Sunday 7 July 2024

Smileband News

Dear Smileband viewers, 

Nueva Generacion Cartel, were found in Cherie-Anne Rayner and accomplice Liam Harrington's home in Flaxton Road in Beeston, Leeds, on 10 September 2022.

Steven Gibson and Darren Tracker went about as messengers, examiners said, with Gibson driving medications north from Britain to Scotland on 10 events.

A secured room in the house contained cocaine and precious stone methamphetamine worth about £19m altogether.

A further 57kg of cocaine worth £5.8m was viewed as reserved at Megan Budden's level in The Bow, Dewsbury.

A genuine Dutch haulage organization was utilized to convey the medications from abroad ignorant about what was concealed inside the transfers.

These wrongdoers were engaged with a refined criminal activity to import and convey an exploitative measure of Class A medications into the UK.

Stephen Rayner, 31, of Scargill Grange, Leeds, was sentenced for intrigue to supply Class A medications and imprisoned for quite some time.

Cherie-Anne Rayner, 30, was indicted for intrigue to supply Class A medications and condemned to 15 years.

Liam Harrington, 39, was sentenced for partaking in the exercises of a coordinated wrongdoing bunch and changing over criminal property and condemned to three years in jail.

Megan Budden, 23, was sentenced for partaking in the crimes of a coordinated wrongdoing bunch and imprisoned for quite a long time.

Steven Gibson, 41, of Belsyde Road, Glasgow, was indicted for trick to supply Class A medications and condemned to 12 years in jail.

Darren Tracker, 30, of Queenslie Road, Glasgow, was sentenced for ownership with expectation to supply a controlled medication of Class An and imprisoned for a long time

Attached is a article regarding the drugs in chickens

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Neil Foden became headteacher of Ysgol Monks in 1997 and was subsequently drafted in to "manage a subsequent school". He likewise filled in as an association rep.

He was viewed as at real fault for 19 charges altogether - including 12 counts of sexual action with a kid and two counts of sexual movement with a kid while in a place of trust.

Neil Gideon was prompting a kid to participate in sexual action, endeavoring to orchestrate the commission of a kid sex offense, sexual correspondence with a kid, ownership of foul photos of a youngster to look good and rape of a kid younger than 13.

Judge Rowlands said Foden was "a powerful, tormenting presence" in his school - a man who "individuals feared crossing.

Neil Foden, of Old Colwyn, was found blameworthy in May following a three-week preliminary at Form Crown Court in North Ridges.

Foden prepped and manhandled the young ladies with the maltreatment occurring in areas including his vehicle and lodgings on trips away. The four casualties for the situation can't be named for lawful reasons.

I energize anybody who has experienced sexual viciousness in the past to approach. We are here to tune in. We are here to help you. We will give our all for you.

Attached is a article regarding Neil Foden the sexual predator teacher

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday 6 July 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers 

This is a life of expectancy, as it’s a lost decision that has took no action of belief within the cultured community, a downward approach that is a force between the value of life and a soul heart beat’ through not existence within humanity. 

Guns, knife’s are a sight that continues to explode across the globe, as a matter of fact this aims its formative aspects based on interactions between people who don’t like each other. 

Drugs that are a business, territory that is own by gangs’ who control part of the drug empire’s, as gangster’s in the aim to be the richest drug dealer on the block. 

Women or young lady’s are growing up involved in the material aspect of being a right hand woman for there man, who run’s the operation as a whole. 

People losing there kids and family are destroyed by this administration of gang violence as a whole, the streets are cold but new development building are the future of drug dens that will looks like the last of the past. 

The English government making up lies to see them run power in the same way a drug dealer wants to own his territory, as a result of power. 

Power money and respect falls in all categories, violence falls in all categories, eg gang violence on the street to own a drug business empire, as killing and fights are a result of death” as a whole” government wanting control as a result of lie’s to the population, government using gun’s to fight and kill people at war, as it’s a circle that moves around the same. 

