Friday, 31 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Today we are looking at a attempt in a psychological change, that can affect the world dominated countries based on a dramatic change” as Russia aim through Putin, wants to end the dominance of America’s control over the world today. 

This has been discussed between countries like China and India, who are key major partners with Russian force’s today. 

Isolated Putin has been frustrated by the sanction’s from the west, to stop his movement around the world, as this see’s the west aim more aid for the purpose of the Ukrainian nation to apprehend war against Russia. 

Through the new formative strategy that is selective based on China and India becoming forces with the Russian nation over energy deals. 

The policy that are subjected by the Russian government are in relation to the American regime, as the world strongest power force, which it’s described by Russian delegates and key constitutional individuals as a change for dominance of power. 

This war is suggested as a Cold War style rupture between Russia and the west, over the invasion of Ukrainian land territory. 

The 42 page strategy that has been documented, which is a purpose for the priority on the elimination of the powered dominance of the American control throughout the world today. 

These countries have been condemned as unfriendly nation’s to the society of the world today described by Putin, as America, the west, and other nation’s that hold inflicted used of power through the American regime as a dominant force. 

Putin’s isolation has seen India and China become key individuals, over the neutral invasion in Ukraine, key energy deals have been linked with China and India as supplies from Russia to the west European countries have been cut, as this gives China and India a better business economic development in the energy sector. 

This war is said to still be in active response, as it’s a cost to people who are normal residents within the uk, as the cost of living has spiked, this hold’s a strong use of using a different strategy, that can aim’s a less stressful life for people in the uk. 

The Russian government are very strong on the key factor’s that arrange from traditional spiritual and key moral values, that are related to the purpose of protection against pseudo-humanistic and other neo-liberal ideological attitudes in humanitarian society. 

The west policy is trying to weaken Russia in every possible way, aimed as a safe haven for the purpose of them self, through the protection of this war” as the world should hold a strong understanding that all people should be treated on the same level, no matter there position as a dominant force. 

Attached below is an article in relation to this subjected issue:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been dramatic news in relation to the sun solar system, as the sun has erupted two massive hole’s 20 times the size of earth, as this is a cause for concern” as our sun has been in circulation for billions of years. 

This has caused a solar flare, that will impact earth in the next coming days” as the sun coronal hole has ripped through the sun magnetic field. As this is a part that is much cooler then the actual sun it self. 

This hole which has ripped through the sun, is the second hole to appear in a week” the coronal hole has winds that are unleashing 1.8 million miles per hour wind’s, that are heading towards the earth. 

The solar wind’s will cause auroras” as far as the Arizona causing a ultraviolet light, this is a sight for eyes to see, as earth has impacted similar symptoms in the past from the sun expanding winds. 

This see’s’ that our sun is burning out, as we are in much need to take concern over the sun’s attempt to change its cycle of response to the way its acts. 

There is little that people on earth can change, as for the actions of the sun dying heat, this is a thought for thinking” on how the sun’s impact is to the earth, to say if we had no sun’ what would happen. 

The question is this, Is our sun dying? As this can leave the earth in darkness, which see’s the earth impact a very cold change for circumstances in its climate change” this could be the start of a ice age to come in the future years ahead. 

Smileband prays that we don’t lose of our sun, as it’s the soul of life to the earth today, as every single day cycle, would see brightness turn from light to dark. 

The sun has a life cycle that is unknown, it’s centre core is not as strong, as it was in the past, given these dramatic holes in the earth. 

This could be the start of a super nova, as to say” if the sun exploded, it could send a massive heat wave’s, that could wipe out everything that stands on earth. 

As this depends on how the impact can affect earth today. 

NASA have stated that this is not a worrying issue, but let’s be truthful, parts of the sun are dying, as to say’ if this hole expands, it could see the sun end. 

Let’s hope that this hole recovers and gains’ its full heat cycle, as this might just be a topic for key specialist who understand the sun in a more graphical detail. 

The sun is our holding force’ as it is life that gives life to others, it is built for the purpose of protection to our earth, let’s hope that this is just another cycle change in our sun today. 

Attached below in an article in relation to this subject

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday, 25 March 2023

Barclay bank freelance news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Barclays Bank have set standard’s through there intelligent motivational understanding” to shut down branches across the uk, as there method of bank has changed for the purpose of future development as a banking facility. 

They are moving to a more digital age, as most bank’s used today in the uk’ are online banks, Barclays have a set range of product’s that bring’s a light to an individual or company way of banking. 

These products fall in to categories such as: 

Personal banking, as this is for individuals who need a bank account for them self to aim a start in life, grab hold of your journey” as it starts here with Barclay’s personal banking account. 

