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A mother astonished doctors when she gave birth to India's second ever 'mermaid baby' but sadly lost it just four hours later.
The unnamed baby, whose sex was unclear due to its underdeveloped pelvis and fused legs, suffered from a rare condition known as sirenomelia or 'mermaid syndrome'.
Muskura Bibi, 23, gave birth naturally on Wednesday morning at the government-run Chittaranjan Deva Sadan Hospital in Kolkata, eastern India.
Ms Bibi had been unable to afford any scans during her pregnancy and therefore only learnt about the baby's condition when she first saw it after giving birth.
Dr Sudip Saha, child specialist at the hospital said: 'The parents are a labour couple and had not sought proper medication during pregnancy due to lack of money.
'Lack of proper nutrition and improper blood circulation to the baby from mother can create this kind of abnormality'.
Mermaid syndrome is thought to affect one in every 60,000 to 100,000 births.
The police are involing them self in people’s earning opportunities and have a huge discrimination policy to people who have desires about there goals in life, tge police are educated to a low level that sees them understand the vision of this world better then any one else within society, they are racist to there level of understand through talking rubbish and making up things to destroy a person career or opportunity in a legal sense, this sees them look better then there ability to others within society. They work with drug dealers and earn extra money from the underground world based on roles that are subjected to crime. It’s has developed worst over the past 10 years and underground police are a matter to be concerned with and taken in to account. If you have a police officer who contacts a organisation of no criminal subsections and stop a positive or good relate aspect, they are committing a crime and are apart of a cycle of underground gangsters as people should be alerted to through there legal route of choice to subjects Like this to make them see that they are a down fall to the younger generation and the older generation that aim a route of positive success in there life. Police are dangerous through wearing a uniform and have powers to stop people to pull them up, which they are taking advantage of to there required level. Younger kids in school today sell drugs, look to make money on the streets as when I was a kids I was stuck in front of a computer playing game or doing my homework for school. It’s has change because of the underworld and people are now scared in there own house holds from these vile characters in society.
Osama Swehli is bearded and wears his hair long, tied back in a thick ponytail. A soldier with the National Transitional Council’s fighters in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte, his English is fluent from his time living in west London.
Until the fall of Sirte – Muammar Gaddafi’s home city – Swehli was one of those who listened in to the radio frequencies of the pro-Gaddafi defenders of the besieged city.
Twelve days ago, the Observer encountered Swelhi at a mortar position in Sirte close to the city’s still contested television station at the edge of District Two where the Gaddafi loyalists would be trapped in a diminishing pocket. “We know some of the call signs of those inside,” Swehli explained, as men around him fired mortars into the areas still under Gaddafi control. We know that call sign ‘1’ refers to Mo’atissim Gaddafi and that ‘3’ refers to Mansour Dhao, who is commanding the defences. We have an inkling too about someone known as ‘2’, who we have not heard from for a while and who has either escaped or been killed.” That person, he believed, was Abdullah Senussi, Muammar Gaddafi’s intelligence chief.
“There is someone important in there, too,” Swelhi said, almost as an afterthought. “We have heard several times about something called ‘the asset’ which has been moved around the city.” Precisely who and what “the asset” was now is clear, even if most government fighters in and around the city could not believe it at the time. They were convinced that Libya’s former leader was in all likelihood hiding in the Sahara desert. But the asset was Gaddafi himself, who would die in the city, humiliated and bloody, begging his captors not to shoot him. There are other clips that complete much of the story: Gaddafi slumped on a pickup truck, face smeared with blood, apparently unconscious; Gaddafi shirtless and bloody on the ground surrounded by a mob; Gaddafi dead in the back of an ambulance. What is not there is the moment of his death – and how it happened – amid claims that he was killed by fighters with a shot to the head or stomach. By Friday, the day after he died, the body of the former dictator once so feared by his Libyan opponents was facing a final indignity – being stored on the floor of a room-sized freezer in Misrata usually used by restaurants and shops to keep perishable goods.
CNN)The United Nations Security Council sharply condemned reports of the human slave trade in Libya on Thursday, saying the acts amount to "heinous abuses of human rights."
"The Security Council expresses grave concern about reports of migrants being sold into slavery in Libya," the Security Council said.
"The Security Council condemns such actions as heinous abuses of human rights which may also amount to crimes against humanity. The Security Council calls upon all relevant authorities to investigate such activities without delay to bring the perpetrators to justice and hold those responsible to account. On Thursday, the UN Security Council said it welcomes the statements from various political groups condemning the matter and promising to investigate. The council also focused on the desperate migrants affected by Libya's slave trade.
