Monday, 27 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been yet another shocking earthquake in turkey, as the country is at its forfeit for defence” from this dreadful moment that they are facing. 

There was more then 48,000 people who died in the last earthquake, as it’s was said that children and adults were trapped under the rubble. 

Flat’s and tall buildings fell, to its existence through the impact, that was affected from the earth’s vibration’s, as a next magnitude of 5.8 was hit the Turkish province” killing one person and injuring 69 people.

As turkey have seen three earthquake in the last month. 

This has brought a formal crisis to the location, as aid support has been given, to the help of people in this devastating crisis. 

UNICEF are on hand to help people through there aid development program, as this bring’s help’ to those who need, as smileband support’s UNICEF” as our view for support is as important as any other organisation that addresses help via support, for the people who are in need in turkey today. 

The Earth has a view that distinguishes, its ways of change, as the structure of the earth plate’s cause for the ground to move, this is through given heat” that is built up from the earth’s core, small pockets hole’s deep in the ground, release air that is trapped” causing the plates to move in excessive force, that unbalance’s the ground causing blinding’s to move. 

Smileband hope’s that turkey does not exceed, any more earthquake’s, as they have seen so much devastating damage” to the land and homes of people lives. 

Today is today and tomorrow is a day, that hopes for change within the Turkish community, as they are a fighting spirit” that call’s for a message that sights a path of hope, for this crisis” has changed the life of Turkish people, in way that can’t be explained” as there aim’ is to recover back to a normal state. 

Smileband send’s there full condolences, for the families in this most saddened time. 

Attached is an article regarding the 5,8 magnitude and 6.4 magnitude earthquake in turkey:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a tragic incident in China, we’re a young modal has been killed, as her body has been dissemble and placed in a cooking pot. 

The ex husband of this modal, was arrested for the crime, that has affected most part’s of China, ms Choi was the name of the lady’ who was killed in this tragic incident that took place. 

Today’s world, we are seeing a lot of mental health within people” which is being affected’ by these related issues” that are happening across the world. 

This is crazy to the knowledge of society, as the Chinese authorities, could not understand’ how a person can chop up a body and place it in a bowl. 

This bring’s a strong related fact, that can influence society in the wrong way” as this lady was a well know individual” who had followers of around 100,000 through social media. 

Ms Choi, was a pleasant individual, who was know by manny to her family and friends, as smileband send’s out its full condolences” to the family of ms Choi in this most difficult time. 

It was said that ms Choi husband, who committed the murder, tried to escape with £53,000 which is HK 500,000 dollars, Also 4m in watches, but was caught by the authorities” when he was caught fleeing’ by speed boat. 

This concludes’ that ms Choi was from a wealthy family, as her life was pleasant, but the worst took a change for turn’ as she was killed by her crazy husband. 

This was said to have been done over a dispute involving 10 of millions of dollars, as ms Choi was not spectacular at handling her finances. 

Attached below is an article, regarding ms Choi death:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 24 February 2023

Smileband news and health

Dear smileband viewers, 

This has been a out brake of a bird flu, called H5N1 which is a contagious disease” that can spread to birds and humans, it is said to be like the COVID 19 virus; 

This has been infectious, to people around the uk and the world” as it is lightly to spread out further; a young girl has died of the bird flu, which has brought devastating to the family of this young girl. 

The strain which is 50% per cent kill rate, as the virus spread’s via droplets in the air” cases have said to be spotted in Cambodia. 

The virus can kill’s half of the people it infects, as this is a strong virus” it is said to be in chicken’s as well, so people need to be concerned over the chicken’s that they eat, as it can bring infection. 

This can cause respiratory problems, breathing issues” as the first outbreak” was found in Scotland in the late 1959, as the out brake was found in chicken’s. 

The first virus was detected in Hong Kong in 1997, as it has an impact that affect’s the population of China” as there has only been one bird flu case in America. 

