Saturday, 10 August 2024

Smileband News


Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband, 

There is a spread of infectious bed bug’s that might not harm your health, but that are a pest that can drive you crazy, the can start off as one then exceed over time. 

The france is seeing a minor issue with bed bugs today, as it has spread to the uk streets, it’s a pandemic that is on the rise, they are on trains buses and people that are travelling around, they are on stuff that you buy in the shop’s they are in restaurants and other locations and you can’t see them. It’s bad! 

It’s a matter of strong concern that bed bugs are everywhere and specialist are needed, it’s a fight with the army, it’s a bring’s you experience of a real war was to take place in your homeland country. 

They are invisible, they hide and when you think they are gone one just pops out to feed, as it’s there dinner that they need which is your blood. 

The spray’s that they are making is not strong to kill these bugs, it’s a business that is making millions around the uk and the world. 

Bed bugs are a problem, people are calling out experts to kill these pest, as it’s a matter of concern that we are in a war that is in our own house hold, some people are immune to these insects as it does not have any sort of impact on there skin but they are still there in your environment. 

Bed bugs are on the spread, they are jump jack’s out on the hunt for your blood and a home to live, they are in shop’s things you buy and they can reside any were around the world. 

They are on the out side of buildings that are travelling from one neighbour to the other, it’s a pest that is taking over your home environment, you need to control that little F……, because they are a irritating mess of species that are traveling all over the uk from France. 

There are so much homeless people on the street that pass you and it’s a hitchhike from them to you with out you knowing, they are in cloths and other stuff you buy. 

The old saying when you was a child, was’ don’t let the bed bugs bite at night because this has been a problem for years in other nations. 

The doctors state that they are harmless and can not cause you any health problem, unless you have an allergic condition to these pest. 

The best advice is keep on fighting them, as theylook for places that they can breed and hide, as they can hide is the most smallest gaps that is impossible to see with the naked eye 

There should be a major program that can help people overcome this matter of bed bugs, as living with them is a nightmare. 

It’s like a horror movie called bed bugs the night attacker, because they come for you are night and in the day they hide” unless they can use you are a hiding place to feed of your blood. 

It’s the little tick tick on your skin that happens to everyone, who is apart of this world and it’s a dust mite or bed bug that is in your environment. 

What is the bug that looks like a lobster?

Panoploscelis (commonly referred to as spiny lobster katydids or giant lobster crickets) is a genus of very large insects belonging to the true katydid tribe Eucocconotini, which is a subfamily of the Tettigoniidae.

This is an attack from France to the uk, it’s coming for everyone’s household, they are invisible and they will attacked to you in any location. 

This is a state of emergency for the department of pest control, get your home ready for the attack like no other. The bed bugs want you and the need to eat and it’s your blood. 

Doctors has stated that if you feel symptoms of bed bugs then you should find the best treatment to solve the matter, as it’s a continuous cycle that is affecting the nation as a whole. 

It could be a job for the armed police MI5. Secret service’s” It’s dangerous, it’s a terror attack, if you have not encountered this problem with bed bugs, then your time with come and they will start off with the tick tick on your back. Just know it’s your turn to fight the war on bed bugs. 

Don’t let it get out of control!!! They grow in to a little lobster. 

It’s like the Covid 19 pandemic that is unfolding today. They will not let you sleep, they are attacking and they mean business, it’s a matter of them getting on the property ladder and owning your home. 

Attached is a news article regarding the matter of bed bugs today

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

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