"The Security Council further underlines the need for coordination of efforts to tackle the root causes of large movements of people, including forced displacement, unmanaged migration and trafficking in persons, in a comprehensive and holistic manner, to prevent exploitation of refugees and migrants by smugglers and human traffickers, as well as for implementation of the 2030 agenda."
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the United States strongly supports the Security Council's action to call attention to the atrocities, investigate the perpetrators, and care for the victims. It's critical for the Security Council to speak up when human rights abuses threaten the lives of innocent civilians. Reports that people escaping violence are being sold into slavery in Libya are horrifying," Haley said.
"All countries must do everything they can to end this barbaric practice. Until that time, those committing these unspeakable crimes must be brought to justice, and the victims must be treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve.
Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological and possibly life-threatening eating disorder defined by an extremely low body weight relative to stature (this is called BMI [Body Mass Index] and is a function of an individual’s height and weight), extreme and needless weight loss, illogical fear of weight gain, and distorted perception of self-image and body.
Additionally, women and men who suffer from anorexia nervosa exemplify a fixation with a thin figure and abnormal eating patterns. Anorexia nervosa is interchangeable with the term anorexia, which refers to self-starvation and lack of appetite.
Major Types of Anorexia
There are two common types of anorexia, which are as follows:
Binge/Purge Type – The individual suffering from this type of eating disorder, will purge when he or she eats. This is typically a result of the overwhelming feelings of guilt a sufferer would experience in relation to eating; they compensate by vomiting, abusing laxatives, or excessively exercising.
Restrictive – In this form, the individual will fiercely limit the quantity of food consumed, characteristically ingesting a minimal amount that is well below their body’s caloric needs, effectively slowly starving him or herself.
Though two classifications of anorexia nervosa exist, both types exhibit similar symptoms, such as irrational fear of weight gain and abnormal eating patterns.
Causes of Anorexia
Anorexia is not a simple disorder. It has many symptoms and effects, and its causes are complex as well. Currently, it is thought that anorexia nervosa develops as a result of multiple factors, both biological and environmental.
Examples of environmental factors that would contribute to the occurrence of this eating disorder are:
The effects of the thinness culture in media, that constantly reinforce thin people as ideal stereotypes
Professions and careers that promote being thin and weight loss, such as ballet and modeling
Family and childhood traumas: childhood sexual abuse, severe trauma
Peer pressure among friends and co-workers to be thin or be sexy.
Examples of biological factors include:
Irregular hormone functions
Genetics (the tie between anorexia and one’s genes is still being heavily researched, but we know that genetics is a part of the story).
Nutritional deficiencies
Anorexia Signs & Symptoms
An individual suffering from anorexia nervosa may reveal one or several signs and symptoms such as:
Chronic dieting despite being hazardously underweight
Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns, such as cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and/or hiding food
Continued fixation with food, recipes, or cooking; the individual may cook intricate meals for others but refrain from partaking
Amenorrhea: an abnormal absence of menstruation, or loss of 3 consecutive menstrual cycles
Depression or lethargic stage
Development of lanugo: soft, fine hair that grows on face and body
Reported sensation of feeling cold, particularly in extremities
Loss or thinning of hair
Avoidance of social functions, family, and friends. May become isolated and withdrawn
Dieting Vs. Anorexia
Though the restrictive eating patterns that characterize anorexia nervosa are similar to dieting behaviors, there are stark differences between the two. The effects of the extreme behaviors resulting from anorexia nervosa are far more devastating and consequential than dieting.
While someone may diet in an attempt to control weight, anorexia nervosa is often an attempt to gain control over one’s life and emotions, especially in the light of traumatic events or a chaotic environment.
While someone might diet in an attempt to lose weight as the primary goal, in anorexia they may diet because they perceive losing weight as a way to achieve happiness and self-mastery.
Ahead are recipes for two great tasting and dairy-free shakes for fat burning. They're easy to make, surprisingly filling and taken in a certain way can really help you lose weight. First though, a look at why what most people drink is usually having the opposite effect and how to avoid it.
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The White House has discussed using experimental microwave missiles against North Korea to disable Kim jong-un nukes, it has been reported.
In the event of a war with the dictator the Air Force could use CHAMP weapons to fry the electronics controlling Kim's latest rockets, stopping them from being launched.
