest is that it leads to arrest, it leads in the same manner over and over again, no change or no way of description sights these people in any way. 

This is a never ended cycle that goes around in a circle, it’s a way that has been in social life from the days that culture did not exist in the United Kingdom. 

What’s going to stop this killing’s that murder the young children or the abuse of young kids on the streets of London, adult men or women approaching kids for the nature of sexual relationships that they feel is right in their mind. 

The world is the same in all corners, it’s a wolf that calls its pray that fears like a lion in a pack’ that hunts when the night turns dark, as they sly away like a bed bed in the light of day. It’s a horrific substance of virtual existence, as pedigree of a doggie dog nature, a breech that brakes its element of psychological drama. 

This is all a mental state of affairs, a patch on a human’s life, a route of evil for the life of the little soul that god fear’s will bring an end to our world. 

Keep your children under close observation, today the street’s and people who seem ok” are in a mental state, a hate of discrimination and violence which is a unprotected characteristic on people who need to keep safe, don’t push your kids hard to go places that can bring danger, or a end to there life because it’s not ok. 

The influence of today is of the crazy mind of human creatures that bleed the soul of people, who don’t have the ability to control their life in that manner. 

Keeps you kids safe is the most important aspect, as people are not having a care in this world’ which is of a normal state. 

This start’s the the law and order to protect society, as it’s in a mental state within the law and order system, due to discrimination and one sided mind people, as these 3 little girls were killed and a little boy was killed in a knife attack this year. 

A Life that had no beginning. 

Attached above is a video of the police impact with different individuals, based on internal and external factors of life within society. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

A 100 individuals were captured with various dissidents confined as police drove them into Trafalgar Square.

A few men were wrestled to the floor and cuffed as police figured out how to make heads or tails of the circumstance gradually.

Cleveland Police affirmed that four individuals had been captured for different offenses including public request and affray.

Huge groups were seen being driven back by police decked out in revolt gear and conveying safeguards in Hartlepool's middle.

one police vehicle was left a scorched wreck subsequent to being set on fire with a noisy bang heard as the gas tank disintegrated.

numerous stalemates among officials and many hooligans in Hartlepool only hours after riots were ignited in Southport over the loathsomeness stabbings.

officials are confronting rockets, glass containers and eggs being tossed at them and have caused captures as they to stay nearby to safeguard the security of those living locally.

Cops experienced serious wounds when blocks, stones and containers were tossed in turbulent scenes.

The assault saw Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, Bebe Lord, six, and Elsie Dab Stancombe, seven, lethally wounded.

A 17-year-old kid has since been accused in association of the homicide of the three young ladies after they were cut to death.

Attached is a news article regarding the riots in Hartlepool 


Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  Sean "Diddy" Combs, also known as Puff Daddy, was arrested in September 2024 and i...