Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

There was a father 4 justice post” addressed the other week” stating some ill comments regarding Katie price, giving an expression that she is a monster and a person that would subject her self to abuse around her children. 

Fathers 4 justice should addressed this matter, as a lost cause that can destroy a person for the value of nothing” as these word’s in a article” with graphical detail of subjected abuse” can lead to death or mental health problems. 

Katie price would not be in her position’ doing glamour photo shoots, having her makeup done by professional makeup artist, if she was such a person on how fathers 4 justice described her. 

Katie price cares for her children and would never subject her self to such gross indecent behaviour around her children, which is sick to the core. 

Katie price has looked after Harvey, as his disability is such a hard burden to deal with today. 

Father 4 justice need to understand that publishing such article’s can inflict pain and harm and suffering to Katie and her children in todays living world. 

This is a attack that needs urgent attention from the courts and compensation to Katie price” because of her actions are not of this manner, as you can see her “ as a person who just continue’s on instagram” as a woman who aims for success in life. 

They say that it’s a cover up” but Smileband suggests that it is a lie that has been made against Katie price, she has a kind heart and this sort of publishing for father 4 justice is daunting and horrible in the most aggressive manner. 

This is a hate fan or a stalker that has brought forward such information, if there are people out there in this world” who act in this manner they should be punished accordingly. 

Katie price is a modal who expresses her value through her picture’s, smileband stand by what we say in this most difficult time, as it’s proven that people support Katie price and care for her in this world. 

Please check out Katie price instagram with the blue tick, as she is a women that aims for the best conclusion in life, which is success” as a career mined focus person. 

Smileband hope’s that all information said by fathers 4 justice is incorrect and they should face Katie price’s lawyers. 

Katie price is a stunning hot women, who has structured her beauty through surgery and other cosmetic treatments to improve her beauty, as a sexy hot women. 

Attached is the evidence that we are against regarding Katie price through fathers 4 justice news article, which is outrageous. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 25 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

The raise of gas bills are out of this world, people are paying over the amount they can afford, it’s a drastic measure that has exceeded its value. 

The question we ask, should we have sanctions with Russia because of the war in ukraine, is this war a problem, we supply them with gun’s” so we can’t even live right, we suffer, they are fighting over there own land, is this a problem that the uk should involve them self in. 

The next question we ask, has ukraine done any think for England, have they supported us when we are in trouble, I don’t condone death to any human, as it’s a crime that should be taken in to account based on the value of life. 

The inflation in the Uk is crazy, people can’t find to support them self, smileband want to help those who are at need, giving charities money that aim help to homeless and war related matters. 

Smileband supports charities that help people within Ukrainian communities boarders and other poverty stricken communities, the gas and electricity bill, are leave’s no money to even buy food, people have to find a route to get extra money, a route to buy there way out of this hell hole. 

There are organisations that can help people in the uk that can’t support them self in this time of crisis, it’s a cloudy path that don’t exceed a vision that alights it’s perception that relate’s to its way within a sense for concern. 

Attached is support for people who can’t pay there bills 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 23 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

The police are a subject of abused and crime related issue, not having a duty of care for the public, it’s a lost perception of its existence, as their is no aware facts to it’s progression. 

A team of detectives have been arrested” as this ex police offer” exposed the evidence that was used against officers, who were found drunk on the job. 

Police women have been subjected to grooming, by other offenders in the force, it’s was a lost characteristic purpose, they give cash prize to officers who stop 5 people a day.

They wound get a Tesco vouchers or a free drink at the pub, it’s has become a problem that needs to be exempted. 

The police has been subjected to radical discrimination that is a serious threat to society as a whole, lost with their own mind” as it’s a mental state issue that is through the vetting process. 

Channel 4 has alighted this matter through a ex police officer’s, who had enough and removed him self from the police due to there corruption. 

The police are a danger, they are not a loyal source of power or justice to the social environment that protect mother’s and farther’s by or loved family members” or young youth that are subjected to danger, they are a one sided group that hold prejudice to others of ethical backgrounds. 

They seek to help one more” but not the other, if there was no police the safety of the street would be a danger to every human soul that is a fact, it wound be a lost cause for redemption, a viral disease like a plague that hunts a life that can’t full-fill its orders. 

TV program above by channel 4 

Smileband send out its full condolences to the victims that have be subjected to police brutality. 

Attached below is a news article regarding police brutality 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 22 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

I would like to give a big thanks to the supporters around the uk and other countries, that have viewed our platform” which has been a fantastic support to our news development. 

Smileband supports ten charities that help’s people around the world, giving money based on support that aims help to children and adults that are in difficult situations that have been affected. 

Smileband has hit 1.5 million views in the last 28 days which is a big achievement for our social media development, as we have hit over 5.08 million views since November 2023. 

Smileband News brings awareness based on situation’s that affect people within society, as this is structured based on awareness, smileband has just open a new section called Smileband Sport News” as we are looking to expand in to finance and business News in the future.