The key features of this banking account, would consist of Barclay’s cash ISA or investment ISA. 

These products bring key functionality to the purpose of banking, as a cash ISA would consist of saving your money in the most efficient way, as this can be open from a little as £1 pound. 

The cash ISA from the 5th of April, as you are able to hold up to 20,000 pounds in an ISA account, tax free interest, giving you more freedom for speech. 

There are 4 different ISA rates, that give you intrest on your money’ saved over a period of time, 

The first rate is at 0.65% to every pound saved called a instant cash ISA 

The second rate is at 3.20%, as a 1 year fixed rate term from £1 to 1 million, as this can consistently apply over a 2 year fixed term, based on giving you a higher rate of interest at 3.30% over 2 years, based on which one is more suitable for you,  a 1 year or 2 year flexible cash ISA 

The third rate is at 3.40% 1 year fixed rate term from £1 to £1 million pounds, as this is called the premier 1 year to 2 year flexible cash ISA” which is exclusively for the premier customer’s. As a 2 year rate would consist of a rate that is at 3.50% over 2 years. 

The fourth rate is at 3.40% 1 year fixed term rate on £1 to £1 million pounds, wealth 1 year flexible cash ISA, as this is exclusively for wealth management clients, as this also see’s a rate of 3.50% over a two year period giving a more flexible rate over 2 years. 

All further attached information regarding the ISA accounts, are in a link at the bottom of this page.

Make your money work hard for you at Barclays, as Barclays investment ISA, has a portfolio that consist of a unique investment plan that is structured to your benefits. 

As the investment ISA can help you plan and put together a portfolio of investment that fit your criteria, or look at a smart ways through smart investor, we’re you can structure your own investment portfolio together’ giving you the power to invest, in what you feel is suitable for your required need’s as an investor.

Lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am to 9pm, Saturday’s from 9am to 9.30pm and Sunday’s from 8am to 9pm, as Barclays like’s to maintain there best services for all there customers, showing there high professional standards as one of the world biggest banking structure’s facility today. 

Barclays contact information is all in the link below:

Article written by Christopher Stanley  

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Friday, 24 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The uk government are set to tackle there biggest migration issue” based around Albanian nationals crossing the channel to enter in to uk soil, based around the gaming method that key Albanian individuals have been using to enter in to England. 

The uk government are bringing new acts of law in to consideration that would stop the growth development of Albanian, setting foot in the uk. 

It’s was said by the Albanian government minister, that Albanian’s claim that they are slaves within there own country, as this has been condemned to be a fake description addressed by key individuals. 

The uk has Albanian people that are of legal rights, to live in the uk, but over the years” illegal Albanian’s have entered in to the uk as asylum seekers. 

This is said to be a gaming strategy, that relates with applications that have been made, we ask this right’ should Albanian be all given the right to be a focus part of the uk. 

As there are hard working Albanian’s that have put effort in to the English economy growth, paying taxes and living a rightful respectable life in the uk. 

It’s hard as it is right now for of ethical people to build a life in the uk, people who are English born, find it hard to find ground in the uk” as the cost of living has risen to a record high. 

A lot of English born people claim benefits, as they see no other way of living in the uk, this is a cost of increased taxes, which are due to the building structure of the countries development, as new rail line’s development have been apart of the cost of living to increase. 

New housing development has seen the cost of living increase, the government expects people to pay this money back, as this is why they do this” by putting the price of good up in cost in every sector. 

This pay’s back for all development’ that has taken place, to build England as a world developing country, like Dubai or America or other development countries around the world. 

Technology has been on the development, as this would see the prices of new technology products, change the focus point in the uk and around the world. 

The future is heading for a change, as the country is building so much new development structure’s, that give’s it a better image for future prospects. 

This bring a understanding that key Albanian individuals are going to be x-rayed, to prove there original age, as incorrect information on Albanian individuals has been given to the government. 

The uk government are pulling profits that are keeping the functionality of structure in place, there intake of income is in the driving seat for growth;    as the countries progress is on new future development structure, through building development within the uk. 

The taxes pay for everything that is being built today, as we ask this question;    is this because of key nationalities who are apart of the uk structure that helps build and develop England for a better future. 

They say if England was not a multiple culture society wound it be as developed” on how it is developing today. 

England should give thanks to the unique cultured society, as they are is the foot of the growth for development, as a country that has more people” make’s more money, as this bring’s more paid taxes to the government. 

Every single product or household in the uk has a tax bracket that pays, which exceeds growth for the development of the uk. 

