Saturday, 22 April 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

A young footballer called Daniel cain, was on a night out with friends, when his drink was spiked on a night out” as this has seen to be profound as a terror attack on a young individual who had a promising career. 

Daniel cain went in to a cardiac arrest, as he started to change colour” as he was a talented football player who was at Arsenal academy. 

This might be seen as a racist attack or a targeting attack on a player; who meant no harm to any individual, today people need to keep away from dangers that can unfold in night clubs, as our society is full of sycophantic individuals who have a serial killing mind. 

Paramedics worked on Danieal for a long period of time, as his heart stopped beating for a long period, it took over 24 minutes before his heart started beating again. 

Daniel family have lunched a fundraising campaign for his rehabilitation, as he is confined to a wheelchair in this most difficult time. 

It was said that Daniel was in a coma for over 25 days before he came around, to start breathing again. 

Daniel brain was starved of oxygen” which caused him to be in a vegetable state” it is said to cost over 24k a year to keep Daniel in rehabilitation. 

Today’s world is in a fighting war’ that is unfolding to be a hate for the worst” as people aim to inflict dangers to other for a reputation that has no motive for a route to any success. 

This was an attack that is said to be terrorised hate crime, as he was targeted due to his talent as a promising football player. 

Smileband send out it’s full condolences to the family of Danieal in this most difficult time, as wishes are in mind for his full recovery. 

England years ago, wound never see such hateful crimes take place, were people are attacking other’s due to the motive of them being a talent individual, we would only see praises to people who are skilled at the art of playing football. 

It’s such a sad motive that Daniel is in a paralysed state which has turn his life around, we aim for a change in our world today” as it’s getting worst” as people have minds that are not on the right level. 

A lot of people want to fight and bring violence that can impact a full negative image to society, and the young generation growing up. 

There need to be more younger grassroots support for people in the uk, as they should have the opportunity to become football players in there home born country. 

As we are seeing the young generation not having no development cause for the purpose of them self, only to see a path that is dark and psychologically mental to the stress of the human mind, as this condition hold’s a path that has no route for success for talent in the uk.

There is more sales of foreign investment that has turned out to be a no hope for children, who have a dream that can no be achieved. 

Attached below is a go fund support link for Daniel as smileband we aim a donation to the support of Daniel in this most difficult time, as it’s such a sad time in Daniel family life. 

Attached below is an article regarding this matter

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The main brics countries Brazil, China, India, Russia, and south Africa” have brought a unique strategy” to forward a policy based around a new formative currency’ that will over power the USD dollar. 

China are the main focus point around this formative discussion based around aiming there currency, as the strongest currency to the formation of the USD dollar. 

China want’s to buy-pass the USD dollar in paying for energy resources and trade goods, which brings a low focus point based on the advantage that the USD has an impact on the world today. 

They want to aim a dominant position as the leading currency, as this would allow China and other nation’s to exchange currency with out changing to the USD to make payment, as all international transactions are done via USD Dollar. 

This will give the strategic aim focus point based around cost savings, also the pressure based around sanction’s impacted by the US government on Russia” which affects other political countries;

This formative change has taken placed based on influenced subjects, which is a psychological change between countries’ who are affected through difficult issues that are political. 

Through the years the US dollar had been the backbone of the world financial industry, due the the impact of war related issue’s, as a key save haven for investors. 

Investor’s have seen loses that have affected major development based on losses through key chapter acts within the American court’ that have affected key investors in other countries, this has been based on a safe haven for big companies in America that have liquidate there funds to impact there business for there beneficial purpose, based on a strategic source of income for organisations. 

Nations across the world have been affected by this measure, due to the change of the USD dollar” as they want to exchange there currency with out the impact of lost, due to the structure of the American economy. 

America is a fighting nation that is affected in different part’s, due to the civil society’ not being as stable due to drug addiction, gun violence, knife crime and other related matter’s, as some parts are classed as third world development states, as its sees a sad affect to there society, as this bring’s risk when exchanging the American dollar; based on there social economic interaction. 