Smileband news is now being analysed by zoom info who are worth $11.29 billion dollars on the stock market which is a fantastic achievement to reach this stage. 

Smileband is owned by a team of specialised professionals” that have invested in to smileband’s development, who are structured professional’s, within the development of smileband strategic performance any enquiries’ please contact us at Smilebands851@gmail.com 

Please keep reading our news and keep safe  also have awareness based around the horrific incident’s that happen within our society today. 

Please check out our sports News at https://smilebandsport.blogspot.com 

Attached is a link to our analytical data which is analysed by zoom info, who are worth 11.29 billion dollars. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 19 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

The uk are in a threat that is going nowhere but in the face of destruction, it’s going to be a disaster” a waste of lost words from a man who has no sense or expressions that alights it’s formative understanding based on confrontation with a country that is huge compared to tiny United Kingdom. 

Russia are saying that they are going to bomb London with 6000 nukes, that would wipe out the whole country with no explanation or value or sight that give any person on the streets of London a chance. 

The man with a big head in the government” who educated message has no value” but to only involve him self in a war that had nothing to do with United Kingdom, as the posh English accent feels he can involve him self with every person based on his explanation, which is not correct all the time. 

Ukraine is a much bigger country than the United Kingdom, so why would there be need for England which is the size of a pound coin to involve them self in a war that ukraine can not fight for them self. 

The English government have brought danger to the public, their strategy was at its lowers intelligence level based on individuals, who have an educated level of a PHD in politics. 

It’s a sad focus point, England can not afford to fight this war, they don’t have the man power to fight this war, they can only lend a help in hand” but that would involve them self which would put people at danger. 

England would depend on other countries to protect them, as these other countries” would now place them self in danger” due to the lack of intelligence from the uk government. 

Smileband sends out condolences to the public, as this is a threat” that can end the life cycle within the United Kingdom. 

Attached is a news article regarding the threat from Russia to bomb London. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 18 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a huge increase in women being stalked by obsessive people, who are strange that have no guidance or virtual awareness for the own living life. 

They have addressed a range of different aspects regarding the nature of stalking, looking at a women in her own private location. 

This relates with not knowing the women, which is classified as stalking, it’s a daunting process that requires careful consideration as women, who are stalked to find that they are vulnerable to the social society as a whole. 

Sports presenters Laura wood had a long ordeal with a women stalking her for over two years, as this has impacted her mental psychological health as a whole. 

Harneet kaur, who was the stalker to Laura wood that has been affected, by the stalking allegations” as she suffers from anxiety. 

The stalking can impact’ men as well, as a person who don’t get the message” ‘keeps on tracking you or talking about you or having a strong interest that is creepy. 

People are in different minds, that is a lot of mental health, people can’t find a life, they take interest in people who they don’t know, some people feel that they have power that guides them above others, as a danger to society or a member of the public. 

Today is a strange world we reside in, people are suffering, as it’s important that people mind who they attached themselves too,  as the nicest person can be the most deadliest person. 

Smileband sends out condolences to Laura wood in this most difficult time

Attached is a news article regarding this stalking matter with Laura wood 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 16 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

Simon Murch, from Sheffield, met this young girl online after she let him know she was matured 18, when she was a matter of fact at the age of 12 years old a court heard.

The 55-year-old requested that she send express photographs  as they organised to meet at The Tollbooth Lodging in Blurton, Stir up on-Trent.

Examiners say he would have known immediately that the young lady was underage when he got her in his vehicle close to her home.

Stir up on-Trent Crown Court heard she remained in the vehicle while he booked the room before they headed inside and took part in sexual action. He then, at that point, humored her with £500 worth of toys at Smyths.

Murch was captured after the young lady announced his activities to another teacher. He has been imprisoned for seven-and-a-half years with a drawn out permit time of one year.

They went into the lodging. He removed her garments. They had full intercourse. After they had full sex he took her to Smyths toy shop where he spent £500 on her.

This predator has exist throughout society, as a child abusing character, that need’s to Maintain a certain type of behaviour” that should not be tolerated’ as he has impacted the mind of young girl that is now infected and should be taken into care at the age of 12. 

Today smileband ask children to keep away from social media account’s that contact them who are of an adult background, as it is getting worst within the English culture based around sexual grooming. 

The English society is falling in front of our eyes and designing the new building and flash cars or nice cloths is not a fact that hides the problem around the abuse and tormenting of children. 

This is a devastating fact of a system that can not substance as normal living culture, what is the future for the English society, it’s an attack that affects all people mentally, ‘as these guys are still attacking young kids and not being brought to justice. 

Friday night on the tiles that are getting drunk and praying on the young vulnerable for the nature of an easy target like a score board 1-0. 

This is a sad fact of exploitation at its highest level. 

Attached is a news article regarding this situation 


Article written and configured by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been confirmation that a new bug has hit the uk, this has added controversy to the outlook that alights the environment, as a social interaction that keep’s people at ease has spiralled in to a horrific case of infection to society. 

