Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

The life of health is distinguished through aspects that are a formative position to our understanding to use the right effective substance that brings the body back to the right level of health. Please use all different things to change the problem of infection or bacteria that continues to down the body use of function in the right effective manner. This falls with the use of a virus that is contagious to the living sight of describing the main source that is a dangerous path of death or destruction to the core structure of the body.

People need to detox there body on a regular basis due to the environment being sanction to bad monocles that are form through smells and different traveling germs that involve microscopic examination to sight these real life creatures. 

So Smileband looks in to the formative medicine that can clean your internal liver through to constipation that would heal the lever through to your brain as the liver affects the working segments of the brains development, the best use for this would be to take Lactulose that is a oral solution that aims to improve livers performance, it’s to be taken 3 times a day as this is a systemic change that is developed in the frame of the organs that approach the brain functional program.

Eg headaches that occurr on a regular basis due to the affects of blocked and bacteria infections that hit our bodies without is knowing, it’s a product or medicine that is for disease of the liver as humans liver over a long period of time pick up disease through filtering things that we intake everyday. Smileband want to show there affectionate side for people who have no knowledge of what to use to detox the filters of the body which is the liver” as it could be your mother or father or son or daughter as this is information would be a useful in the term that would understand through using a medicine called Lactulose. So please Smileband readers use Lactulose to your best performance of health google.com, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Sunday, 26 August 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Things that are good that reduce the bacteria in the body which causes issues and problem in our everyday cycle, as our body is a function of desire that tunes its self to different frequency that are a level of good and bad. People who care” think to them self, what can be the best solution to a better and healthier body. 

Our body consumes bacteria every day through walls in society and it pick up smells which are traveling floating bacteria that gets in our system, you won’t believe it or not but when people urine on the streets it’s forms monocles that are atoms and it’s hovers in the air hunting for humans and things to attach to.

They are like little predators that hunt. These things get in to our body and attack our system and if our immune system is not strong it can cause us to fall ill with infection. There are lots of ways to kill bacteria in the body which is through foods that we eat, eg highlights are honey that is a natural anti- microbial medicine and the next substance is garlic that is a powerful anti- bacterial fighting yeast infections. 

Pineapple can reduce inflammation of the nose and the sinuses. These foods give as a change in approach and direction that gives us a clear mind to build strength in our internal core system. It’s a focus length that has its purpose to be a unique way of living with the human body as well as the living environment that has so much things you can’t see.

The body holds a spiritual connection that forms between ones internal and external formative description that obtains it’s word of action to its presence of life, True sounds can heal the body in a way no one can believe” as it’s a sign that was brought from the purpose of life in the form of capture as sea shells hold that sound of the oceans waves which is captured in the sea shell, 

Also the different stones that carry a captured source of power that is developed through sounds that combined as one’s to give stones unique powers in healing and changing on how the body feels in that moment in time. There can be over 1000 different stones that act in different ways due to there use of power that can impacts how a person sees life as a whole. It’s earth that carry’s power of gems and diamonds that are a powerful concept of heal to the human body it’s a way no one can believe.

There are underground caves in England that hold large amounts of massive crystals that are beyond man belief to amazement that are hidden from social society that hold power like you would not believe. The earth grows deeps to finds stuff that is a magnetic attraction it’s it purpose of being a different kind. 

Smileband wants to enlighten people that there is a different kind to exposure that life has not seen and it is removed from the eyes of people due to its amazing use of ability that can never be told or said to this living day as a product of production.

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Friday, 24 August 2018

Smileband general health

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Smileband wants to propel to here and understand that our everyday eating drink and other consumption within our internal body affects us through our developed organs, people have a issue in life called reflux acid that builds up over time. It’s a issue that can develop in to much worst situations like cancer if not treated right, most doctors you go to don’t have a understanding of what to give you right away.

There opinions are to take gavascon or renne tablets, but there medical substances don’t clear the issue as it’s reforms back after a period of time. 

