Thursday, 12 April 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Health is a aspect that people need to endure as a change in life to there given cycle, it’s a progress between high and low that determines the nature of the human body. There are all aspects that our bodies fall under that need the required services from medical substances. 

Body’s can function in different ways due to being lazy, it’s a given fact, energy needs to be released from the body to help the functional change that acquire it’s correct blood flow and circulation as lack of key things like fitness or even sex can relate to given heart problems, people need to give the body a bit of this and a bit of that as it’s aims the support that is required to develop in the right affective manner. 

As this is a purpose to its given soul, it’s like a car, if you don’t feed your car correct it’s going to have issue and that’s what the human body is like, it needs to be fed right to aim support and ability to drive in the right affective manner. 

Hold you thoughts together and bring a track of greatness to our soul of today that holds the route of success in its path that holds ideas and information that is beneficial to our given purpose in life. Smileband sees a route of information that opens the eyes and ears of others. 

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Smileband health topics

Artics written by idaz medical, Aspergillosis is a fungal infection caused by Aspergillus, a common mold that lives indoors and outdoors. Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores every day without getting sick. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing health problems. The types of health problems caused by Aspergillus include allergic reactions, lung infections, and infections in other organs.
People can get aspergillosis by breathing in microscopic Aspergillus spores from the environment. Aspergillosis can’t spread between people or between people and animals from the lungs.

Lab Tests & Specimen Info






Bronchial Aspirate,
Lung biopsy

Antigen Test


IgG Serology




Isolation Precautions
Standard precautions are recommended in healthcare settings.

Prevention for Patients
It’s difficult to avoid breathing in Aspergillus spores because the fungus is common in the environment. For people who have weakened immune systems, there may be some ways to lower the chances of developing a severe Aspergillus infection. It’s important to note that although these actions are recommended, they have not been proven to prevent aspergillosis.

  • Try to avoid areas with a lot of dust like construction or excavation sites. If you can't avoid these areas, wear an N95 respirator while you're there.
  • Avoid activities that involve close contact to soil or dust, such as yard work or gardening.
  • To reduce the chances of developing a skin infection, clean skin injuries well with soap and water, especially if they have been exposed to soil or dust. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Smileband general news expressions

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

The world is at stake with it’s aggression that is a clear exposed measure to devastation to its given purpose as a hold of evil, killings of babies and young children is a driven force of war that is subjected to a man ego to obtain something that is not of a purpose to the required level of life, 

life is a gift that places people on earth to see the wonders of the world, the look between one country and another, conflict of a relief or need from key charities that address the support of other to help people from this down turn in life. 

See a direction that can describe people who are targeted and are in need of protection as a forgotten nation of people. Ongoing killings are not a right of an act of expression that has its periods that are in a time to change these horrific attack’s on people. 

Chemical attacks are inflicted through a suffering term of internal and external damage to its required purpose of llife. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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Monday, 9 April 2018

Smileband health topics

Article written by Sophie Borland, 

Theresa may will today unveil a five-year campaign to wage war on prostate cancer In a major drive to save thousands of lives a year, she will announce £75million of spending to help spot the disease earlier and improve treatment.

The extra £15million a year will take annual research spending to £40million – roughly the amount invested in breast cancer research, which has long had an advantage. And more than 40,000 men will be recruited to take part in one of several key trials to try to find a breakthrough. Announcing the strategy, the Prime Minister will say the Daily Mail’s long-running campaign to raise awareness of prostate cancer has been ‘hugely significant’.

Mrs May will warn that many families are losing loved ones because cancer diagnosis ‘comes too late in the day.

Our cancer treatments are world class and survival rates are at a record high, but prostate cancer still claims thousands of lives every year,’ she is expected to say.

I know we can do more. That’s why I am setting out new plans to help thousands of  men get treated earlier and faster.

Women are offered regular mammograms to detect breast cancer early but there is no screening method for prostate cancer. Existing tests are highly unreliable because they can miss harmful tumours in some men, while leading others to have needless treatment. 

Prostate Cancer UK said the extra cash was a ‘very welcome’ commitment from the Government. Around £25million a year is invested in prostate cancer research compared with £40million a year for breast cancer research. This includes money both from government and charitable sources.

Among the prostate trials likely to benefit from the new money is a study by University College London scientists to develop a blood test for the disease.

This would examine changes to the DNA of tumour fragments which circulate in the blood, long before a man experiences any symptoms. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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Saturday, 7 April 2018

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

There has been viral destruction in our social environment that is a form of negative words from co government people as they don’t have enough police staff to control the killings on the streets of London, reason for there judgement is they have too much police in areas that are of more white then black looking out for the rich not the poor, 

it’s a distinguished fact that people are not together out here in society as they don’t care for the areas that have more black kids that fight each other, it’s a one sided approach that has me thinking. who do they think they are because they have designed new infrastructure within the environment,

it’s a formal given respect to our way of living. Black is negative to the white society as they think they are better to an extent as they think they should not protect the streets of London were there are more black kids, It looks like they are going to bring back the black bus for black peoples and the white bus for white people, split the two apart, 

it’s a disgrace, it’s seems like it’s a end between black and white and this is due to the police, the reason is they have good looking police women in the force and it’s a distraction to there job through sextual contact that is negative and these women are negative towards the black race, it’s a given fact but they won’t say it. 