The use of such weapons, which are not yet operational, was discussed at a White House meeting on North Korea back in August, according to NBCnews. CHAMP stands for counter-electronics high-power advanced microwave project and was started by the Air Force Research Laboratory back in 2009.
In 2012 one of the weapons was tested in Utah against electronic equipment that was set up to mirror the capabilities of Iran and North Korea.
The weapon managed to wipe out everything inside the first building it targeted, including the camera recording the test, before going on to target five more buildings then crashing itself at a pre-determined site. A 2016 Air Force Research Laboratory document, seen by NBC, says the low-flying missile is 'capable of flying into a contested area and disabling an adversary's electronic systems.'
The news comes days after Kim tested North Korea's latest ICBM, the Hwasong-15, which is likely capable of ranging all of mainland America.
North Korea claims the missile is capable of carrying a 'super heavy nuclear warhead' and can bring it down to Earth intact, though has not shown evidence of this.
That test has been followed by the largest joint air drills ever conducted by the US and South Korean air forces in a show of power to Kim Jong-un.
China has announced it held its own drills involving reconnaissance planes, fighter jets, and an early warning and control aircraft.
Beijing said the drill was designed as a show of force to Washington and Seoul, though did not not say exactly when or where the exercise took place.
A Britain First supporter drove his van at a curry house boss hours after telling police: 'I'm going to kill a Muslim, I'm doing this for Britain.'
Marek Zakrocki, 48, aimed his white work van at Kamal Ahmed outside Spicy Nights restaurant in Harrow, north London in June.
The attack came just four days after a suspected terror attack near the Finsbury Park Mosque left a Muslim worshipper dead - and on the anniversary of the brexit vote.
CCTV cameras filmed Zakrocki making nazi salutes and shouting about 'white power' before he missed Mr Ahmed and crashed into the window of the Tandoori just after 8.30pm on 23 June.
Zakrocki, who had earlier assaulted his wife Ewa Zakrocka at their Harrow home, told a police officer at the scene: 'I'm going to kill a Muslim, I'm doing this for Britain.
'This is the way I will help the country, you people can't do anything.'
Officers later found a Nazi coin and two Britain First magazines at Zakrocki's home. Mr Ahmed's brother Taj confronted Zakrocki when he blocked the road outside Spicy Nights with his van and started shouting at a Somalian woman at around 8.30pm.
Prosecutor Denis Barrie told the Old Bailey: 'The defendant went into the van. He then started the engine and mounted the pavement, twice making contact with the front of the restaurant. It's clear he wasn't driving all that fast.
'The prosecution case that is supported by everything else Mr Zakrocki had done during the course of the day is that he wasn't only aiming at the restaurant, he was aiming at Mr Ahmed.'
Mr Barrie said: 'Because of the time that all this took place, the police took what had happened particularly seriously and there was a hard stop by armed police officers.'
He told the court that Britain First, formed by members of the BNP, was anti-Muslim and held views that were regarded by most people as 'very extreme indeed'. Zakrocki, of Harrow, admitted one count of battery against Mrs Zakrocka and one of dangerous driving.
Other charges including attempted murder, which he denied, were earlier dropped. He is due to be sentenced later today.
Donald Trump triggered a global backlash last week when he retweeted unverified videos posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of British First.
A seizure, also known as a fit, is caused by a disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain, which can be due to conditions such as epilepsy.
A person having a seizure may not show any obvious symptoms, but in severe cases they may lose consciousness or experience convulsions. Seizures usually begin suddenly but are often different in their duration and severity.
A person may have one seizure and no further symptoms, or they may have further seizures.
Not everyone who has a seizure will be diagnosed with epilepsy.
Causes of non-epileptic seizures include diabetes, heart conditions, and mental health conditions.
Types of seizure
There are 2 main types of seizure:
Generalised seizures involve both sides of the brain from the start of the attack. Common subtypes include tonic-clonic (grand mal) and absence seizures (petit mal). Febrile and infantile spasms are two types of generalised seizures that occur almost exclusively in young children.
Partial (or focal) seizures are the second major seizure type. These begin in a specific area of the brain and may be contained there. Or they may spread to the entire brain.
With simple partial seizures, the person remains conscious.
Often the cause of a seizure is unknown. Many conditions can provoke seizures, including:
Brain tumour
Head injuries
Electrolyte imbalance
Very low blood sugar
Repetitive sounds or flashing lights, such as in video games
Medications, such as anti-psychotics and some asthma drugs
Withdrawal from medications, such as certain tranquillisers or narcotics, or alcohol
Use of drugs such as cocaine and heroin
Brain infections, such as meningitis
What are the symptoms of seizures?