Human’s can not catch the virus from chickens, if the food is cooked through the right affective way, due to the heat that kills the virus within the chicken’s. 

Key symptoms, to look out for regarding bird flu” are high fever above 100F, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, also feeling malaise. 

These are key affects that can subject a family or danger or a friend or social society, please take Yakut” as its kills any bacteria that fall’s in to the frame of the body. 

Smileband hope’s for a safe, healthy society as our support to the 10 charities means that we care for people. 

Attached is an article, written from the daily mail” in relation to the subject of bird flu:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers. 

There has been a incident we’re a young lad, who was said’ to have been a strong cannabis smoker, has killed his grandmother, it was said that the young lad, was suffering from a form of psychotic symptoms. 

A flag has been raised, that this young individual had issue’s” that was subjected to thinking, that his Nan was out to kill him. 

The young lad’s name was called Pietro, as his name has raised concerns with medical authorities, regarding his smoking problem, as this was not taken in to consideration” regarding that he was suffering from a mental health issue. 

Smoking cannabis can affect people in different ways based on there genetic disorder, it’s the same with drinking alcohol, as it’s can lead to issue’s that is subjected with psychological, mind related diseases to the brain. 

It’s can also affect the body functionality, that can lead to spasms” within the muscle’s” that can rearrange the way your body feels. 

Drugs have all different affects, as they are a health issue, if becoming addicted to a substance, it can affect you in the most strangest way” most people get in to taking drug’s” based on a socially active’ interaction within a group of people. 

This is a sad matter’ as pietro killed his Nan, out of not being able to sustain a normal focus mind set, there needs to be, more open help! for individuals that feel they are affected by cannabis. 

As there are a lot of people across the uk and the world who smoke cannabis, it is a legal substance within countries like America or Holland etc. 

The use of cannabis, can be used to reduce stress and maintain a focus point within an individual” who has a smoking addiction. 

Addiction’ is a cause for concern, in any case of a subjected purpose” because addiction to any sort of substance or interaction with media, or another purpose of mental health issue’s” can bring devastating stress that is a illness. 

People fight addiction everyday, as there need’s to be more open support, for people that are stressed out or lonely or suffering” from intensive stress from another person aggressive response, that can cause destruction. 

Pietro, killed his grandmother’ by inflicting 17 knife wounds to her, while she was in the bath naked, as this is a danger that consists of a psychotic response” that was fatal, which caused him to kill his Nan in cold blood. 

Smileband sends out its full condolences to the family of pietro Nan, in this most difficult time” please see that mental health’ can range” in so much different forms, as people need to keep safe’ from this horrific mind set; that affects a lot of humans in today’s society. 

Attached is a mental health clinic, that can help people who are affected by psychological stress

Attached below is an article regarding this matter in the daily mail:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been confirmed information that Russia, has tested a nuclear war head, it was said that the test failed, as president Biden was visiting Ukrainian states, but aimed no threat to the US president. 

It’s was said that Russia, has the biggest nuclear bombs then any other country, this bring a strong concern for the safety of the west, as putin is a power” to not be reckoned with in this moment of time. 

They are approaching the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, as ten of thousands of people’ have sadly lost there life in this devastating war” that has been said, to have sadly taken lives of adults and children. 

Smileband send out its condolences” to all the lost souls, that had been taken in this horrific war, as there is no need for this war to continue” for the respect that don’t exceed no value; to control land within its existence. 

People want to see a normal life in both countries, as normal civilians in Ukraine and Russia call for this war to end. 

There need’s to be an agreement that sheds, a light to its existence” that frames a truth that complies facts, of why this war need’s to continue. 

The world future is a stake, as life” is a very important factor in this crisis, that is unfolding today” Russia tested ICMB missiles, as these are missiles that have a range of 6,835 miles” travel distance, that is capable of reaching location’s; that we don’t want to think of or imagine. 

