Thursday, 26 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Police force sent facial acknowledgment cameras onto its roads.

The sending was designated to zero in on a particular rundown of individuals needed regarding high mischief offenses, like brutal or sexual offenses.

This can be tended to as a perilously unregulated reconnaissance innovation that transforms people in general into strolling ID cards'.

This shadows the center comprehend of the reason that bring's a center highlight wrongdoing. 

Computer based intelligence innovation is assuming control over society in general, individuals are to be faulted for this” as the explanation is horrendous because of the maintainability inside society.

They likewise figured out how to recognize an expected observer to one more sexual maltreatment case, who consented to be consulted sometime in the not too distant future.

This was a truly sure first organization of Live Facial Acknowledgment innovation in Essex.

Essex Police is on ground breaking power and we are continuously taking a gander at how new innovation can assist us with guarding individuals, get lawbreakers.

Examinations can be advanced, as an immediate consequence of our utilization of this innovation.

The police are satisfied to say that the response we've had has been predominantly sure.

The Live Facial Acknowledgment innovation looks at live camera feeds of countenances against a foreordained information base or ''watch list'' of individuals of interest.

Attached is information of the new technology the police are using facial ID cameras

Attached is an article in relation to the police facial recognition

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There was prejudice based around the greeting of the windrush age, they was not needed in light of their assistance for improvement in the uk.

It's was a long street coming yet a change needed to come for the Caribbean public, they express an alternate, it's was a culture exertion that saw that course for change.

They showed up on the boat with white Caribbean people who was an age that was Jamaican and Caribbean refined.

It's was a hard street, as a few small kids showed up on the boat by them and was placed in to a family who they had no knowledge of, which was very strict and hard to adapt too. 

Finding them Self to find an existence with families that was not safe and well.

It's was a distinction of the real world, it was a deliberate distance that characterized the capacity to see a worked exertion, the highlight of Caribbean refined individuals was not loved by English intonation people.

They took work in to the nursing industry, assist the NHS with improving and gaining center development. 

It's was a different light of the fact that individuals got comfortable through different areas across Britain.

A woman called Venessa was named for a nurse award, acquired grants for her calling success. 

It's was an extraordinary worth to the country of the windrush age, the windrush boat sank in the sea and has not been recuperated.

Some English would have rather not have Caribbean families close to them, it's was a lost caused of obliteration.

Today's a presence that is different to societies, that have seen a change from when the windrush age showed up in the uk.

There has been bigotry towards other culture’s from all foundations, so it's totally founded on the unique individuals and not the English culture in general.

The was English refined individuals that partook in the Caribbean culture, the delighted in connections, building families, tolerating the Caribbean public.

There will all ways be a level of individuals who don't acknowledge others, as this is the planet we live in today.

So Caribbean individuals will expelled back to the Caribbean, lost their positions, driving permit, identification, life overall.

There was a great deal of Caribbean individuals who enlisted in the military that give certification to the help of the military.

It's was a battle cause for pride and harmony and worth of significance that located presence for other’s in the uk.

It's was a close to home battle for individuals, no work, no cash, no help which wouldn’t lead to wrongdoing and a daily existence that was underneath the normal.

Place a life for other’s who show a consideration for the world that is a computer generated experience today.

Attached below is support for the wind rush generation

Attached is a news article regarding the windrush generation

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 23 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Gangster Dave Courtney's weapon demise was today being researched by investigators after he was found with a gun shot wound through a pad pillow over his face’ which was a sad way to express a end to life. 

Key people said the hoodlum had been wearing a glove and had utilized a Glock 9mm gun, a sort of firearm inclined toward by the criminal hidden world.

Scotland Yard is examining his 'surprising' passing. No captures have been made.

Gangster Dave" the one who was the motivation for Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' critical Little Chris implementer was found in his well known Camelot Palace cushion.

Brendan McGirr, went into Courtney's room to see him shot down in his bed, shot through the head, and with the pad covering his face.

This is a disastrous demise, as Dave lost a child who was well regard all through Woolwich and London called Jenson, as Jenson was one of the most considerate people known in his area. 

Jenson cherished smoking his cannabis and going about as a supporting figure for his stepfather Dave Courtney.

May Dave and Jenson find happiness in the hereafter, as they are currently together, as the street that movements a light which recognises its present is esteemed, as a daily existence that is lost, for a control that can never be reestablished in the illumination of life.

Dave was a cheerful effervescent individual, his picture was a film trailer to a vocation that gave him motivation as a criminal gangster street man/entertainer.