We hold this message, are the Albanian people being targeted or out casted from others in society, as England is a multi cultural society. 

It’s frames from every single different culture from around the world’ who are citizens in the uk. 

They say’ if England lost their cultural society, it would frame English born people, back in to job’s that are subjected to the look or image of slavery. 

Let’s hold a respect and understanding for the people who have come from other countries around the world, as they are the growing force of the uk today, otherwise it’s wound be a nightmare with out them. 

Smileband give’s it’s full respect for cultural society and hold’s gratitude for the people who aim for progress in there life. 

Attached below, is an article in relation to the Albanian crisis in the uk

Attached is a support program for Albanian people

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 19 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been another stabbing in West Yorkshire Leeds, we’re a lad has been stabbed at a house party, this is another tragic death of a young individual” as knife crime is on the rise again in the uk. 

There was reports of a loud noise, as the emergency services arrived, a young boy of 17 years old was pronounced dead after been taken to hospital, as this has brought devastation to the family of this young lad. 

House parties are a far cry from its existence, as they are a cause for destruction of events, there should be a ban on all house parties across the uk. 

As they cause distress to the local community, this young lad could of been stabbed, over something as simple as a distress situation that affects social interaction. 

Smileband wants to lower the thinking mind of using a knife’s or a gun, as it has an impact to key individuals to approach situations, based around confrontation that aim’s a fight. 

There should be key mentor’s that has a understand through key relation’s addressed on gun crime or knife crime, to change the view’s of public individuals who get in to these situations on the streets. 

This young lad had the rest of his life in front of him, as to attend an event’ were he is minutes away from losing his life, bring’s mind for thought, based on what if he just stay’s at home or what if someone else made him go another direction, he would still be alive today. 

House parties, are a sort’ for lack of protection, as they should be an main hall event, as it would have security and arranged positioning of an event structure that stops or can lower an event of a stabbing. 

This is a sad situation’ as we all way’s see events of people getting stabbed, as it’s a hard act or avoid, as it’s a moment of time, that the mind can turn off and lose’s control to attack another person. 

The address in Salisbury grove, is under forensic investigation to determine, who was involved or what happen to this young lad. 

This hold’s a strong message, saying put down the knifes and fight for a safer environment, this message need to be plugged in to the mind of every individual, as mental health or psychological thinking can impact how a person thinks. 

The world today, has danger in every corner, as it’s a never ending cycle of trauma, mind set division, psychological response to environmental exposure’ driven culture differences, that alights a change for concern, as attitudes are distant from one another. 

There are key charities or help outlets that can give information for the concern of those who feel vulnerable to society, attached below is a link that explain’s this situation and can further address help.

Fighting-knife crime, engages in support of research understanding and psychological mental health support, they address key activities that can help bring a change to the local social environment. 

Attached below is an article, by the daily mail in relation to this incident in Leeds.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday, 18 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The international criminal court, the ICC have issued a arrest warrant for the prolific president Vladimir Putin, as this is for the war crime’s that he has inflicted on Ukrainian people. 

This is because of the Abduction of children and killings across the Ukrainian state, which has lead for an arrest, as this will bring a subjective ruling to the end of Vladimir putin control over this war. 

As his involvement has brought alleged corruption to the Russian government, bring involvement of other countries to unfold army equipment, to tackle the war that Russia is inflicting on Ukrainian people. 

The court has said that mr putin is responsible for the war crimes in Ukraine, as this is addressed in a statement said by the court. 

The unlawful deportation of the population and children have segregated the country in to isolation, as Russia want to take back land the is rightfully there’s under the Russia government law. 

This is from occupied areas within Ukrainian land that the Russian federation want to claim as there tertiary under terms of Russian government laws. 

The international criminal court, ICC also issued a warrant on Friday for the Russian commissioner who represent the children rights in Russia” to be arrested under terrorism acts of law, due to the abduction of the children within Ukraine. 

Maria alekseyevna Lvava-belava” is a suspect as the chamber found that there was main thought through understanding that the ICC said that it’s pre-trial chamber found there was responsible grounds on which each suspect bears, responsibility for the war crimes of unlawful deportation of the population. 

As this is a historic moment, as this is will stop Vladimir putin movement around the world, due to a lots of countries being apart of the ICC. 

This crime is forbidden on which putin has done by deporting children, under law acts regarding the ICC, as Putin does not recognise the ICC, as his continues to proceed normal without hesitation.  

Russia look’s at Putin standing trail, as a far existence of being true. The word addressed state’s, can Putin be arrested, as he is like a king within his own right within Russian territory. 