Why why do we see that it’s the young black generation are at the foot of this confrontation, young while English culture gangsters are at the top, control the crime to see lower degree people push the empire to its highest ability. 

Hackney deadly gang wars, young people speaking out, people getting caught with 500 bullet’s, as its leaves a trail of victims in there way, a 7 year old child. 

7 year old drug dealer running drug deals, being found with a gun in there bed room, it’s crime suspects that are a motive of the most wanted gangsters. 

Hammers and knifes are found on individuals walking around the streets, as the Turkish community are at the forefront for this mob deep war, Tottenham Turks are running a gangster empire like Escobar. 

The king pins from the 70s, are the kings of todays” as it’s has never been stop by the top of the table Gs, OG Turks driving top of the range cars, owning businesses” as this is a matter of street fame. 

London gangs source weapons from gangster Irish, group to group throwing gang to gang, it’s a weapons trade industry that makes millions, as this falls in the hands of young black kids that kill each other. 

The conviction of black on black crime, but the guns are sold by top Irish Gangs, Turks running big drug cartel and black gangsters are the connections through international global enterprise drug shipping. FED EX door to door delivery, DHL use of transportation, as inside people back gardens, linking up to make the transportation happen. 

Royal Mail delivery of drugs over long distance deals, it’s a motive of business as a whole, it’s a cause that values its given route of ability in the drugs empire. 

The young dealer was age 7 years old, had no education of English language, as his development was still learning” but the kid was running drugs from one location to another. 

This is a sad affect that is bring a lost cause to the world we are apart of. Kiddies, kiddies little kiddies” with little feet and hands are subjected to involvement with guns and drugs and sexual exploitation. 

The guns travel from pillar to post, the same gun involved in over 20 different murders in the uk and the police have not solved one murder, 14 of them was children and 5 were women and one man killed in this horrific incident. 

The hard actions that are a route for expressing this look of an inspiration through being a GG. 

Please keep safe, as full condolences go out to the people that have been affected by the lives that have been lost.

Attached is a news article regarding the gangs wars in Hackney

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday 5 July 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

This is an end of a run that stood ground within the uk, punishment was the matter of subjection that took the conservative’s to there highest position that was in support of the rich English culture, as the poor cultured areas was pounded with illegal actions that surrounded the poor with lost control over there life. 

War in Ukraine between Russia, saw an increase in energy bills. as the war was a result of devastation to the death toll that impacted people. 

Disrespect to the sight of the Caribbean people, no concern based on poverty within areas across the uk, no concern over the hurricane storm that shows the lack of dignity that sunak and the conservative had for the people of Caribbean culture. 

14 years of conservative government, as this has seen a change for a future that needs a different voice, a progression with a psychological approach that excels its given measures that are affected in social society. 

Low income for people that suffer with difficulties in life, conservative took the life out of disability, as they saw them self at the foot hold of better income on taxes to bring better communities for the English rich conservative areas. 

It’s a sights that need’s all people fighting for the foundation of truth, 6.7 million vote’s for the conservative, as that is still a big supporting structure within the uk. 

Leadership contest that see’s labour in power which bring’s a better view, as the government carries the same motive like any of the other parties in government, a grave era that sunak had as a fortune for the conservatives. 

Sunak could not turn the page on his trust, could not bring himself to have the vote of the people in the uk, it’s a joke” a little too much for Sunak as culture is a factor. 

They wanted sunak out 412 labour to 121 conservatives, as it’s a loss of power, the worst distance that shows loss seats within the government. 

Consistency hold’s a new power that needs to gain the trust of people, smileband sees that it will be the same taxes that will rise, bills will stay the same, war will continue, jobs will stay the same, as England is a small nation that can hold so much development based on there image of development. 

There is a level that hit’s a high and it is at a high, the high will not change, as it’s just a matter of a change in culture” as England is a multi cultural society and this is the future. 

The leader of the government will say what’s best to become leader, but can not hold to everything they condemn that will be a positive length for the people in the uk. 

