Sunday, 10 December 2017

Smileband Health issues

What is Syphilis?

Syphilis is a common bacterial infection that’s spread through sex. Syphilis is easily cured with antibiotic medicine, but it can cause permanent damage if you don’t get treated.   

Syphilis is serious — but it can be cured.

Syphilis is a really common STD. Syphilis is spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
Syphilis causes sores on your genitals (called chancres). The sores are usually painless, but they can easily spread the infection to other people. You get syphilis from contact with the sores. A lot of people with syphilis don’t notice the sores and feel totally fine, so they might not know they have it.  

Syphilis is very easy to give to other people in the beginning, when there are sores. But lots of people don’t even know they have syphilis because they don’t notice the sores. Using condoms every time you have sex is one of the best ways to help prevent syphilis — even if you and your partner seem totally healthy.
Syphilis isn’t spread through casual contact, so you CAN’T get it from sharing food or drinks, hugging, holding hands, coughing, sneezing, sharing towels, or sitting on toilet seats.

Smileband music expression

People do what they do to make it right, this is to do what is needed to help, so do what you can in life as doing what you see is doing the best to help, focus on doing the best in seeing a possible change based around doing things, the best you can as do is something that is an aspect that has a lot of different terms in doing something positive or doing something negative, so just do your best and hope you develop a better understanding in doing the right thing.

Smileband Health issues

Smile band researches in to different related information across the internet, as we feel people should know of the researched health issues and the researched general news from different sections across the internet based within society and the world, health is an important issue that is focused on your self and others around you in society, one person health in society that is contagious 😷 would affect other people around them, subjects that we research would give people a vision of understanding that is open to a person who might or has never seen or heard of a heath related issue subjected to our research info,  Be committed to understanding our concept that is focus around news as we aim to support charities across the world and the uk, smile band want to build inspiration to people’s perspective of health that might affect a person who you love or your self wellbeing, illness like sextual transmitted disease that is a focus issue across the uk and other countries across the world. Please see that we care a hope to develop a positive future of success in revenue to aim support and change for people in life that are subjected to health issues and also push for job roles that aim inspiration for younger and older generations within our society. Please Stay committed to your health. Smile band

Smileband health topics

Millions of Brits reckon live in homes even they describe as a 'pigsty' - because they are too busy to clean, a study revealed today.

Researchers found seven in ten Brits are unable to find the time to take care of everyday chores such as vacuuming, dusting and cleaning the bathroom. 
Fifty-seven per cent of people even admitted they have times when they would describe their home as a 'pigsty' because they never have a chance to tidy it up. 
More than one in five have even refused to let people into their home because it was in such a mess. 
A spokesperson for cleaning product firm Spontex, said: "We are leading busier lives than ever and when you are juggling so much, it's inevitable that something has to give. 
"And it seems that for many, staying on top of their household chores and keeping their home spotless is what they are letting fall by the wayside. 
"But this means that many Brits aren't happy with the state of the home, and it's alarming to see that so many even have times when they would describe their home as being like a pigsty.

Smileband health topics


According to a story that first appeared in The Tehran Times in January of 2014, an 80-year-old Iranian man has laid claim to being the dirtiest man alive. Amou Haji, who lives in the southern Iranian province of Fars, has not bathed in over 60 years, allegedly shattering the previous confirmed record of a 66-year-old Indian man (Kailash Singh) who had not bathed in 38 years. This new entrant to the “World’s Dirtiest Man” title reportedly believes that abstaining from bathing will ward off sickness. 


In early 2014, a hermit in Iran named Amou Haji claimed to be the “World’s Dirtiest Man”. After an article about the man’s isolated lifestyle appeared in The Tehran Times, subsequent reports followed in other media outlets such as the Daily Mail and the Huffington Post. It was reported that Haji had not bathed in 60 years, yet there seems to be no way to adequately and accurately confirm such claims. 

Smileband general news

Snow affects our driven society in general as this has an impacts on Daily routines that incurred through difficult movement, delays in procedures that are subjected to cause a problem, it’s brings health problems such as colds and flu, it’s affects the circulation of our heart, it increases blood pressure which can cause heart attack’s, makes the body more tenses and gripping to the cringing affect of being cold, snow has its affects to a Spiritual understand that relates to Christmas. It’s impacts our spending of our daily routine based on keeping warm, more gas expenses, food, warm clothing. Snow is a sight of beauty that gives a romantic feeling to walking and enjoying the view of pure white surroundings, it’s gives younger kids the motive to build snow man and play games in the snow. It relates to Father Christmas riding his slade. It’s can remove germs for surrounding parts of society due it is frozen ice particles. Snow can have so much different terms that relates to one subject that is snow. It’s an important part of our global change in the world today, It’s positive aspects gives a sense of clean air that is from the substance within the snow based on scientific understand based around research due to the fact that ice kills germs. Please keep warm and follow history of past health issue due to the measures of snow. Enjoy your snow smileband readers. ⛄️⛷