The Ukrainian war has brought halt to the Russian economy, based on key sanctions that have affected the process between other nations around the world when conducting business, due to the dollar not being able to be used as a focus point in a transaction. 

This matter has affected countries based on energy prices, also the use of resources not being able to continue’ due to the international exchange rates process being used as a transactional method. 

This would include other major western countries, that are subjected to the use of the US dollar, as a international transaction process. 

This is a subject based on a focus point for the future  change in a move for the world economy. Key Bank’s swift transaction process will be different based on international use of exchange. 

The reason for this method is because it had brought stress to different countries because on the war in Ukraine, as it’s still a sad epidemic that has taken place due to the loss of life that has impacted Ukraine for the worst. 

War is a deadly matter of destruction that has no route for the success of nations around the world, as people that find life hard, as killing’s in any nation across the world is a inflicted cause of devastating destruction based on the term death. 

The world has a low growth of human cycle, that is unfolding” which can be a crisis based on future prospects to human life as a whole. 

Attached is help for Ukrainian people and financial  help for all people within the U.K, finding it hard to cope in today living cycle.

Help for other people finding life hard;

Attached below is an article on this subject

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

It’s was said as a racist gesture from a low grade politician who’s absurd political views, used words that is of insult to the culture of black culture within the Uk. 

The politician named Andrew Edwards, said that white men should have a black man as a slave, who does this guy think he is’ using the term a white man should have a black man as a slave. 

There are black men of today who earn 100 times more then what he earns, as he is working” as a bottom end politician in the government, this is a disgrace to the white ethnic race, as his mouth should be wash out with soap. 

This politician has no object for supporting any person but him self, I am sure he would not last long under a black person as a slave, for him to use that term slave” as there are people around the world who are still subjected to slavery today.  

There are affected people in other countries who are black and other subjected cultures who are affected by slavery jobs in there own country. 

India has 7,989,000 salves 

China has 3,864,000 salves 

North Korea 2,640,000 salves 

Nigeria 1,386,000 salves 

Iran 1,289,000 salves 

Indonesia 1,220,000 salves 

Congo 1,045,000 salves 

Russia 794,000 salves 

Philippines 784,000 salves 

Afghanistan 749,000 salves 

These are the top ten most slavery countries in the world today, people are still going through this epic transition, that is still an affected regime, as for Andrew Edwards to use black people as a pointing object, he should lose his position and be subjected to universal credit for the supporting benefit for the rest of his whole life. 

This politician should be sacked from his job, as words from established individuals who aim no value should be eradicated from this environment. 

Black culture of today are a strong force that have respect for other cultures around the world, even English ethical culture, but we are all ways seeing a English individual’ who has a strong opinion that is subjected to racial abuse. 

We gladly ask this question, because England have gained more assets from building works and ground development that has given the uk, more value to its existence over the years. 

This should not give a person the use of his language in such a way that distinguishes him self as a human, who should sit in the dark and close his eyes and sink with no fear to his formal self inflicted belief’s. 

The Conservative party are investigating all aspect’s regarding the word’s that was said by Andrew Edwards’ as he referred him self to the ombudsman for due to his exit from the party. 

This person should be sacked;    using the term black culture” as there are 100 more other cultures around the world, as this is dame right evil and sick, please can English politician’s stop using the black culture as a target for there self expression to make them self look good for no reason. 

There are a lot of low class white ethical people in society, who find life hard’ and when individuals like this fool Andrew Edwards talk’s, he make’s life hard for people of white ethnic race, for people who don’t use there words in such a discriminative way; 

Due to this matter which can cause a different cultured group or individual to have an harsh expression towards a white ethnic person, who does not have them views addressed by this public politician Andrew Edwards, causing danger that can influence injuries or even death. 

This individual Andrew Edwards, should be black listed from society” to give him a understanding of how life is hard for every individual in today living cycle. 