RIP Dave!

It was said that Dave Courtney was a white/black man" with a heart that was all ways regard by different cultures.

Dave has taken his life, but his soul lives on as its a travel that is crazy for the world we conduct for our own presents. 

Attached is support for individuals who have been impacted by a person who has took there own life

Attached is a news article regarding Dave Courtney

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday, 21 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The news today that has shocked the world in football is that sir Bobby Charlton has passed away, the football legend who was known to everyone as a man that was respected throughout football by other great’s like pele and David beckham has sadly gone due to his fight with dementia. 

Sir Bobby Charlton was the last of the 1966 England football team to pass away, as there are no football legends who won the World Cup in 1966 alive today. 

The unique football talent, centre midfielder who can also play on the right wing, who was a skilled individual who payed for Manchester United in his career playing days. 

Sir Bobby Charlton is dearly missed by his family, as full condolences for out to the Charlton family in this most tragic time. 

Lots of football players are paying tribute to the legendary Bobby Charlton, as they found him a inspiration through his football knowledge and understanding of the game. 

Bobby Charlton won 106 caps for England as a national hero, as described by David beckham” he lead the way through the game as a player that left a legacy that wound never be forgotten. 

Bobby Charlton, was very strict on the racist policy regarding the negativity that was infectious to the game of football, as on a international scale he was one of the best throughout the world. 

Today’ we hold out for the hearts, that carry the path of the forgotten, as its said that the count of answers from other’s is a United power within its fortress that is unique to its route that alights a relation to earth as a whole. 

Sir bobbly Charlton was at the proud age of 86 year’s old, as this is a graceful age of life to reach, seeing the joys of the world for a legend that played at the highest point’s in football. 

Key football players that have paid tribute to Sir Bobby Charlton are David beckham, Chris Stanley, Gary Neville, Rick astley, Geoff hurst, Wayne Rooney and other people that carry the heart of the game on there shoulder. 

Smileband send out its full condolences to Bobby Charlton and may he rest in peace, as he watches over the game of football with the hearts of other’s 

Attached below is a supporting foundation that help’s grass roots football

Attached is a news article regarding Bobby Charlton death

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 16 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

DJ Tim Westwood has gotten claims from a lady who says they had intercourse a few times beginning when she was 14.

DJ has beforehand "unequivocally" denied any bad behavior subsequent to being blamed for five rapes against ladies.

The 65-year-old ventured down from his show on Capital Xtra in April last year.

The Metropolitan Police said officials are exploring five allegations of offenses asserted to have occurred in London somewhere in the range of 1982 and 2016.

In a vocation that has spread over 40 years, there have never been any objections made against him formally or informally.

BBC News and the Watchman have examined the tales of 10 ladies who approached after the underlying disclosures. 

A portion of the ladies let us know they experienced Mr Westwood when they were under 18.

One lady, who was 20 when she met the DJ at an understudy club night, says he physically attacked her in his lodging by driving his penis into her mouth while she was standing up to.

They became regulars at his club night. "[Tim Westwood] would constantly see us. He'd give us access free of charge," says Esther. "Some of the time he'd come and beware of us: 'Ah are you folks having a ball?' And that is the manner by which it began.

Now when analysing this, it don’t make sense that the girl was 14 in the night club, as you can not be at the age of 14 years old and be in a hip hop night club approaching a person of high calibre as a DJ celebrity. 

This is a very serious situation for a person like Tom westwood, as he knows road gang members that are of high calibre, gangster who have been jail for murder and selling drugs, as a person who is white that is surrounded by black culture, a individual in a industry that is mainly controlled by black to abuse black girls is outrageous, as Tim Westwood has got to be crazy as it don’t make sense. 

England is a gay country that support’s gay movement hugely, this community LGBT has other views like supporting the right for pediophobia to exist in reality. 

This is a changing affect for men and women in the uk who are not gay in any sort of way, times are changing as it’s could lead for the worst in life. 

There are a huge amount of black and white gay women and men that have confusing minds, that don’t make sense when they talk or address a sentence in today living world. 

This can be damaging for an individual’s life, just one word can change the mind of a person over a period of time. 

This allegation was made a long time ago and Tim Westwood was not arrested, 

If he did do this” he would be in jail. 

If any women has been subjected to this sort of dangerous abuse via a man of Tim Westwood nature they should consult a professional individual for support, as it’s can destroy a life of a young lady. 