It’s just as a bad problem that it’s burns and feel like it’s the end of your life, as it’s like you are going to die and you have an infection that you can’t get rid of, this comes from eating takeaway all the time or bacteria connections through touching stuff and other people with dirty hands that give you infected stuff through your body or people touching you. 

People come from infectious environment and this spreads, which gives people infections without them even knowing it. It’s said that the best solution for this is to clean your colon that is your down pipe that takes your food.

The key ingredients for this is Aole Vera, Parsley seed, Peppermint oil, and clary sage oil. These ingredients combined with bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus would aid the cleanse process that would clear any sort of acid reflux or damage to your colon within your internal frame. These ingredients can come within capsules through a product called health aid called colonease plus that’s brings natural support to help Maintain Colon health. 

Smileband cares for people with the social environment and it’s important to have knowledge of these health issue so that you can educate your kids to understand it’s important to take stuff that improves there health. As your body is like a car and it’s all ways runs low of different ingredients. So please keep follow our updates as we care for you and your loved ones.  google.com, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Donald trump has a way of describing his ethical approach to the way he conducts his business through different channels, it’s was express that the Russian mafia was apart of Donald trumps development when he was in 4bn debt, Donald trump had to make measures to exceed him self back to the level that he was established as a business executive man. He installed the Russians in trump tower building to exceed profits to gain a substantial weight of his shoulders.

It’s was said that is used gangster tactics to establish his formative position as president of America through campaigns that was subjected with a approach that was not in conjunction with the legal law requirements of genuine supporters that inlights his power to be in that formative position. Donald trump has made a mistake in putting him self in that role of being president as he has not done any change or exceeded any formative change to the nation of America’ as he has been fighting his links and corruption with the Russians and his back office team that have used the money to fund his success in gaining his position as president of America.

Donald trump was placed in that position under investigation that exposed him of all the negative business connections that he has had in the past, Injections of money in his property business that was pumped through channels that was laundered in the approach of his campaign to become president. So the aspects here is that the money is from a bad source that was based on his property portfolio that was in debt. Property development investment is not a rocket science business and to gain a position that is of high state which requires a qualification that is at a political PHD level to exceed a position that is in conjunction with being a top banker in HSBC as The job of being president of America is like being a top banker in control of all formative development and strategic planning bases on making the right decision based on educated knowledge.

Mr trump has not made one educated choice through polictial measures except making decisions that is based on discrimination to another cultures which is stereotypical to its existence. Mr trump is in that position because he is under investigation based on fraud and other crimes that is subject to unknown understanding to the public which is confidential. So the government of America has placed mr trump in his position from the choice of the FBI or the federal government due to his social connections based on his exceeded profit in the past. We ask this question are you able to trace Mr trumps net worth of 3.5 billion cash which was 4.5 billion down to every last penny. If that is unable to be traced then his position is fake and his license to be president should be revoked with full affect under the law act of America.

The story of mr trump should be buy and selling and letting as that is his understanding of business and running America as he is a man that has a beautiful wife and daughter which are both the light of his campaign and  Mr trump has never abused any children from the day he was born to his nature and respect of being president of America.

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Sunday, 19 August 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Health issues are a daily driven aspect when people drift on in age, hitting the late 20s and early 30s., 40s, 50s, 60s, can be a change for people that don’t keep the body in shape, strength is within the core of your body so it’s good to work on your core substance that builds a structure around your other parts that would exceed development, people are a wait in disguise like a ninja that turns from the shadow of darkness.

People’s internal organs t are like a Engine car and it’s important for people to top them functions up when there required time reaches it’s expire date. The body take stuff people would never think to take, like I said it has different parts that are a cycle of change and it needs attending too. Milk is a very important factor that people forget to take through our there life and that hold the structure of your body as it’s like the core substance. 