They are able to carry 100 tons of warhead’s, that can wipe out a whole nation within a flash, as this missile are designed” within its successor of the 36M Voevoda ICBM; 

Russia inherited its arsenal from the Soviet Union, as it’s has been under constant inspections control, by the US, up until the COVID pandemic” as the world biggest nuclear Arsenal. 

This call for a reduction in nuclear bomb’s, as they only bring destruction to the route within its path, as putin has adhere to a 1,550 cap” on the amount of nuclear bomb’s” from both side’s; but insists that he will not be pulling out of the treaty. 

The treaty end’s in 2026, as this could spark a Cold War” when all nation’s could build up a stock pile, that can wipe out nations within seconds. 

This calls for the uk, to take understanding of there position, as tanks and war planes are a small influence to putin” which bring’s more anger, with no great impact to Russia, which could lead them to igniting  there nuclear weapons. 

Liz truss needs to amend her word’s, of an attack and compile a different strategy, based around a plead with Russian forces to end the war, beg for the end” not the beginning of this war, as the uk have no existing power to fight the Russian forces. 

Liz truss word’s of strength, is very small to the mind of a man” who has the power to destruct the whole of Europe in a blink of an eye. 

As to say if putin took this path, there is nothing the uk can do to stop putin in the wake” of his plan to lunch nuclear weapons. 

Please remember that Russia, has massive big major gas pipes running across all of Europe and a big pipe to the uk, as he can send smaller nuclear bombs” down the pipe’s” to all nation’s, bring devastation across the west and the uk. 

This is call, for common sense within the uk government” as they should understand, as they have studied at a high level” that should have; very high intelligence, as it’s seems that they feel that they can compare, to a nation that is 70 times bigger then the uk. 

Please can the uk change there prospective, as there strategy don’t make sense” this is for the safety, of our nation and the world. 

King Charles has land, that is apart of his portfolio, not a war driven machine, the land across the world, has no benefits for war related matters, when it come to nuclear war heads from Russia. 

America is a nation that has defence for there nation, as to over watch a small country like England, would not stop Russia from wiping out the uk in a flash. There need to be more intelligence, around this matter of involvement from the uk state. 

The other addressed small nation’s in Europe, are a laughing stock pliĆ© too putin, as he can hold back any nation” from the west trying to attack Russia, with his nuclear war heads. 

So this is a key major fact of why putin, is so confident within his position, as he is not backing down” because he knows he has the power to exceed his position. 

This needs to be taken in to consideration that Russia are a force not to be reckoned with, as America can only hold position for there defence” if a world nuclear war was to unfold. 

As we have addressed’ that the given fact, is that NATO can combine nuclear war heads, but this don’t exempt the fact that Russia, can still bring devastating consequences to all nations across the west states. 

Smileband bring a strong understanding, to the fact that we need to plead with the Russian nations, to end the war, as we need to come to a sensible agreement” that gives Russia a deal that fits all for the safety our world.  

This is a fight for land, that has nothing to do with English nation” as Russia feel’s, that they own apart of the Ukraine, as we need to address an agreement that complies with Ukraine and Russia; to end this war over a bit of land. 

This is for the safety, of the Ukrainian people and the world today. 

Attached below, is an article from the daily mail in relation to the war in Ukraine:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

DVLA have suggested that people need to renew there driving license every 10 years, this has been addressed for all driver’s who passed before 2014, as they can be given a hefty fine if not done. 

This can lead to your insurance being invalid or having your car, pounded by the police” I was sure that every driving license is valid until you turn 70 years old. 

Then you have to renew your license at 70 years old, so I am not clear on this subject, as this has been addressed by DVLA’ the fine can cost up to £1,000 pounds if not renewed. 

Official figures show that 926,000 people, need to renew there driving license, as this is a cause for concern for drivers of today. 

The process of this renew will cost £14 pounds and a few addressed IDs that would be required. 