Attached is support for any women that have been abused

Attached is a news article in relation to this topic

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been extraordinary measures taken by Israel, as power plants have been removed in Gaza, food in to Gaza have been halted" this is a devastating helpful fiasco for people who have no Intrest in the conflict.

Gaza has begun a conflict that they can not handle or endure the torment that would be completed by Israel.

This is an effect that is genuine, that is driving a pestilence of savagery to individuals” who are oppressed no Intrest in war related matters.

This is a period of bombs and firearm's that have no importance to it's presence" what is the future for these individuals, who don't have a day to day existence in front of them, hamas has influenced destructive incounterable assaults huge number of rockets.

Gaza downpours a large number of rockets on the Israel country in endeavor of obliteration to the country overall.

Iron vault catch air strikes, Israel ripp devastation on the country, the world is a traction of rigid standards.

Tanks and ordnance trucks are on the traction of assault, a call for words are said however not composed, police hold up the street's.

For what reason is the explanation we ask, why Israel is a country that is in the name and regard to Jesus the child of god, hamas recognized the one who cleared history for the world to accept.

Individuals have disappeared, families cry as no reaction for friends and family, as the pursuit happens for the misfortune.

Smoke pours in to the sky, rockets traverse the sky, fire consumes as bombs are dropped, America act in worth to the Gaza obliteration.

Building's drop, in any event, when the night is completely dark the conflict actually proceeds, it's a sad sight, tanks and individuals get down on the attack on mankind.

Countries are talking the name of war wrongdoing of the oppressed reaction, as they guarantee that this is Isreal 9/11 contrasted with America dread assault.

The world should's find a sense of contentment, see that the upsides of life are with us and not caught in a the demise of others.

The loss of life top's 1000, as individuals are secure in one of the most stunning occasions of all time.

Full sympathies for out to the country of Israel as individuals are in the psyche of other because of the obliteration of this assault on  innocent guiltless individuals.

Attached is information of support for people in Israel

Attached is a article in relation to the issues taking place in Israel

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 8 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Ruby Franke, the mother of six behind the family YouTube channel "8 Travelers," has been accused of six counts of crime kid maltreatment by the Washington District Lawyer in Utah. 

As a representative for the lawyer's office affirmed to NBC News on Tuesday.

Franke's 10-year-old girl was found at Hildebrandt's home in a comparable malnourished condition, as per the testimony. 

Authorities said the state of the kids was serious to the point that they were moved to a neighborhood.

Each count conveys a jail sentence of as long as 15 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

The kid was taken to medical clinic because of malnourishment and "profound slashes from being restricted with a rope," as indicated by the capture record.

Specialists accept her prosperity mirrors a cutting edge nervousness among guardians that can lead them to search out extremist and hurtful arrangements.

Her message was said that Ideally no one gives her food and no one stages in and gives her a lunch, since then she won't learn," she told the camera.

This involves miserable friendship, miserable mental misery and misuse, mind control, an age were you can't grasp the distinction from right or wrong.

It's a laying out reality, an essential rule that should be considered, because of the less ongoing comprehension of how to deal with there own kids in the right way.

They had been attempting to train their kids to "live dependably" as "experts of themselves", her better half Kevin Franke later said to describe the occurrence.

Police assert the couple's child Russell was held to the ground with ropes while the ladies scoured cayenne pepper and honey into his injuries.

Kevin and Ruby began seeing Jodi in 2021.

Jodi, who was separated and alienated from her own youngsters, professed to spend significant time in excessive fixation on sex - yet had been censured by the state in 2012 for having an improper relationship with a client.

Ruby and Jodi are being held without bail at Washington District Limbo Remedial Office.

Attached is Support the abused children

Attached is a news article regarding this matter

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a strike assault on Israel, as there are dead bodies lying in pools of blood, the conflict is hitting from all corners, assault via air land and ocean and air.

Israel is at war’ 1000s of rockets shot at the land, gunnning” down individuals and assault various areas based around various structures and this is troubling.

They didn't see this approaching as there is road fights, they are living in a reality that isn't genuine.

Herman's are going after there aggressors” going through the city.

The public authority intend to put the country security initial at post alert, 250 individuals are dead from this assault.

The is a code red activity that is being completed by the tactical government.

Herman's removed a portion of the Gaza Strip, presently going after from the strip to acquire land areas in Israel.

There are participated in fights across 25 areas, as this is only the initial 12 hours of war.