The time is here and it’s a tuff road, a fight for your ability, as a person who has this mind of them self. 

Sunak is sorry, but it’s an end and a good bye! 

Inflation is still at the same, the cost of food is at it’s highest, transportation is still at the same cost, household bill’s are as high, as it can be said for sunak who make’s a statement that bring’s the intelligent people to understand that he is talking rubbish, that why it’s a end for his position. 

Talk the truth, not play a psychological game’ that has no truth within its present’s. War continue’s around the world” as it’s this that stop resources being transported to the United Kingdom. 

Sunak made history as the first cultured prime minister in the uk of colour but he was a man that tried his best but the respect was not there for the people of culture. 

Nothing was falling down in taxes or bill’s or development with other countries around the world, that why sunak is not prime minister today. 

Attached is a news article regarding sunak end

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday 4 July 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

Joynes shamelessly proceeded to prep a 16-year-old student while she was living with her folks on bail over the primary offense.

Joynes started trading Snapchat messages with the primary kid, named exclusively as Kid A, in the wake of setting him a test in which he needed to figure the last two digits of her telephone number.

Joynes was suspended and abandoned condition she have no unaided contact with anybody under 18, during which time she moved back in with her folks in the Wirral.

Joynes later moved back to her level in Salford Quays where she took Kid B's virginity.

The teen later told police they consistently had intercourse, including unprotected sex, while he was currently at school, and that he saw the relationship as 'companions with benefits'.

Joynes then, at that point, welcomed the kid over for a 'night out' including an Ann Summers scratchcard of sexual exercises, with flower petals and notes concealed around her level.

During her preliminary she was blamed for a 'exposed endeavor to earn compassion' from the jury when she showed up with a pink child hood having a place with their child noticeably got into her pants.

She denied having intercourse with Kid An and demanded she just started engaging in sexual relations with Kid B after he had turned 16 and left school, which would have been lawful.

Joynes conceded letting kid An into her condo and trading messages with him yet demanded she just did so on the grounds that she was 'forlorn' and 'loved the consideration' following a past nine-year relationship finished during the pandemic.

The jury dismissed the cases, viewing Joynes to be entirelyliable of six includes of taking part in sexual movement a kid and two counts of sexual action with a kid while in a place of trust.

Fifteen-year-old young men are no less defenseless to progresses than 15-year-old young ladies. They are similarly as receptive. They didn't have restraint or educational experience to step back.

Joynes, who kept crying as she was driven from the dock, was likewise exposed to a controlling request and needs to sign the sex wrongdoers register forever.

Victim proclamation statement! 

In a casualty influence explanation read in court, Kid B said he was 'trying to claim ignorance' after Jones' capture yet has since come to acknowledge he was manhandled.

He said: 'I would contend for what might feel like forever safeguarding her and wouldn't hear a terrible word against her. I felt like I had sold out somebody I love and had fouled up by giving proof.

I felt an enormous feeling of responsibility for quite a while. I addressed assuming I was on the right track to give proclamations about the one who was conveying my youngster, from that point forward I have replayed a ton of things in my mind, and addressed a many individuals, and it has caused me to understand the full degree of the maltreatment completed on me and the strategies that were utilized to do as such.

I was constrained and controlled, controlled, physically manhandled, and intellectually mishandled and so on it is exceptionally disturbing that this has happened to me, and I have had practically no help from any organisations.

I'm just barely finding assist through self-references and help from a family with supporting laborer.

The months after the maltreatment happened to me, was an extremely dim time, I felt forced into a tight spot.

This had a monstrous mental cost over all of us. It destroyed my family, they battled to find a sense of peace with the reality they sent me to school, where they trusted it to be a protected climate, and this occurred subsequently.

I went to class routinely and left with straight As. My folks separated consistently and late evening attempting to inspire me to speak, I kept numerous things down. I figured I would be in an ideal situation managing things alone, as it is an uncommon case and not entirely engaging to other people.