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Smileband health topics

Oral Herpes

More than 50 percent of the adult population in the United States has oral herpes, typically caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Most people contract oral herpes when they are children by receiving a kiss from a friend or relative.
Oral herpes is commonly referred to as “cold sores” and “fever blisters.” While symptoms of oral herpes most commonly appear on or around the lips, oral herpes is not always limited to this area. For some, symptoms may appear between the upper lip, on or inside the nose, or on the chin or cheek. In these instances, herpes is referred to as oral-facial herpes. You have most likely seen someone experiencing an oral herpes outbreak before.
Oral herpes is transmitted through direct contact between the contagious area and broken skin (a cut or break) and mucous membrane tissue (such as the mouth or genitals). Herpes can also be transmitted when there are no symptoms present. There are several days throughout the year when the virus reactivates yet causes no symptoms (called asymptomatic shedding, viral shedding, or asymptomatic reactivation).
If a person is experiencing symptoms orally, we recommend abstaining from performing oral sex and kissing others directly on the mouth until signs have healed and the skin looks normal again. Because most adults have oral herpes, we do not advise that a person stop giving or receiving affection altogether between outbreaks (when there are no signs or symptoms) simply because they have oral herpes. However, using a barrier (such as a dental dam) or condom when performing oral sex (even though there are no symptoms present around the mouth) can reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes.
By performing oral sex on someone who has genital herpes, it would be possible to contract oral herpes – but this is rare. Most cases of genital herpes are caused by HSV-2, which rarely affects the mouth or face. Also, and even more importantly, most adults already have oral HSV-1, contracted as a child through kissing relatives or friends.

Smileband general news

One of the UK's highest ranked police officers was handed £67,000 so that she could move house as part of a 'benefits in kind' payout totalling more than £100,000.
Scotland's deputy chief constable Rose Fitzpatrick was earning £175,000 when the Scottish Police Authority also paid her £53,000 tax bill as part of the public money package.
Financial watchdog Audit Scotland branded it an 'unacceptable' use of public cash in a report that showed the authority also paid an HR director the equivalent of a £324,822 annual salary. Ms Fitzpatrick's tax bill was footed by the authority for 2016-17 in a move that is still unexplained, according to the times. 
Two relocation packages where allocated when she moved from London to Scotland, the first £18,000 in 2014-15 and the next for £49,000 in 2016-17. 
The second payment was incorrectly recorded as 'childcare vouchers', meaning it was not liable for tax.
This also kept it from appearing in the accounts in the usual way, which has led critics to accuse the authority of behaving 'as some kind of dodgy haven'.  
The HR director was paid £106,192 after being employed for the 17 weeks leading up to March 31. Police Scotland and the authority made the payments despite being repeatedly told to bring spending under control while they ran up.
Audit Scotland described each of the payments as 'not good use of public money' and auditor-general Caroline Gardner called the packages 'unacceptable'.
John Foley, the authority's chief executive who stood down last month, was singled out for authorising the payments.  
A Police Scotland spokesman said: 'Audit Scotland has made it clear that Deputy Chief Constable Fitzpatrick acted in accordance with the terms of her appointment and that she at all times complied fully with the requirements of the Scottish Police Authority.'
A Scottish Police Authority spokesman said: 'We accept that this is an area where more can be done to ensure we achieve best value. 
'As a result, the SPA has initiated discussions with the staff associations through official channels with a view to agreeing guidance that ensures officers are reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred while also demonstrating efficient use of taxpayers’ money.'
This is the latest blow for Scotland’s police force, which has been dogged by the departure of top managers, financial issues and criticism.
Conservative MSP Liam Kerr said: 'This report could lead some to think the Scottish Police Authority has been behaving like some kind of dodgy haven. 
'People will be astonished if senior police officers are having their tax liabilities settled by the taxpayer and they’ll be incredulous if none of this was properly declared.'

Smileband health topics

Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health problems they cause can be more severe for women. If a pregnant woman has an STD, it can cause serious health problems for the baby.
Antibiotics can treat STDs caused by bacteria, yeast, or parasites. There is no cure for STDs caused by a virus, but medicines can often help with the symptoms and keep the disease under control.
Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including

Smileband health topics

Types of infections

Cancer and cancer treatments can make it more likely for you to get an infection. Find out more about how you could be affected.
Infections are caused by tiny living things (organisms) that get into the body and start multiplying. Some organisms are harmless and help our bodies to work properly. But others cause disease.
You might get an infection that makes you ill if these organisms get into your body and your immune system can't fight them off immediately. Some infections are life threatening, particularly if you have low resistance to infection from cancer treatment.
Some types of cancers and cancer treatment can weaken your immune system. They stop your bone marrow from making blood cells that help fight infection. This increases your risk of getting an infection.
The white blood cells play the biggest part in fighting infection. A low white blood cell count is called neutropenia (pronounced new-tro-peen-ee-a).
We’re all normally covered with bacteria that don’t do us any harm. But people with neutropenia are at risk. They can get infections from bacteria or viruses that normally live on their skin or inside their digestive system. 

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  During the state funeral of former President Jimmy Carter on January 9, 2025, at the Washing...