Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Two gang members who gunned down an innocent teenager after mistaking him for a rival have been jailed for a minimum of 30 years each.
Student Nana Darko-Frempong, 18, was blasted in the stomach and face just for being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
His killers were members of the notorious Roadside Gs street gang, based in Camberwell, south London. They assumed he was a member of the rival TN1 - or Trust No One - clan because he lived on an estate in that gang's Tulse Hill heartland.
Christopher Gabriel, 25, used a sawn-off shotgun for the drive-by hit on June 6, 2011, while another man, also 25, who cannot be named, fired at the victim with an automatic pistol.
Other members of the gang then burned the stolen Ford Focus used in the drive-by hit so the killers could escape justice.
But they were tracked down after an associate called police and identified them.
In a statement read to the court, Nana's father Roddy said of his son: “Despite his non-participation in gang culture and the evil they generated, their evil came to him.
“For them, his life had no value. It was a cruel and despicable act, aided and abetted by cruel, horrible people.”
Christopher Gabriel, 25, and a second man, also 25, who cannot be named, were convicted of murder following a three-and-a-half month Old Bailey trial.
Judge Nicholas Cooke jailed them each for life yesterday and ordered them to serve a minimum of 30 years behind bars.
He said: “This was a gang-organised shooting of a wholly innocent teenager. There has been no indication of genuine remorse of the part of either of you. There is little purpose in wasting any further words on you.”
Romario Henry, 21, along with two men, aged 27 and 24, who cannot be named were convicted of perverting the course of justice and each jailed for eight years.
Judge Cooke told them: “You three knew that the car which was burned out had been used in a shooting that was likely to have been fatal. You were in fact by destroying this car approving of their act. Indeed, even now, although you have long since become aware of just how dreadful that shooting was you have shown not one shred of remorse. Your conduct was intended to make bringing the killers to justice impossible.”
Al Daniels, 22, was convicted of firearms offences and will be sentenced next month.
A seventh defendant, Sachia Clarke, 22, was cleared of six firearms charges but jurors were unable to reach a verdict on a further two counts. 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Naked yoga helps you discover an entirely new way of looking at your own body, inspiring you to take pride and pleasure in your unique physique and capabilities. It  teaches you to embrace your imperfections and open your heart to yourself and to the world with courage and confidence. For people who suffer from low self-esteem and poor body image,  when they practice without clothing in a safe, nurturing environment, they come to appreciate their bodies and understand that their feelings of shame are not their own, but a kind of inherited mind-state that comes as a result of societal judgments. Naked yoga helps anyone who wishes to be free of the emotional shackles that prevent us from celebrating all that we are, and all that we can be.  Well-crafted naked yoga practices remove any sense of restriction from clothing, promoting a greater sense of freedom, confidence, and an enhanced appreciation for the body. Seeing and feeling the body as it stretches and moves from one pose to the next results in a more mindful, sensual and connected practice. And when we are connected to ourselves, we are able to cultivate an inner awareness that leads us to a place where we can transcend earthly concerns and embrace a higher consciousness. Also, when we consider the role that clothing has played in society, it seems to be in direct opposition to the spirit of yoga which speaks to “oneness” and union. By design, clothing reminds us of our differences, and serves as a distraction that leads us away from a central yogic principal: the commonality of all living things, which inspires peace, compassion and dedication to spirit. 

Aside from the well-known physiological benefits from practicing yoga, stress reduction, increased energy, enhanced overall strength, stamina and flexibility, improved respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and brain function, naked yoga practitioners experience greater self-acceptance, appreciation and self-actualization. Feeling good psychologically is a powerful immune-booster, and everyone knows that when we feel better mentally, we feel better physically as well. Naked yoga allows people to experience freedom from inhibitions, opinions of others and any shame about the body, which can lead to low energy and poor health. As you learn to love and respect yourself, negativity burns away and any of the physical repercussions from harboring or holding toxic emotions get resolved. The body, mind and sprite unite and heal, and you feel deeply energized, vital and calm. 

Burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor are just some of the common symptoms of vaginal infections. But treatments vary by condition, so it's important to know which type of vaginal infection you have. Vaginal infections, or vaginitis, are very common — so much so that most women will experience some form of vaginal infection or inflammation during their lifetime.