This can only happen if Russian government arrest him, otherwise it’s a full on war to get to Vladimir Putin. The ICC can only address words, as words can have no meaning to an individual, who has power like a king. 

Attached below is an article, describing the warrant arrest for Vladimir Putin

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 13 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

This has been another incident we’re a police officer of the police force has been subjected to abuse, as this is condemned as a vigorous act of crime to social society. 

PC Matthew shaw, filmed 100 girls at a swimming pool over 100 times, as this is an outrageous aggressive approach to his position as a police officer. 

PC shaw was sentenced to a 14 year term in jail, for grooming children” as he performed acts of making children perform sex acts on dogs, also he perform acts of taking pictures of children that were deemed as indecent. 

The young children was age as young as six years old, as this is a horrific justification to the expression of children, within there own rights of being a child” who PC Matthew shaw expose other people’s kids for his own pleasure. 

PC shaw would talk to girls aged as young, as 11-15  years old” using his power through being a police officer” to approach and talk to kids that had no Intrest within his social presents. 

This bring’s a strong awareness to society, as a lot of police have been subjected to child abuse” that affects families and individuals within social society, as the police are meant to be the protection of our vulnerable public society. 

The children are vulnerable individual’s who don’t understand the difference between who is safe and who is not safe, as kids are not a serious focus point to the police today. 

The police should take concern over all children due to impact that affects kids through sexual abuse and violence, as kids are psychologically been affected through the negative response that the police are having on society today. 

Families need to educate there children on being approached by adults or the police, as danger is a major factor within society today. 

The police should ask for the permission to talk to a child or only approach a child, if they are a cause to danger or harm within society. 

PC shaw was a father of two children and was using other people children to perform sexual acts, as concern should be taken in to account of his present’s around his own children, due to his actions around other kids. 

The crown court had sentenced him to 14 years based on 24 different offences at Nottingham crown court. 

This is a horrific crime and smileband wants families to understand that taking pictures of children in social society has a zero tolerance affect, as it should carry a heavy sentence if they are caught, as this should be a focus point to people within the public, if they spot a person taking pictures. 

Please keep aware of individuals, who want to use your children for any sort of exposure. 

Attached is an article describing this situation regarding PC Mathew shaw,

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 12 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

It’s has been said that the uk human British army, will no longer be fighting in war, it was said that they are looking at robots, to take control of the army nationwide force. 

High tech information designed robots, with high intelligence Al artificial intelligence, inter-grated knowledgeable robots, with high structured minds” that think on a advanced level, that is quicker then a human in response to shooting down an defensive attack. 

General Collins said that these robots’ could be fighting as soon as 2030, on the battle field, in defence of the uk army, as the Russian army” use artificial intelligence drones to target there attack. 

These robots will aim the same sort of functionality, that will see’s them control drone’s, also make on ground army attacks, as this leads to a world of destruction and devastating incident’s that’s can change the world forever. 

They are comparing this to the movie terminator, on raged robots fighting, in a new era of technology that defines its purpose of leadership and control, as man’s creation unfolds its true belief, that was fictional to its existence’ within society based on the movie terminator. 

Autonomous and semi autonomous drones, are used to hunt down and kill humans, as this is a sight that is horrific to its living existence” that has no future or given cause for a purpose to protect the world, as people look at green-peace projects, green technology projects to bring a much healthier future to the environment. 

The Russian army and Ukraine army are using Al-embedded strike drones, such as Kalashnikov ZALA and the lancet” to inflict damage of the victims and army droops, fighting on both side’s. 

The first robot’s’ will not be as advanced, as they will only be able to interact based on alternative response to thinks that happen in attack” when facing opposition based on the different challenges they face when meeting these situations. 

This is a new era for destruction, as the world is seeing  a new world war, that is taking fold’ that can be more devastating then any other war in history. 

Smileband prays for the fallen, and the victims that having not done nothing wrong, as children and adults have died through war throughout the world. 

Attached below is an article, in relation to the new robots.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 9 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The government are inducing a new, weight loss drug that help’s reduce the obesity within the Uk, as there is a lot of over weight people in the uk today.

People that carry weight, are subjected to health issues’s’ that is related with heart problem, cardiovascular issue’s and clogged arteries. 

It’s has be profoundly understood, that this new drug is subjected to hijacking the brain’s functionality” through suppress appetite, reducing the need to have craving’s for food. 

Also it would reduce the calories intake, reducing the weight loss throughout the body” the ingredient wouldn’t consist of hormone’ glucagon like peptide GLP-1. 

It’s has been said that it has loss 12 per cent of weight fat, also slashed the chance of getting type 2 diabetes, that affects a wide range of people throughout the uk. 