Low on milk would see back pains, muscle pains, as years of not taking milk would see your level of calcium at its lowest and to bring that back to the required strength would see people need large amount of milk in the body. That’s why people end up in wheelchairs because of the lack of milk in the body.

Smileband viwers it’s important that you flood your body with milk even if you are at a old age as it’s still requires milk, drink until you feel better. Smileband cares for people as they give the heart to buy a band and that means the world to me and to the support that we give, no matter how big or small it’s all counts.

Smileband readers, your body is a temple and it holds the key to change that is the desire of earths substances that need to fuel the body to hold that life in its wake. 

So that’s a must for all readers to drink milk and it’s best to drink it in the evening when your day is done because it makes you go to toilet, so it’s best to drink loads like 2 pints a day at home so the next day it not in the system as you don’t want to get caught slipping through out the day.  google.com, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Friday, 17 August 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Smileband like to acquire key methods for people based around there health as we care for The people in society that we live in, just to explain that people from day to day suffer from heart problems and back issues and this is due to not taking the right stuff, it’s important to take your 5 day in fruit and that is very important as it helps your body function better in the correct way.

Your heart and soul, buy a smoothie every day and you would see a major change in your bodies performance. Smileband is going to be addressing things step by step on what people should buy for there body. People are getting old and when you hit the late 20’s things start to change a little bit so it’s good to start counteracting these problems now on how you feel. It’s very important that people take this health product and this is for the body it’s called magnesium and it’s helps open the blood vessel in the body.

Smileband viewers should consider taking this for there body as we care for you so much people. You support as in helping give money to 10 charities and it’s bring such a massive change when you buy a wristband and no matter how small or big it is, it all counts.

So please my smileband viewers look in to taking magnesium as it’s good for your body and the way you function on a daily basis. Please look out for our update post on health topics as it’s important in what we say to help you function in the correct way.   google.com, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Thursday, 16 August 2018

Smileband general topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley,

Respect is a given message that has a simple way of explaining a person to a person, no matter how small the meaning is. It’s first comes in the means of respecting your self as a person, which guidelines our morals based on  principles that are a justified fact. 

As respecting other guidelines our manners as a self presentation of an explanation to your self. Respect can come in the form of speaking to every person the same way even if it’s a rubbish cleaning man or the president of an organisation, as that is showing no different between the two as human bleed the same through there blood.

Also respecting your self then others would respect you in the same way, As if you wanted to be respected by other then respecting your self is a must as only by self respect will compel other to respect you” When we treat people merely as they are they will remain as they are’ when we treat them as if they were what they should be then they will become what they should be in the form of a matter of respect.

Tolerance only for those who agree with you is no tolerance at all’ as men are only respectable as they respect as this is a explanation that say’s a men respect is when they look respectable so if a man is not respectable he might not have that respect. One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.

Respect is earned not given, treat people the way you want to be treated to get that respect. Never judge someone by the way they look or by the way the book is covered, for inside those tattered pages there is a lot to be uncovered. The next concept is we must learn to live as brothers or perish together as fools.

Respect is a two way street, if you want to get it you will have to give it’ Without the feeling of respect between men what is there to distinguish men from being beasts eg two wars of the same world. Respect stuff even if you disagree with them is an important form of respect. Respect a man then he will do more that is important an rule of life that connects man and women as one. He who wants a rose must respect a thorn. google.com, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Smileband general topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

People dream and it’s an amazing way how it’s thought out and place in to a fiction story or picture that is still unknown on how it happens as it’s subtracted through our subconscious mind that is at the back part of our brain, This stores things we have issues with that keep in our minds.

It’s a psychological disorder that is based on researched through universities that have took an understanding that subtracts us to finding out the real facts that consist with dreams. People have a dream and it’s a dajavu and the next thing it happens the next day and you recap that moment that took place in your dream.

It’s shaped through emotions and thoughts that express our use of life and events that follow us through existence. These are encountered when we sleep, every human thoughts and plans out life as we have about 6 years in total dreaming which is 2 hours a night.