Attached below is a link, to get your driving license renew:

Attached below, is an article by the daily mail, in relation to the driving license issue by DVLA:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 20 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

We are yet seeing another scandal regarding the metropolitan police, as they feel that they don’t receive a decent enough wage. 

This has seen the police become a joke, within there own social environment, as a police officer receive’s around 2,800 pound a month” as they distinguish; the fact that they can afford to continue a life on this wage. 

A police officer job consists of walking around or driving around and stopping people, who are in confrontations” with individuals who get out of control. 

There job does not consist of major intelligence, it’s a job that is focus around common sense, as a police officer, if a police officer subject’s them self, for being involved in crime related subjects, they would get a sentence three times of a normal public individual. 

This is because there role of based on protecting the environment, some people get £150 pound a month; to eat food on universal credit, as the police feel that there wage’s is not sufficient to the valued amount. 

The police are joining as a group, to fight for better wages, as they get a good wage, for there job related role, more individuals who attend university get a wage of around 33,000 pound a year. 

Now university students, have got the educational process of understanding key elements’ in a focused structure way, through university” as this elaborates the understanding of main focus points, regarding that subject, as a person” who needs to be a competent person, who know’s there formal position within there job related role based on educational understanding. 

The police just use legs to walk around, eyes to see and strength’ to stop a person in pursuit, it’s a greed fact that even a low end police officer’ get’s around £2000 pound a month, as they feel they can’t exceed a life on that sort of money. 

The police have a wage, which is good for the job that they perform, as some police’ that are ranked” get £60,000 a year, as a high end ranked police officer’ get’s £200,000 a year. 

This amounts to around £6000 a month, and very high ranked get’s £24,000 a month, as this should be taken in to consideration, that a policeman or women job” is very simple, to the fact of there performance. 

The police force are a rich establishment, that exceed a better life them most individuals in the uk, as this is better then most individuals, who have university qualifications, as people who work in security job’s related role’s, get between £16,000 to £20,000 a year. 

People find life hard, as £150 a month to eat food on universal credit is a disappointment, to a person who can not elaborate” an existence to life as a whole. 

The police don’t have no fund’s, set up to help people from poor countries or war related countries, that are affected by issues, that are life threatening” or support for children or adults, who are ill in hospital. 

This is a shame, to the nature of our human society, as nothing can change the way our world fall’s in to situations, that require’s attention. 

As the authorities are for the protection of our society, your children or mother or father or a vulnerable individual, who requires the support in that way is what the authorities are there for; 

Attached below, is an article from the daily mail’ in relation to this subject:

Article written by Christopher Stanley  

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

The world of today is inflicted by social media, we have seen a massive change towards society, it’s has driven men and women in a different direction, that alights the bond between a man and a women. 

Facebook is a prime, example of negative affiliation”that is structured using a platform called Linux, this is similar to a blog platform, that is structured in a different way. 

Facebook is one big blog, that has every other person creating tiny blog’s on his web platform, as Facebook gains all the clicks and views via that blog. 

So Facebook is the mother blog, which sucks off all the other people blogs, that are called created account’s, so if every person created there own blog and promote there information to people, they would exceed a profit like Facebook. 

This is why Facebook, don’t have a contact office” as it only needs a small amount of people, as the Linux platform, can change or structure of Facebook’s platform in the unique way” on how mark zuckerburg wants to look like.  

Really mark and his wife can run this Facebook platform” with out any other person, but due to there large amount’s of subscription account’s, they use a small team to monitor the platform. 

Facebook has destroyed the minds of people within society”  as it’s improved the rich, that are famous” because this is how mark exceeds his money, due to the traffic that he pull’s to his platform. 

Facebook has had so much destruction through every single bad element you can think of, mark zuckerburg now creates this subsidiary company, called meta’ that is a fake platform” to play with the minds of people in a psychological way. 

As he uses the term meta, that is related with metropolitan, as he has had formal investigation on his platform due to the content, that has inflicted damage to people viewing pleasure. 