This new drug can help increase people’s exercise, giving them a better functioning purpose for better living life cycle. 

4 million people can be subjected to this medication, as it’s will start with an affective program, that can excel the way people are convinced that this drug is right for them, as some people might have the same views that they did with the COVID 19 vaccine jab. 

This is a focus point’ that he should be aware, due to the different genetic order’s of people metabolism, body functionality, as people’s bodies react different to drugs, that can affect them in a different way. 

The university of Leeds, has said that there are 8 people in the pipe line” to have this drug tested on them, to make sure it is affective to people within society. 

This is for the government treasury department to find out if this drug would be approve, as it would be aided  through the NHS” for the requirements of use to individuals that are subjected to being over weight. 

There are 3000 people claiming benefits, due to having  obesity, as the government want to reduce the amount of people making this claim, as they can’t work due to the weight issue. 

The amount of people receiving this benefit is around £150 pound a week, for being over weight” as they are unable to work because of there weight issue, it has cost the government around 6 billion pound a year. 

The government are bring in this rule’s based around buy one and get another free, due to the new rule that reduce for obesity factor in the uk, not being to buy extra food due to the obesity issue. 

Attached is an article in relation to this issue of obesity in the daily mail.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 3 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been another health alert, as a man has died of a brain eating disfunction, that is found in tap water” as this bring’s a concern’ im relation to the contaminated issue regarding water. 

The man was from Florida, as he was washing his face and caught the contamination from the water, it’s was said that the symptoms connected with the contamination’ is fever, nausea, loss of balance, seizures, disorientation, stiff neck. 

The brain infection is called naegleria fowleri amoeba, as it destroys the brain tissues, causing fatal infection that is life threatening. 

This infection is also found in soil and water, this is due to the pipes being damaged, causing bacteria to enter  in to the water causing infection. 

This bring’s concern to nation across the globe, as water from the tap’s, are not the cleanest water to drink, as most of these infection’s, come from swimming in lakes that are infected by water contamination. 

Smileband support a charity called water aid, that work’s to bring safe water’ to different nations around the world. 

As this is an addressed measure that would bring concern to a charity like water aid. 

Water aid bring’s awareness to these key subjects that affect water contamination, as they want to bring safe water to nations that are affected by this devastating virus. 

Please see that smileband, send’s its condolences to the man who lost his life due to contaminated water, as it’s such a sad way to lose a life. 

There was three cases of this infection in 2019, 2020, 2021. 

The department in Florida, said that people should drink distilled water, as it is as after option when drinking water. 

Attached is an article in relation to the matter by sky news

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

This has been a infectious poison, that has been submitted through school’s in Iran, as this has caused a uproar through school’s” as parents are concerned about there children, due to this devastating incident. 

It’s was said that the girl’s can smell strange substance’s in the air, as the girl’s have been getting ill through this poisonous substance. 

It’s was said that the affects lead to symptoms of headaches, nausea, as some students” have reported paralysis within there limbs. 

It’s was said that the smell was like tangerine’s or a strong perfume, misleading the small to feel like it’s ok. 

The uk are still facing affects of symptoms that are affecting people, as the uk are still carrying an infectious virus in the air. 

People are not taking note to this, as it’s not leaving us” as it is a horrific situation that is unfolding, around the world. 

As school girl’s in Iran have died of this poisonous  substance’ as condolences go out to the young girls families” for the protection of there child. 

This is a war against humanity, for the purpose of another’ being able to control, as the world is a place that is built for every human being to exist. 

It’s was said that the poisonous substance, is not infectious” as it can not be transmitted from one person to the other, as the uk face an infectious society that spreads, people still should condemn in wearing face mask across the uk. 

As most people have not have there vaccine, as the vaccine stop’s the virus from continuing to develop in your body, as this stop it from lingering out of your body. 

People should be concerned, if a person has not had there vaccine, also take yukult, as it’s kill’s bacterial infection’s that enter your body. 

It’s good to keep your strength up with iron, as this virus can lack your defence, as this virus is not leaving the uk in any time soon. 

There need to be a major clean up on the streets, also all the building’s and facilities across the uk, as it sticks like glue, people’s bodies are different from others, as some people can become immune to this virus in the air” as some people can be affected worst then others. 

Every person genetic system is different, as it’s affects people’ who’s genetic system’ is different in a major way. 

This is a controlled virus, please clean your hands and use bacterial products, to keeps the virus away from people. 

As for the people in Iran, this is an attack on there social living, as this should be taken in to a serious account, regarding school’s being infected by poison. 

Attached is an article from aljazeera, in relation to the poisonous infection.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...