Dreams express hidden desires that are a source to find what we want in life or a message that is meaningful and should be taken important to see the future. Memories are a impact of dreams that can relate to a complex connection of different events that take place subjected to memories that are reorganise in sleep.

Dreams are a witness to what happen in a situation of a visual and auditory perception. As this is based on what you link the dream image too. It’s a nightmare of destruction that can see a mental state develop that causes people to harm them self and take there life.

It’s chemistry in the body that is a changing given purpose to what our actions unfold. Dreams can also be apart of a cycle of inspiration that gives a clue or a route to a way that changes a person life. All ways take your dreams as a real situations as it’s all chemistry.

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Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Smileband general topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Smielband found out that human are used a bio chemical experimentation lab rats that are use for technology purpose for the development of the future, also they are in contempt of the human rights as people are unknown to these actions behind closed doors. A Mind control developed chip from the Nazi camp past years has extended its development on a low key level we’re people are unknown to this source of change within the human so city.

People that are fallen in to accidents are taken in to hospitals and place with a device that they are tracked and source through a mechanism having them not knowing whats going on to there existence within them self. It’s been done to hundreds of people across the uk and the world.

People kill to steal organs and have formative contracts with government countries to kill there own people are sell body organ parts as a means of agreement for the use of people in there countries that acquire these organs for the rich. It’s a mass murder that is unfolding that is blind to a nation that can’t see it’s happening.

The Government wish to lower the consent of adult nature to the age that is below the legal act of law which is an outrageous epic to its purpose of human rights and beliefs of humans not growing in the right effective manner from a child to a Adult. These religions are to hold shame to there ways of belief as religion should be ban due to this abuse of adult and young nature, micro transmission are a conclusion for underground future development in the human cycle.

The future of to control humans are at an end that is to there death when required to end a life as the worlds population is over crowding due to the ever need and demand of resources through our the world.

People are blind to see these human evil ways that aim to be good in the eyes of the wealthy and rich that aim religion and high positions as a goal of success and respect from people across the world. Popularity kills the good and for the respect of others that want the world in there hands with no means to share or gain a right of justice to this world.

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Monday, 13 August 2018

Smileband general topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Smileband looks in to Africa as it’s is a very big nation that has a lot of different countries that are different and they have different ways of connecting to each other, Africa is a country as one in whole but they hold a lot of hate between each other through racist views, its split in to different sections that describe a route that is based on rich and poor, it’s leaves one in the wake of need that can’t see to pull them self foreword.

Morocco is a country that has money and Algeria is a country of wealth also Egypt and other selected nations like Nigeria but it’s don’t seem to connect to address support. Ethiopia is apart of Africa as a connected nation but the rich parts don’t seem to join to help aid or function to address support across or a world that is as one, don’t seem to help.

Why is it that we still have poor nations in wake of support as this world is a force for production. Africa is a rich nation with so much to offer the world. Jamaica is a small nation so feeding and support is not so hard even tho they are still a poor nation as America holds the borderline of Jamaica. Donald trump has no respect to say they Jamaica is trash as he owns tall builds that have property value which is not liquid to his existence.

There is a reason why Donald trump is president and that’s to get connections to build he Liquid cash back to his level that he feels fit. His true heart don’t lie with the politics of being a president, it’s I don’t care attitude” No knowledgeable facts to his route of in detail prospects of what to say on key matters. President is like being a top banker of HSBC.

It’s time that Donald trump in history gave up his position and stood down as its fraud that he is not qualified to sit in that position due to not understanding what is required. It’s like putting someone in Tesco as top bank manager. His attitude is rubbish and not professional like a pro football player.

He should understand all key elements and worded information as there has never been a person like him in history to hold a position so high and can’t explain his self in the correct manner. Money make the world go round and he knows that and that’s why he wanted that position.

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  This is a matter on strong consideration in the eyes of Andrew Tate, create a party, that is...