I ask my self this question do they lie in the news as a cover up, saying white people have died because so much black kids are getting killed by there own race, is it a mind game to turn black on black people. Is this true in our society, 

What is it today in our society that people are subject to the negative racist development within society that we have been apart of for so long. It’s never going to change and we have to see that it is the saddest way to see kids die before they have even seen life. 

People need to hide from each other so this don’t happen. If you are of a negative image to your self then hide from each other to save your life or it will never stop. 

Also the white kids of society in black areas are affected by this drama as it could turn there way in a split second by influence as people hate being in this social flare but white people do have these situation that unfold in there social environment, 

it affects people as a whole and the police don’t see this as it’s a concept of  destruction, it’s in the back mainly streets were these killings are taking place and its never going to stop. Make love not war..... good old saying. 

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Smileband health topics expression

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

The concepts of two different human species that are dangerous to any other human segment that is found to develop a purpose for life which is man and women, we hold our self to expression and thoughts that aim a path that is amended through vision. 

Man is dangerous in the form of greed and lust that is the ability of a easy route that gains its given achievement through wanting something that is hard to get and obtaining that by hurting others in his path, women use the mind skill of need that frame an expression of vision that drives the motive of money, 

eg a baby to a women is a safety net because it holds her in a position that over shadows her by a man, next term is education that can fall in to two concepts that gives both man and women the choice in life. It’s a strength that is acquired by a connection through the secret that is of the universe that holds our neurotransmitters that connect to our brain that is an electrical static that you would see in the dark if a person takes there jumper or T shirt off they had on all day, it forms a static approach to its trace that obtains that chemical reaction that makes humans think different. 

The dangers are words from a woman who has that one sided approach to her way in life and a man that is the same concept through his internal and external development as a power that stands above any think in the world. Control is a subject that a man has to rule within his area of control which a women is subjected to by his purpose of expression as a given fact of life. 

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Friday, 6 April 2018

smileband general news expressions

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Social equations are a sum that strives from extensively measuresed purposes that are a form of progression to its existing appearance that is a given source of expression to our term of humans, one heart that has the blood of red that colours our existence to its formative structure that amounts to its path of internal circulation, this has a genacored that forms a manicurist expression to its trace. Hold the hands that hurt as it’s one that jumps before the person who spits the fire like a flame from the underworld that sits in the dark that hunts for organs that spare people’s life’s, see a change from a degree of transmission for a route of healing. A message that holds our heart in its place to build a bridge that bounces its frame from one corner to another is a defining development that see an outstanding need of request from a source of power that states its one element of individual freedom. 

Smileband health topics

Article written by Dr Dimtri Popelyuk, The majority of sexual problems are caused by a mixture of physical and psychological factors. Therefore, my treatment approach is an integrated treatment programme that combines specialist medical and psychotherapeutic interventions to achieve the best outcomes.

I am an expert in dealing with sexual problems of all degrees of complexity; however, my particular expertise is helping people with complex and enduring sexual difficulties associated with chronic physical and mental health conditions. Common sexual difficulties I can help with:

  • Lack or loss of sexual desire
  • Sexual aversion
  • Difficulties with achieving and maintaining erection 
  • Premature, delayed ejaculation and non-ejaculation
  • Painful sex (vaginismus and dyspareunia)
  • Anorgasmia
  • Hypersexual disorder / sexual addiction
  • Other disorders related to sexuality and sexual functioning
  • Intimate relationship disharmony 
  • Psychological or physical problems following sexual abuse or violence (psychosexual rehabilitation)
  • Problematic sexual preferences that could result in physical or emotional damage to patient and/or their sexual partner(s) <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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Smileband general news

Article written by Francesca Colella, 

A person living comfortably in a developed country may find it difficult to address issues like global poverty or think about how many people are starving around the world. Though not necessarily intentional, this lack of awareness leads to inaction. 

When local political figures do not hear anything from the people they represent on certain issues, they focus on addressing other topics about which people seem to care more. 

As a result, bills regarding hunger do not get passed, people do not volunteer their energy and nothing gets done about global poverty.

Considering how many people are starving around the world today, people in developed countries must take action, even just by calling or emailing their political representatives about addressing global poverty. 

Though it seems like an insurmountable task, enough mobilization beginning at the individual level can help to eradicate poverty once and for all. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->

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Thursday, 5 April 2018

Smileband general news

Article written by Rod ardehali, 

Cressida Dick today said a new task force of 120 officers would target the most violent gang member to remove them from London streets 'for any crime'. 

The police chief made reference to the notorious 1920's Chicago-gangster - who was finally foiled on tax evasion, after evading numerous murder charges -  as an example of how potential violent criminals would be brought down.

The Met Commissioner spoke out after two more murders in London, bringing the total in the capital this year to 55.

It came after an 18-year-old man was killed in Hackney, after stumbling towards police officers with knife wounds. 

While in neighboring Clapton, a man in his fifties died after being punched in a row at a betting shop.  

Ms Dick said the Violent Crime Task Force would target the most violent individuals in crime 'hotspots'. 

Speaking to the Evening Standard, she said: 'We will put even more effort into bearing down on violent crime.

'You will see us being even more pro-active out on the streets. We will have a greater presence in the hotspots of violence and a focused effort, including intelligence-led stop-and-search and the use of specialists in covert tactics. 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers. Sponsored by smileband,  On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at approximately 5:50 pm, 17-year-old Thomas Taylor was fatal...