People again need to wear mask to protect them self, as this is an infection that people are still carrying from the Covid 19 outbreak. 

The NHS have increased their number of core hospital beds from 5000 to 99,864. 

Normal side effects in grown-ups incorporate an unexpected high temperature, hurts, a dry hack and an irritated throat. Certain individuals likewise feel debilitated and report loose bowels or stomach torment.

The side effects are comparable in kids, yet they can likewise experience the ill effects of ear torment and show up less dynamic.

A normal of 2,226 patients were in clinic every day last week with influenza, incorporating 84 in basic consideration beds, as per NHS Britain.

The absolute is up 41% from 1,582 the earlier week and up 70% from the very outset of the year.

This is a major cause for concern, as it’s a huge doubt that people might be infected by this horrendous outbreak that alights the key factors that are subjected to the main focus purpose that is structured around the social environment capability to protect people. 

People are still being subjected to a hospital bed because of the Covid 19, as it’s has not gone and society are just forgetting the main factors of Covid 19. 

Please protect your self and keep safe from the devastating diseases that are at a foot length away. 

Attached is a news article regarding the flu outbreak 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 12 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been news that his royal highness King Charles 111 has caught a form a cancer, that is a daunting prospect” which is fatal to its existence of reality, as a drastic call for explanation. 

The path that has no opening, as a door that closes buts fails to exist for it’s given truth” as a king that breeds his heart to the people of the uk. 

A man that has the courage of flavour, that sights a day that this country hates to see fall within the dark depths of reality, that our king has this devastating disease, the lack of power to control, as its from the specialists who are trained to remove such sort of disease. 

There is no route to its inclusion or way that has an advantage of its ability, as this remains a significant horrible feature to the public, as a horrific incident that has taken place. 

Let’s hope that the king, who protect’s people like a knight in shining armour, pulls through” this most dangerous time, as we hope for recovery, as a nation that King Charles 111 remove’s such sort of bug, that concludes its route to its existence, as it’s a failure within a human cycle of destruction that our king has this illness. 

Today we should remember King Charles for his courage and sacrifice and humour, that he brings as a person, as it’s a lost legacy that holds back” when he brings smiles to all those around him throughout the nation. 

Smileband sends out its full condolences to King Charles 111 in this most difficult time and hopes for a speedy recovery. 

Attached is a news article regarding the diagnosis of King Charles 111 cancer problem. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 8 February 2024

Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers, 

Kate price’s cover up has opened up in the news today, as she has been classed as a bad mother, who is in need of help, there has been some speculation that she has abused her children. 

This is devastating news from a person who was a role model too much younger women in the early 2000’s, she was a global figure, a women that had a voice. 

There was men who stood by her name, supported her in the wake of dawn, it was a shame that such News has gotten out regarding her children. 

She has been classed as a paedophile monster, a sick person who has no vision or understanding to her existence or ability as a person with hope. 

A article said that she has had sexual orientation in front of her children, giving oral sex in front of her child, exposing her full private’s in front of her children” as this is outrageous for a women of her nature. 

Katie price has taken drugs in front of her children and acted in a way that is not acceptable to the social environment. 

Smileband was once a supporter of Katie price, as she had issue’s with Harvey, discrimination regarding her son, now this has been exposed, which is sick to its living kind. 

Katie was once a strong Woman, who said her word before all, she was a women that had a value, as a Brighton girl, with the cocky English accent. 

This has been reported to the West Sussex police, the children services, also the family court in shoreham, based on child protection issues. 

( Information below listed by fathers 4 justice )

The family courts are failing our children on a Dickensian scale, in secret courts, run by an unelected, unaccountable, unsackable judiciary, operating in complete secrecy

There was concerns regarding Katie price over 5 years ago, that was not addressed in the papers but kept under a blanket. 

Social Worker Lynne Rickwood, who was sacked last year after becoming nanny to the kids. This is the same Social Worker who denied Kieran Hayler access to his kids for over a year using false allegations. 

( Information above listed by fathers 4 justice )

They are saying that this is the biggest child abuse scandal cover up in 23 years, they say that her children should be removed from her care. 

There has been allegations of incest, drug abuse, abandoning schooling, safeguarding concerns for children, mental health concerns. 

Intercourse in front of her own children, using the children as click bait, domestic abuse, the sun stalking the kids for cash. 

This has been a huge problem that has taken a big step backwards in her life, as Katie price has stood and represented herself as a hard working mum, her dress sense and relationship with her mum and sister are relationships you can never forget. 

Smileband sends out its full condolences to the children in this most devastating time. 

This seems drastic like the Michael Jackson case, as she has not been arrested by police, but they expose every single detail, this need to be look at in close detail regarding any wrongdoing by Katie price. 

As what’ has been addressed is outrageous! 

Attached is an article regarding the child abuse scandal with Katie price. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...