Symptoms of seizures vary widely, depending on the part of the brain affected by the electrical misfiring. If a very small part of the brain is affected, you might sense only an odd smell or taste. In other cases, you could have hallucinations or convulsions, or you could lose consciousness.
Generalised tonic-clonic: This is sometimes preceded by an aura - awareness of a strange odour, taste, or vision. You might lose consciousness and fall, and experience muscle rigidity (stiffness) or convulsions (jerking movements of the arms and legs). You might also lose bladder control or bite your tongue. After regaining consciousness, you might feel confused and fall asleep.
Generalised absence: This involves loss of awareness and blank stares or eyelid fluttering for up to 20 seconds. You feel well enough to resume activity immediately after the seizure.
Simple partial: Although you don’t lose consciousness, you have involuntary movements, sensations, or psychic experiences such as awareness of a smell or a sense of déjà vu lasting several seconds.
Complex partial: Initial disorientation is followed by strange movements of the arms or legs or odd vocalisations for one to three minutes, as well as loss of consciousness.
Jacksonian: Muscle twitching begins in a single area and then progresses, for example, from the hand to the arm.
Febrile: Preceded by fever in young children, these seizures can be very brief tonic-clonic type seizures or partial seizures lasting more than 15 minutes. Most children who have a fever-induced seizure never experience a second seizure.
Infantile spasms (West Syndrome): Lasting just a few seconds, bending of limbs, neck, and torso while lying down may occur often during a single day. This usually only strikes children younger than three, often those with developmental delays or disabilities.
Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic (passed from parent to child) disorder that affects the body's blood cells. In this disease, faulty haemoglobin (a substance that carries oxygen in the blood) causes the red blood cells to change shape when oxygen is released to tissues.
Sickle cell genes are most commonly found in people of African-Caribbean descent. Carrying the genes doesn’t mean a person will be affected by sickle cell anaemia.
The disease gets its name because the faulty blood cells are shaped like sickles - old farming tools used to cut wheat. When the deformed cells go through blood vessels, they clog the blood flow and can break apart.
Sickle cells can cause pain, damage the blood vessels or other areas of the body and cause anaemia (low blood count).
Sickle cell anaemia is found most often in black people. However, other ethnic groups also can have sickle cell disease. Antenatal screening can be offered if family origin suggests a risk for the condition.
What causes sickle cell disease?
Normal red blood cells are round and are able to move through small blood vessels in the body to deliver oxygen. In sickle cell anaemia, a chemical change in haemoglobin causes the substance to form long rods in the red blood cell as the haemoglobin releases oxygen. These rigid rods change the shape of the red blood cell into a sickle shape.
Sickle cell anaemia is not contagious. Children are born with sickle cell haemoglobin, which they inherit from their parents. Individuals may be carriers who have sickle cell trait or may actually have sickle cell disease. People who inherit only one sickle cell gene are carriers, but people who inherit two sickle cell genes have sickle cell disease.
What are the symptoms of sickle cell anaemia?
Sickle cell anaemia can cause a painful sickle cell crisis. A sickle cell crisis is also known as a vaso-occlusive episode (VOE).
Other symptoms of sickle cell disease include:
Swelling and inflammation of the joints
Sickling crisis - blood blockage in the spleen or liver
Sickle cell anaemia can also cause damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys and bones
How is sickle cell anaemia diagnosed?
Sickle cell anaemia is diagnosed by examining a sample of blood under a microscope. When the abnormal sickle-shaped cells in the blood are identified, a diagnosis is made. Also, a blood test called the haemoglobin electrophoresis can determine if a person has the disease or is a carrier.
How is sickle cell anaemia treated?
The only cure for sickle cell anaemia is a bone marrow transplant, where affected bone marrow is replaced with bone marrow from somebody who does not have the condition.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for England for the management of acute painful sickle cell episodes in hospital say:
A thorough assessment of people who go to hospital with an acute painful sickle cell episode is needed to ensure they have an accurate diagnosis and are given appropriate pain relief within 30 minutes.
People with an acute painful sickle cell episode should have an assessment of pain relief every 30 minutes until satisfactory pain relief has been reached, and then at least every 4 hours.
Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a major cause of death in people with sickle cell disease and is often missed as a possible complication. People with an acute painful sickle cell episode should be assessed for acute chest syndrome if they have symptoms such as abnormal respiratory symptoms, chest pain, fever, or signs and symptoms of hypoxia.