“To the gynecologist, vaginitis is a vaginal discharge with or without itching and burning, with or without an odor, says Gregory R. Moore, MD, MPH, an obstetrician-gynecologist and director of the University Health Service at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Some women seem to be more prone to vaginal infections than others for reasons that are not entirely obvious, Dr. Moore says.
What Upsets the Normal Vaginal Balance
A healthy vagina has many bacteria and yeast. However, some things can disturb that healthy balance. These include:
  • Douches 
  • Hormone level changes
  • Antibacterial 
  • Vaginal intercourse
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding The Most Common Types of Vaginal Infections
    There are three very common types of vaginal infections, says Cynthia Krause, MD, assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
    • Yeast infections. The most common type of vaginitis, a yeast infection is caused by one of the many species of fungus known as Candida. Candida live naturally in your body in small numbers, including in the vagina, and usually don't cause any harm.
      However, Candida thrive in a warm, moist, airless environment and, under those conditions, can grow in number, causing a vaginal infection. Dr. Krause says, “There are many species of yeast or Candida — Candida is the most common.”
      Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include a thick, white discharge that some women describe as resembling cottage cheese. Yeast infections also can cause vaginal infection and redness of the vulva (the lips of the external female genital area) and vagina.
    • Bacterial vaginosis. Along with yeast, “friendly” bacteria called lactobacilli live in the vagina. When the number of lactobacilli gets too low, it can trigger a condition called bacterial infection. 
      Why bacteria levels change is not known, but the normal lactobacilli can be replaced by other infection-causing bacteria. “Gardnerella is the bacteria most often associated with bacterial vaginosis,” Krause says. “It is the lack of lactobacilli and overgrowth with these other bacteria that cause the symptoms of infection.”
      With bacterial vaginosis, a woman may see a thick or whitish discharge or one that is slippery and clear. It is not likely to itch or burn. A fishy odor may be noticeable, especially during intercourse. Trichinosis. “Of the three most common vaginal infections, trichomonas vaginitis is the only one that is a true sexually transmitted infection,” Krause says. Commonly called “trich,” it is caused by a single-celled parasite, trichomonas vaginalis, and is passed from partner to partner during intercourse.
    • The symptoms of trichomonas vaginitis are similar to other vaginal infections: burning, irritation, redness, and swelling of the vulva, with a yellow-gray or greenish vaginal discharge, possibly with a fishy odor. Some women also experience pain during urination.
    Other Vaginal Infections and Conditions
    Other common vaginal infections and causes of vaginal itching include:

    • Chlamydia vaginitis. Chlamydia, is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause inflammation of the vagina. Some women will have a discharge with chlamydia and some will not. A more common symptom is bleeding, especially after intercourse. “Sexually active women up to age 26 should be tested annually for chlamydia because it so often comes without symptoms and can linger and do a fair amount of damage to fertility,” Moore says.
    • Noninfectious vaginitis.Noninfectious vaginitis is when the skin around the vagina becomes sensitive to an irritant such as scented tampons, perfumed soaps, or fabric softeners. This is not an infection, and the solution is simple: “Not to be exposed to whatever you are having a reaction to,” Moore says. This is a condition in which women have chronic pain or discomfort of the vulva without a known cause. The symptoms are similar to vaginal infections: burning, stinging, rawness, soreness, and swelling. Symptoms may be constant or occasional.
    • Viral vaginosis. Viruses also can cause vaginal infections. Most viruses are spread through sexual contact. “The herpes simplex virus is a common cause of viral vaginosis,” Moore says. Symptoms include pain in the genital area from lesions or sores. Most of the time, you can see the sores on the vulva or vagina, but they can also be hidden and seen only during an examination by your gynecologist.
Most existing cancer drugs and treatments are poisons, designed to attack and hopefully kill cancer cells, or at least slow their growth.
But most of these treatments attack not just cancer cells, but healthy cells, too. Thus, people taking the drugs too often suffer horrible side effects on top of whatever havoc the cancer itself is already wreaking. They become thin and weak. They lose their hair and their color.
But now, the next revolution in cancer therapy may have arrived.
It’s called “molecularly targeted therapy.” The treatment consists of drugs designed at the molecular level of the cell to specifically attack and kill only the cancer cells of a specific type of cancer. And they are tailor-made to recognize specific molecules unique to specific cancers. The new method of killing cancer cells– called Caspase Independent Cell Death (CICD), led to the complete eradication of tumours in experimental models.
Currently most anti-cancer therapies, which include chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy, work by killing cancer cells through a process called apoptosis. This process activates proteins called caspases, leading to cell death.
But in apoptosis, therapies often fail to kill all cancer cells, leading to disease recurrence, and can also have unwanted side effects that may even promote cancer. Scientists at the University of Glasgow wanted to develop a way to improve therapy that induces cancer cell killing while also making sure to limit unwanted toxicity “Our research found that triggering Caspase-Independent Cell Death (CICD), but not apoptosis, often led to complete tumour regression,” said Dr Stephen Tait, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Institute of Cancer Sciences.
“Especially under conditions of partial therapeutic response, as our experiments mimic, our data suggests that triggering tumour-specific CICD, rather than apoptosis, may be a more effective way to treat cancer.”
Unlike apoptosis, which is a silent form of cell death, when cancer cells die through CICD, they alert the immune system through the release of inflammatory proteins. The immune system can then attack the remaining tumour cells that evaded initial therapy-induced death.
The researchers used bowel cancer cells grown in the lab to show the advantage of killing cancer cells via CICD. Experts also said the benefits could work with other types of cancer.
He added: “In essence, this mechanism has the potential to dramatically improve the effectiveness of anti–cancer therapy and reduce unwanted toxicity.
“Taking into consideration our findings, we propose that engaging CICD as a means of anti-cancer therapy warrants further investigation.