They say they are battling for the fate of there individuals, as a crisis is high alert.

They are wondering the roads and killing individuals, as their life has seen an end that has no reaction or answer to the justification for why this assault is occurring.

The inquiry they pose is the reason is this demise of life assault, got to occur, a life is significant like a day to day existence in the uk.

This is a misuse of life, no trust of desire, no worth or assumption that locates a decent eagerness to human existence.

They came in not zeroing in on military focuses, as they assault individuals who are powerless against the assault.

Youngster's, grandma, ladies, young fellows, and mature men are being kidnapped, as an end has a battle ahead.

They are zeroing in on focusing on the resistance, an additional 3000 rockets terminated in to Israel.

The Israel air protection has an undertaking ahead to keep estimates set up.

Smileband send’s out its full condolences to the families that have lost a loved one in this most horrific time. 

Support for war related issues

Attached is news information regarding the war in Israel

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 6 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Today there has yet been another sexual incident involving a police officer, as these allegations are serious that hold tuff sentences. 

PC Luke Horner was subjected to engaging in a sexual activity with a girl aged 13 years old. 

This had brought embarrassment to the police force throughout the uk, as this has happened on continuous occasions over the last 20 years that police have engaged in sexual activity with underage children. 

Today we want to bring society as a whole to understand the safety of our children, as individual police are on the hunt for little children mainly girl’s for their sexual pleasure, which is embarrassing to the national police force. 

Stalking Ann summers parties, looking for the early finishing party events, when the school gate closes” is a matter of consideration to the public safety department” when a individual is acting in this manner, that is an alert to the social society. 

It’s a day that we fight to see freedom arise as we need to bring forward a plan or vision that upholds the future of the given community within school throughout the uk. 

The police have become the dark side horror that should be protecting society, as you are seen as police officers signing up to stalk underage girl’s and boys and murder individual’s based on their psychological criteria within the wellbeing. 

The police are there to protect society, uphold a culture of law that is a formative enforcement mechanism to the society that we are socially adapted too.

PC Luke Horner, 24, who is additionally an ex Tropper, went more than an hour from his home to Rushden, Northamptonshire, to go after the 13-year-old young lady he had met via online entertainment.

Luke Christopher Horner, physically attack the casualty while off the clock, by taking part in penetrative sexual movement, which he recorded a video film on her versatile phone on June 11.

This is silly that a police officer utilized his capacity and solidarity to put strain on a 13 year old young lady, utilizing his sexual bed room skills and abilities to take part in sexual movement, that depended on his presentation capacity, as a grown-up adult within the police force. 

Luke Christopher Horner, conceded to one, including taking part in penetrative sexual action with a youngster matured 13-15 at Northampton Crown Court in August.

Today he was imprisoned for a very long time and four months in jail at similar court’s and looked near to tears as he was condemned to a jail term. 

His Honor Judge David Herbert KC told Pc Horner he had subverted the public's trust in the police.

PC Luke Horner, You are being condemned for sexual movement with a 13 kid, which included full intercourse sexual activity. 

This is shameful for any man, however further to that you were a serving police officer.

At the point when you turned into a police officer, you would have made a vow to act with uprightness and safeguard the general society.

Attached below is support for any child that has been abused

Attached is a article in relation to this topic regarding PC luke Horner,

Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 5 October 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a murder, it’s a complicated situation as a young 22 year old man was stab with a sword in broad daylight, it’s a devastating incident that need’s to be evaluated by skilled individuals who analyse these key incidents. 

Society is falling as the world lost a young girl to the nature of a horrific stabbing, it’s a subjected of continuous response, that aim’s a psychological test that structures the mind body and soul. 

The dark force of presents’ that has the prospect that sight negative attitudes from key individuals in the public” as young youth are a the foot hold of crime response, as figures reach a high. 

The job’s are needed to open for all youth in today’s society, a job that carries good prospects that aim’s value to the life of our young generation. 

People mind set was different years ago, as in the 1990’s’ it’s was a different mind set, as society has changed in a drastic manner. 

There has been no arrest regarding the murder that took place in Brixton today, investigations are still active regarding this tragic incident. 

Smileband send out there full condolences to the family of the young man who was killed, this is a never ending topic that keeps on hunting society. 

The world population is growing at a rate that see more people split between each other, that bring’s a lot of confrontations between individuals. 

Attached below is support for family member who have been murdered

Attached is a news article regarding the murder in Brixton

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In recent months, reports have surfaced regarding significant data breaches compromising the...