So he is manipulating the term of using the police/ metropolitan as meta, as a safe haven for his platform.

Meta has no fundamental purpose to its progress, as it aim’s as a protection, that has no systematic process’ to Facebook” but a name that is called meta. 

Facebook is a hacking system, that using by’ high tech connected software” that is attached to his Facebook” as this is a big blog that analyse’s data, through all the accounts that has been up, through addressed software that is connected to people computers and mobile phones. 

This gives mark zuckerburg, the power to drive more data and information, knowing what people like, via there phone or computer or tablet. 

Facebook has change the face of lives for some individuals in a negative way, that had a normal life” before social media. It’s has driven negative motion, based on lies’ also fake information; that spreads rubbish about people. 

Facebook make its money off data usage, paid per click” like a blog or you tube, the length of time people spend on his platform’ gain value to its existence. 

Facebook has no use for the promotion of there negative data, No support, for poor community’s in England or America or Africa or the world. 

It’s a mind blowing, load of people” talking stuff that don’t make sense, to the value of its existence. 

Please remember that mark Zuckerberg has not got a university qualification, he has started a blog, as he has used his gifted knowledge to make it in to a winner. 

Attached is an article about Facebook:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 19 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Nicola bully, went missing’ while walking her dog, in wyre’ Lancashire” as this has been a difficult time for her family. 

Nicola was a pleasant person, her family and friend’s have been worried for her since’ she went missing, she is aged 45 years old, as reports have been addressed that a body has been found in a river” close to the location’ were she went missing; but has not been identified yet. 

Nicola’s family have been informed’ that a body has been found, as this is a tense time for Nicola’s family, as this bring’s concern’ that women” are vulnerable in today’s society” as Nicola was just out minding her own business’ when she went missing. 

A formal investigation has been put in place based on finding Nicola, as we hope that the body, which was found” is not Nicola’s body, as she is a very loved person’ within her community” also within her family. 

A dozen vehicles remain at the location, were the body has been found” as a underwater search team’ have sadly found a body, that has not been identified yet. 

This is a fundamental purpose, that alights safety within a big major way” as we are seeing lots of murders across London, that are affecting society’ also the families’ that have been affected by death, within the uk. 

Two people’ we’re walking along side the river, when they sighted a body’ as they informed authorities” of the body, that was found;

The thought’s through this distressing moment in time, are with the family of Nicola bully” as this is a tragic way for a person to lose a life; as life is important, as no value’ can explain the cost, of losing a loved family member’ through any family member or friend that is attached. 

Smileband send’s its full condolences, out to Nicola bully family” in this moment of time, as this is a horrific’ psychological stress to the family of Nicola bully, who is a mother” who went missing three week’s ago. 

Nicola was graded as a high risk, due to her health issues. As the authorities’ have stated that any missing person’s case, are very tricky.  

As there are question’s’ regarding the authorities  search in to Nicola bully” disappearance. 

We all hope, that this body” is not Nicola bully, as we hope for her safe return’ home to her family. 

Attached is an article, explaining this incident regarding Nicola bully.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday, 18 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Football player Christian Atsu had been found dead in turkey, under the rubble” from when the earthquake took place in turkey. 

Christian Atsu, was a well know football player at club like Newcastle and Chelsea, he was last playing football at the Turkish club, hatayspor. 

Christian Atsu, was an inspiration to his club, as he had a career that was glamorous” to any younger individual who wish to play in his position as an idol. 

The devastating earthquake killed over 30,000 people, which affected the rest of the Turkish community” with homeless and aid support from different charities, that support the crisis in turkey. 

This is a sad moment for the family of Christian Atsu, as they have lost a well loved person within there family, Christian friends and club team member’s” are devastated by his death. 

Christian Atsu was 31years old, so he had years more on his career as a football player, he also played at a club called Porto in his early days. 