Charity scams can be simple: someone who poses as a street fundraiser for an existing charity and asking for donations from passersby or pretending to participate in a challenge on behalf of a charity and collecting sponsorship. 
More complex fraud can take the form of a fraudster creating an entirely bogus charity and pocketing proceeds from fundraising.
As the regulator for all charities in England and Wales, the Charity Commission holds information on all current charities as well as those that have been struck off for not complying with the regulations required for operating a registered charity.
Charities and members of the public who are concerned about an organisation or an individual purporting to be involved in not for profit activities can report their concerns to the Charity Commission. However, if they are concerned that a fraud has been committed and that there has been a financial loss, they can also report their experience to Action Fraud.
As with other types of fraud, Action Fraud will collate any data and pass it on to enhance intelligence about these crimes. The Charity Commission list of registered charities is available online so that someone who suspects an organisation is fraudulent can immediately refer to the register and they can be reassured.  

New guidance aims to safeguard charitable donations and encourage giving

Fraud watchdog the Fraud Advisory Panel has launched the UK's first independent guidance on how to make charitable donations safely.
‘Giving Safely: A guide to making sure your donations really count’ provides simple, practical advice on how to avoid potential scams and how to ensure that your donations really do reach the good causes you wish to support. As every per cent that is given has to make a change to any sort of developing organisation that aims the deed of bring help to those who need. No support to charties based on structured worded information is a devil that agrees to the greed of him or her or a organised crime circle that profit cash donations and sensitive credit information for the use of living an expensive life style with the hurting thought that no help is being addressed. 
Alleged serial cannibal Dmitry Baksheev used dating sites to recruit women who he and his wife then killed and ate, it is claimed.
Wife Natalia Baksheeva has told police the gruesome family had at least 30 victims over 18 years, and it is feared she fed human meat to student pilots in the military academy where she was a nurse, according to reports in Russia.
State investigators are seeking to verify the claims about dozens of victims of the sinister pair from Krasnodar who were detained after seven bags of body parts were found in their fridge and freezer.
At least one jar with pickled human remains, and 19 slices of skin were also discovered in the macabre flat. Many cans with steamed meat were found in their kitchen, a source told Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Today it was claimed that wife Natalia Baksheeva, 42, had taken her 35 year old orphan husband in as a teenager and wed him when he turned 18.
Police fear that Baksheev found victims by setting up meetings on dating websites.
His wife is reported to have been shown the faces of missing women in southern Russia and identified dozens who she claimed were their victims.
A police source said: 'Going through the photographs, the woman has recognised more than 30 victims that they killed and eaten together with her husband.
'A psychologist was sent from Nizhny Novgorod to make her talk. Separate reports say Natalia was checked by a psychiatric hospital and found to be 'mentally healthy'.
'In their home, many mobile phones of their victims were found, and also video lessons on how to cook meals from human meat,' said the police source.
'This woman had been working in the military academy as a nurse and supposedly she was sharing these cans of steamed human meat with student pilots.'
But so far police have concrete evidence of only two women who were allegedly killed and eaten, it is understood.
Baksheev was originally detained after a man found his mobile in the street in regional capital Krasnodar and saw images of him posing for selfies with a woman's body parts.
'He took a selfie with the hard in his mouth, at the same time he put the fingers of the dead hand into his nose,' said a police report.
'Then he cut one finger with a knife.'
A police source added: 'The earliest date of their culinary experiment is 28 December 1999 - the date on one of the photographs.
'We can see a cooked human head at the big plate surrounded by mandarins.
'They put olives into the eyes and attacked a lemon to the nose.'
A police search found body parts in a rubbish container near the hostel where the pair lived, and a red-haired woman's head in a metal bucket, with human skin nearby. More human remains were found in a cellar.
He confessed to throwing away the body parts, telling police: 'I did a stupid thing.'
The woman was identified as Elena B, who lived in the same military academy where the alleged cannibal couple resided.
It is believed she was killed in a forest nearby and her dismembered remains were carried to his home by Baksheev in a backpack.
Both suspects have been detained pending further investigations.
A local shopkeeper remembers him coming to top up his mobile and walking away with blood dripping from a cooler bag he was carrying.
Natalia was fired as a nurse because of her drinking habit, according to reports.