The orientation disparity I have confronted is ludicrous. I feel that due to my orientation this is viewed as a lesser wrongdoing than it would be the other way around.

The preparing began at 15 years old, and I have battled to find any administrations which support guys of my age, in sexual maltreatment guiding and support. However, there are a great deal for youthful females and youngsters. I feel like now and again these violations slip by everyone's notice because of men suppressing things, I trust there is an expansion in these administrations later on.

The battle to comprehend how Rebecca actually assumes a sense of ownership with the violations she committed… It shows her absence of regret and how she wants to pull off anything she needs. I genuinely accept that neither her nor her family see any off-base in what she has done.

This isn't the very thing that I needed for my kid, my image of having youngsters, was with somebody I cherished in a steady climate, the way that I have been raised. Unfortunately, this isn't true.

Eventually, I will always be Rebecca's casualty and everlastingly connected to her through our youngster.

Attached is a news article regarding Rebecca Joynes

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a catastrophe storm in Jamaica and across the Caribbean nation, as it has ripped of roofs and is taking fold in a way that can’t be explained, people are in a state of emergency as there has been two deaths that have impacted the country as we speak. 

Jamaica is a country that finds life hard compared to other nations around the world, as it’s a tough time right now, People are in need of help, as the nation are struggling to find a way in relief. 

Smileband send out support to SOS in Jamaica, as it’s a support that is close to our hearts, a foundation that sight’s a difference based on a life of struggle. 

The hurricane is a cat 5 level that is a very strong storm, Jamaica is a small island that is tiny, as the people are built around inner happiness not wealth or prosperity. 

Smileband viewers find it in your heart to open up support to a charity called SOS, that brings help to Jamaica and other countries around the world. 

It’s a route for those who need help, smileband have continuously given support for the past years to SOS Jamaica, as it’s a growing fact of support that is needed. 

Full condolences go out to the people of Jamaica’ in this most difficult time” as the ones who hope for good should fulfill goodness’s within them self as a whole. 

Attached is a news article regarding the hurricane in Jamaica

Attached is a link to SOS Jamaica charity

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dears smileband viewers, 

There was a debate between the two candidates who are running for presidential positions, as they are looking to bring a change for the people in the US and the world, it’s a focus pattern, as a subjective matter that expresses the society, as a focus move forward. 

They want to use key technologies and developments based around health and military capabilities, that can bring key interactions between countries around the world. 

They are looking on the inflation within the economy, tax cuts, 10% tear off that helps the economy grow. 

They are subjected to job cuts, Afghanistan was a call between the two presidents” as trump claims that biden has brought embarrassment to the nation of America. 

The tax cuts went from 37% to 21% that placed more revenue in to the nation of Americans. 

Trump claims that America have become a third world nation, which seems impossible, due to the development of America as a whole. 

Biden states that taxing billionaires would help exceed medical expenses and bring a better satisfaction to the people of America. 

Trump claim’s Biden will wipe out medical care in America. 

This has a strong effect on the world and the influence of other countries around the world. 

Trump wants to block abortions in America, as it’s a devastating loss for a life as a whole. 

It’s was a liberal choice that unfolded, a change based on the expectations of rape within America. 

Trump wants to stop the killers coming in to the country, stop the rape and stop that sleaze from happening” as it’s a drop that loses its direction within America. 

This is a fight in the United States of America, who will be the right person to lead America in front of the nations, based on faith and support” as it’s a focus length that acquires its motive of wellbeing. 

The truth that does not evaluate a lie, a length of prosperity that is a psychological construct, as terror which is a major character to the humour of the society within America. 

Migrants crime is how trump justifies its existence, as both claims lies on each other, a lost democracy between to presidential candidates, as a fight that see words” as a favour to the sights of each man. 

Please see the above attachment based on the debate between trump and Biden. 

Attached is a news article regarding the debate

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  Sean "Diddy" Combs, also known as Puff Daddy, was arrested in September 2024 and i...