Turkey have been hit by the most worst earthquake, as nature is a tragic way to take a life, that had a purpose to family and friends, within the Turkish community and world today. 

The Turkish society are still trying to overcome this crisis, as it’s was such a heavy impact of 7.8 magnitude, which wipe out a lots of homes in the process. 

Smileband sends out its full condolences, to the family of Christian Atsu” also the families of the Turkish people; who have been affected by this earthquake. 

Times awake’s to see a hard path for change, that acquires a sight” for the promises of the Turkish land, that is strived by strength and courage” that is an optimistic vision, that sight’s a hope for recovery” in it’s wake of its dawn, what has been a tragic, fall for the Turkish community. 

Attached is an article, from sky news’ in relation to the death of the football player Christian Atsu

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 17 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Katie price has been a concern, over allegations” that the police has been exposing her son Harvey, this has seen 8 police officers; impose laughter and derogatory regarding Kate price son Harvey, who is 20 years old. 

Harvey suffers from an illness called Prader-Willi syndrome, as he also has autism, this has affected Harvey all his life, as Katie has cared for Harvey, through the most difficult times. 

8 police officers, used a what’s app chat group, to make fun of Harvey” sharing photos of him at there expense, as the police today are in a cycle, we’re they think that they can affect normal living society, because of there position” on the power’s to stop and search, a person in public pursuit. 

This year, there has been so much incident’s” we’re police are involved in crime’s of all kinds of nature, this is a danger; to the normal vulnerable people within society, who are classified as vulnerable people. 

A misconduct hearing, is taking place in relation to these police officers, who aim to discriminate” Harvey price in this sort of manner; that can affect Katie price in a psychological way, as the same with Harvey.

This has been addressed, in a lot of different terms” that is subjected to Harvey learning disabilities, derogatory images of her son, can be very damaging to the nature of her and Harvey’s life. 

Police of today’ like to involve them self in people lives, when there is no crime related issue, or causing trouble for no apparent reason” due to there position, bring discrimination and stress to people, who don’t want to know then in a personal way. 

The police are living a better life, due to the nature of immigration flooding the country” as the law’s are relaxed in the uk, which give’s people an easy less stressful life living in the uk, compared to countries that have hard strict laws like Dubai or Saudi Arabia.  

Immigration has boosted the English economy, as this see’s the government” issue more taxes across the country, through all subjected elements; regarding living and business. 

This has boosted the police wage, which has seen them feel, that they can take advantage of the vulnerable people in society, or involve them self, in a persons life, when this person don’t want to know them” for the sake of there job related role. 

This is a targeting harassment, that can inflict damage on Harvey price personality or his mother self-esteem, as she has been through hell and back” to give Harvey the best life possible, due to his condition. 

A conduct hearing will take place, as these police officers should lose there position” which will make the streets a safer place, we’re police are targeting society with racial aggravation and discrimination, also harassment, as we have seen with Harvey price. 

Attached below, is an article from the guardian in relation to this incident:

Attached below is information on autism and free support for help with autism:

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 16 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

It’s was said that Tv reality star from love island kaz crossley, has been detained in Dubai for possession of a drug, as a video and picture of her taking the drug, was taken back in 2020 at a party. 

It’s was said that she was filmed, taking the drug when the coronavirus was at its pandemic crisis” back in 2020. 

She is being held is a Dubai jail cell, as they are very strict on there law of drugs, it’s was said that she could get up to 4 years for just possession of the drug, which is outrageous compared to what she would of been given in the uk. 

As she would of been given a caution within the Uk or a fine, for the possession of the drug” as the uk are very relaxed on there law with drug possession. 

Kaz is said to of been working in Thailand, as she was just switch flights in Dubai, when the authorities” was alerted of her present in Dubai. 

She was only aloud to send an e mail to notify a person of her arrest, as she was not aloud to be given a phone call, which was very harsh. 