Monday, 25 September 2017

A snake handler found dead next to his pet python was strangled, a post mortem has revealed.
Dan Brandon, 31, was discovered at his home in Church Crookham, Hampshire, where he lived with his parents and an array of exotic animals. 
One of his snakes was found slivering near his body, after seemingly escaping from its pen.
Post-mortem results found that he died as a result of 'asphyxia', Basingstoke coroner's court heard today. 
Non-venomous pythons constrict their prey, rather than attacking with a bite.
However, detectives are still investigating whether Mr Brandon was killed by his pet. 
An inquest into his mysterious death was opened this morning, with further hearings to be held on November 22.
His family asked to be left alone when approached by MailOnline this morning. 
Mr Brandon was a keen animal enthusiast and he posted photos of him with his pets, including a huge Burmese python draped over his body, to his social media accounts. 
While pythons have killed humans before, experts believe this would be the first ever case in Britain. A source told the sun 'It is under investigation whether the snake was involved. The death is in an investigation stage between natural causes and an inquest.
'Investigators are waiting for the full toxicology results and reports to come back from a post-mortem. Depending on the results, an inquest may be opened. A spokesman for Hampshire Police said: 'We were called to an address in Church Crookham. A 31-year-old man had suffered serious injuries and died at the scene.
'The death is not being treated as suspicious at this stage. A file will be prepared for the coroner.' 
Despite being found nearby its owners body, a friend of Mr Brandon's believed the snake had nothing to do with his death. Pythons have been known to be deadly however. A man was killed by a python in Indonesia earlier in the year, while two boys died in Canada after one escaped from a pet shop in 2013.
A spokesperson for Surrey and Hampshire Reptile Rescue said last night: 'There's never been a case of a python killing someone in Britain before. They only kill what they eat.'
A JustGiving page for Dan is raising money for the charity World Wide Fund for Nature. 