Attached below is support for black people and other cultures finding it hard in today’s society, who need a help in today’s living life.

Attached below is an article regarding politician Andrew Edwards

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 9 April 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been brake through studies, based around a new cancer vaccine that kill’s key anti bodies within the human body, it’s has been tested in lab’s” as it has shown that key performance based around its testing program on animals. 

Cancer is hitting the nation, as there are more people being diagnosed with the illness, the new treatment is said to change the medical world for the better, as it can save millions of lives. 

This treatment is said to be ready by 2030, as it’s a big killer, that is said to happen within one or three death, via US studies. 

The moderna vaccine, has been created by the flagship COVID shot vaccine, that was a success for the majority of society today, as people genetics system’s are still affected by COVID’S impact within society. 

It’s has been said that by 2030 there will be other established vaccine, that is in circulation to be developed, as it will save millions of lives today. 

The future is here’ as we are seeing advancements within medical treatment, development that are showing key figures’ that are expected to hit high ratings within the medical industry. 

It’s has been said that this vaccine will be personalised and very expensive, as the medical industry are looking to make it affordable for the lower class society. 

It’s a matter of life or death, as we still aim for answers based around’ if this is right for people within society, will this vaccine save a life or end a life. 

The key reaction’s of this vaccine had not yet been addressed, as the side affects could be devastating if not addressed correctly. 

Smileband wants to insure that people are positive about there thinking ability, as there is need for visible thinking that can distinguish the fact of a valued decision based on people’s health. 

This vaccine’s key efforts will be addressed around heart disease or cancer, people need to stay focus on a healthy diet, as heart disease follows like a bloodline of truth, 

Attached below is information on heart disease or cancer support for any individual going through this dramatic change in life.

Attached below, is an article in related to this new vaccine

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 2 April 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a dramatic case involving an assistant teacher, who was working at a school with vulnerable children, at a school called Anthony gill school. 

The monster of a teacher had an obsession with young children, as he was a predator’ who acted in a drastic manner in relation to his job related role. 

The abusers name was called Kevin doxey, he would send questionnaires to the young children in an attempt to find out how there minds are thinking, as this was addressed; as a sexual expression through asking stuff like what’s your bra size, or asking them if they are virgins. 

Parents need to keep a safety tag on there children at all time’s, as we are seeing people attack children in the most horrific way, applying for jobs in school’s to act in a form of a predator. 

Kevin doxey sent a string of explicit messages to student’s, showing indecent pictures” that was of a human nature, through private existence of his own human body. 

The case of this horrific trial was heard at derby crown court, as through an addressed statement, by the girls which said that they attempted to take there own life due to the actions of Kevin doxey.  

Kevin doxey, pleaded guilty to four account of sexual interaction with young children, as he was sentenced to two years in jail, for sending message’s that was of a indecent nature. 

Kevin doxey, will be known as a monster who lurks like an animal, who should not exist within a social environment of children, as his name will never leave the minds of these young children” on how he approach them in a manner that was highlighted as a peadophile predator. 

Please can all parents beware, that individuals like Kevin doxey, are floating around school’s, social environment’s, interactive places, shopping centre’s back street’s, even you local corner shop, on the hunt for children on a daily. 

This is a matter that should be addressed by the government, on bring a safe protection program forward, that educates children on the actions of being approached by a sexual predator in the social environment today. 

Steps; that should be taken when an adult, who is a stranger to a child, approaches them in an incorrect way that highlights abuse of a sexual nature. 

These teachers undergo safe guarding training, on how they should act around vulnerable children, today children are the heart of our society, the future of our existing fortune’ that is the heart of our community. 

Children should be able to walk around or attend school without the need to feel like they are being attack, by a full grown adult, for the nature of there existing features as a child, as this is an horrific discrimination of abuse to the young population of today. 

Attached below is the article in relation to this topic of Kevin doxey:

Attached below is information and help for parents of children that have been abused, who are affected and need help:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...