The foreign office was contacted in relation to kas’s arrest, as uk officials are said to have an understanding of what has happened, as they take full consideration for kas’s whereabouts. 

People need to understand that other countries, act on different rules” through there law binding acts, as people fly to other countries, thinking that they are on uk soil, which can lead to different terms and sentences” if they are caught braking law’s, in a different country like Dubai. 

The Dubai authorities, should see that these mistake’s are made due to the different lifestyle that Kas has living within the uk, as this consideration; should be taken in to account” that the uk action’s are different from Dubai. 

As Dubai hold rules, to keep there country in place as an order.  

So mistake’s are due to happen, when a person get’s drunk in there country, as they might no realise” what source of law, they are braking” on being apprehended for what she has done. 

4 years in jail, should be taken in to consideration” as she was not even caught with the drugs,, but only seen in a video or picture; as a life or long term ban from Dubai” should be a more affective punishment. 

Attached below is a link for drug addiction help.

Attached is a full story, in relation to kas crossley story

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Smileband news and health

Dear smileband viewers, 

A football player has died, as this is a tragic death, the football player name is Arne Espeel” who died while playing for winkel sport B in a football match. 

The football player who played second devision football, collapsed after saving a penalty, it’s is likely that to the young football player might of died of a cardiac arrest on the pitch. 

There will be an autopsy, taken to declare how the player just suddenly drop to his death on the pitch, there could be a few factors, to why a healthy football player died. 

Football is a sport that builds a lot of pressure from the heart, as it is very important that a football player should eat healthy” before a match, as a football player could also carry; a heart condition that affect most football players today.  

It’s important that these factors are checked, as clogged arteries can affect blood circulation within the body, or a x ray scan to see if a human carries a heart condition, as a weak heart can cause failure. 

Arne espeel was a young player that had the rest of his career in front of him, as losing his life” at such a young age is devastating, for his family and friends. 

There are key supplements, that can be taken” that really help’s the health, also the blood flow circulation around the body, protecting the heart. 

Brain functionality can be a next cause of death, through heading the ball in training or in a match” also confrontation with other players, causing damage to the head or body. 

Garlic tablets are a good source of blood circulation that help’s the blood flow, which keeps a healthy heart condition. 

V vain tablets’ can also help the circulation of blood flow around the body and brain, as it is important that high intense sport, on the heart is maintained, while interacting playing football. 

The news has been hard for the club to take, as condolences go out to the family” of the football player in this most dreadful time. 

Attached below is a neuro link method of training, that can help’s the brain and body functionality, that gives a strength capability to the body.

Attached is a link, regarding the story’ in relation to the death of Arne espeel in the daily mail.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been an incident, that has taken place” as the incident took place around Harlington street west London, an established gangster” who was sat in a car; waiting for an attack on other rivals. 

Accidentally shot his friend in the back, with a sub automatic machine gun, has been sentenced to jail. 

This is a horrific crime that took place, gun’s are a big major negative factor, that is bring, a down turn to society” as it drive’s influence to the generation of today; based on inspiration through having a gun. 

They blasted him in the back with the gun, then dumping his body” in a ditch at Heathrow airport, this show’s that friends are not who you think they are” when a turn changes for the worst, as life sees no value to its existences. 

The uk are facing a turmoil, driven route to destruction that clouds” its overviewing past, that’s keeps on hunting the streets of London. 

Turf war’s are forever existing” as gun’s are on every corner of our streets, underground, in paths route’s” that are unknown to the human kind, like a dark deep swamp. 

Fellow individuals aim them self, as a war of an art expression” that illustrates an understanding of real army fighting’ like Afghanistan Hellman’s province” artillery is a danger that’s degrades” it’s given thought for life, through any human, in our world today. 

Smileband see this as a whole man sale, that just pictures” death and darkness, that is overwhelming by its existence” of a storm that shields, its right to protect nothing within its path. 