It says in the bio:  'He was obsessed with snakes, spiders, birds and all wildlife. We will all miss you so much. 
In a nearly empty cantina in a dark desert town, the short, drunk man makes his pitch. Beside him on the billiards table sits a chunk of rock the size of home plate. Dozens of purple and white crystals push up from it like shards of glass. "Yours for $300," he says. "No? One hundred. A steal!" The three or four other patrons glance past their beers, thinking it over: Should they offer their crystals too? Rock dust on the green felt, cowboy ballads on the jukebox. Above the bar, a sign reads, "Happy Hour: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m."
This remote part of northern Mexico, an hour or so south of Chihuahua, is famous for crystals, and paychecks at the local lead and silver mine, where almost everyone works, are meager enough to inspire a black market. "Thirty dollars." He leans in. "Ten." It's hard to take him seriously. Earlier in the day, in a cave deep below the bar, I crawled among the world's largest crystals, a forest of them, broad and thick, some more than 30 feet long and half a million years old. So clear, so luminous, they seemed extraterrestrial. They make the chunk on the pool table seem dull as a paperweight.  Nothing compares with the giants found in Cueva de los Cristales, or Cave of Crystals. The limestone cavern and its glittering beams were discovered in 2000 by a pair of brothers drilling nearly a thousand feet below ground in the Naica mine, one of Mexico's most productive, yielding tons of lead and silver each year. The brothers were astonished by their find, but it was not without precedent. The geologic processes that create lead and silver also provide raw materials for crystals, and at Naica, miners had hammered into chambers of impressive, though much smaller, crystals before. But as news spread of the massive crystals' discovery, the question confronting scientists became: How did they grow so big?
It takes 20 minutes to get to the cave entrance by van through a winding mine shaft. A screen drops from the van's ceiling and Michael Jackson videos play, a feature designed to entertain visitors as they descend into darkness and heat. In many caves and mines the temperature remains constant and cool, but the Naica mine gets hotter with depth because it lies above an intrusion of magma about a mile below the surface. Within the cave itself, the temperature leaps to 112 degrees Fahrenheit with 90 to 100 percent humidity—hot enough that each visit carries the risk of heatstroke. By the time we reach the entrance, everyone glistens with sweat. 

Sunday, 24 September 2017

The Dangerous Dogs Act sets forth laws intended to keep the public safe from dog attacks, but it remains one of the UK’s most controversial pieces of legislation.
We found out what the laws mean for owners, why it is so often criticised, and other important laws dog owners should know. The Dangerous Dogs Act was introduced in 1991 in response to a spate of dog attacks.
The legislation made it a criminal offence to have a dog ‘dangerously out of control’ in a public place or somewhere where the dog is not permitted to be.
The law was updated in 2014 to extend the law to also cover dogs on private property.
It also banned ‘Specially Control Dogs’ – these are also known as banned breeds.

What does ‘dangerously out of control’ mean?

A dog that is dangerously out of control is one that has injured another person, or has given another person reasonable apprehension that it may do so.
This may be something as simple as your dog chasing, barking or jumping up at another person or child if it leads to a complaint.
Consequences for owners may include a prison sentence and a ban on owning dogs.
If your dog is seized, the presumption is that your dog will be destroyed unless you are able to persuade the court that your dog is not a danger to the public.
You may also have to pay a fine, compensation and costs. Currently the banned types are the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasiliero.
It is also illegal to sell, abandon, give away or breed from a banned dog.
Whether or not your dog is considered a banned type does not depend on its breed name, but on what it looks like. So if you own a dog which has many of the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier, it may be considered a banned type.

What if I have a banned dog?

Police and dog wardens are able to take away your dog and keep it even if the dog isn’t acting dangerously and there hasn’t been a complaint, though they will need a warrant to seize your dog on private property.
If your dog is seized a police or council dog expert will decide what type of dog it is and whether it is currently, or has the potential to be, a danger to the public.
It will either be returned to you or remain in kennels while a court application is made, in which case, owners are not permitted to visit.
If your dog is a banned type but deemed not dangerous by the court it may be put on the Index of Exempted Dogs (IED) and you will be allowed to keep your dog.
In this case you will be given a lifelong Certificate of Exemption and you must ensure your dog is neutered, microchipped, muzzled and on a lead at all times when in a public place and kept in a secure place where it won’t be able to escape.
The owner must be over 16, have insurance against the dog injuring others, produce the Certificate of Exemption within five days of being asked by police or a dog warden and inform the IED if they move house or their dog dies. The Act is often criticised for taking an approach of banning the breed rather than the deed.
Most recently, a report was published by Battersea Dogs and Cats home which found 86% of 215 dog experts said the way a dog was brought up by its owner, and 73% identifying the way a dog was brought up by its breeder, are very important in determining their behaviour.
98% believed adding more breeds to the banned list would have no effect in preventing further dog attacks and 78% of experts supported the compulsory training of new dog owners. Compulsory microchipping was enforced in April 2016. Dogs must be microchipped by the age of eight weeks old and any new owners are responsible for updating the microchip’s details.
Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to £500.
If your dog barks and causes serious nuisance to your neighbours, the local authority can serve you with a noise abatement notice which can lead to fines and legal fees.
You can also be liable for damage caused by your dog under the Animals Act.
In Northern Ireland, owners are still required to have a licence for their dogs. This costs £12.50, although there are some concessions available.

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  A 22-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after an eight-year-old...