It’s was said that the weapon could be loaded with up to 29 bullets” like a frame out of a movie, which established; lock stock, smoking guns” and two barrels’ as an illustrated definition. 

It’s was a tragic story” that lead to the death of this individual, as they was charged with manslaughter and intent to hold a firearm. 

Society should hold a strong awareness for guns, as they are a danger, that is stronger then any other man through there size” as a gun over powers; any person who faces it. 

Attached below is an article, explaining this incident in the daily mail.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 13 February 2023

Smileband news and health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Sharon stone brother has passed away; from a cardiac arrest, as this is a tragic death, as this has been a fallen way of seeing an expression, that values key attention” that relates to health. 

Sharon stone has stared in movies, like basic instinct” as this was a hit move back in the 1990s, she is a inspiration to her followers, and a great icon’ to future up and coming stars. 

Sharon brother, was much loved by his family and friends, as he passed away at the age of 57 years old, also he took a lost of losing a baby that was 11 month’s old” which was a sad time within his life. 

This brought stress and functional difficulty, that aimed a heart condition, that lead to his cardiac arrest, 

Smileband wants to bring this attention to the heart of our society, as it’s a main part of the human body” which needs to be addressed with care. 

Taking medication is vital for our every day life, keeping the heart in good condition” through gym and fitnesses, that keeps you in a healthy shape. 

Eating is a big factor; based around heart conditions, that can cog the arteries” that can lead to the heart, having major problem and issues. 

Garlic tables are a good supplement to take, as this bring’s good blood circulation, around your body based on functionality. 

Smileband sends its condolences to the family of Sharon brother, as death of a never ending cycle” that affects family and friends. 

Smileband has attached a stress release meditation program, that can help released the tension” that bring’s cardiac arrest or heart problems. 

Today is today as tomorrow is tomorrow, as it’s a value of respect” that obtains our gratitude, that is a deplorable fact to individuals; who don’t have a understanding of health related measures in life. 

Attached is a link, to a meditation program that can bring a change based around stress:

Also is an article, from the daily mail in relation to Sharon stones brother death;

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 12 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There was a murder on Saturday afternoon, we’re a transgender young women was stabbed to death, this was a full establish hate crime, due to the fact of being a transgender female. 

Brianna ghey, was the name of the person who was killed, she was 16 years old”  so it was such a sad way to lose a life, Brianna family are devastated by the news; as there beloved daughter, who just turned in to a female” had been a target of a hate crime attack due to her sexuality change. 

This bring’s note, that people are forever changing in society, as sexuality is a big subject” that can bring disfunction within society. 

People find that a male changing in to a female can be an affected issue, as this can relate to hate or discrimination, based on factors of mental health issues within individuals, that find it hard to accept. 

This bring’s no action of respect on how Brianna was killed, as every human” has a right to there own opinion, based on there life, of who they want to be as a person.

This sends out a warning to transgender people, that they need to Keep safe” from people who don’t accept there sexually; as mental health is a big major subject within the world today. 

Smileband send out its condolences to the family of Brianna, as every life is as important as the other” as no person deserves to be killed over there sexuality. 

Death is a forever daunting and mind controlling matter, that affect’s family’s and friend’s, or even social society as a whole. 

Death is the worst subject, that can be addressed” as key awareness need to be addressed in relation to this subject” to keep a human life safe from the eyes that pray.   

Brianna was a young individual, that had the rest of her life ahead of her; as for Brianna who was 16 years old to lose her life at such a young age” is the most horrible way to end a life that has not began. 

Let’s hold value and virtual for people, as life is a one way road” that can’t expel; who is coming or who is going, from today or tomorrow” as a soul enters the earth as a blessing; from a mother or father, that loves them what ever choice they make in life. 

Further investigations, are taking place in relation to the death of Brianna, as they are still hunting for the killer of Brianna. 

The incident took place in a park” that was located near Warrington Cheshire, Brianna was killed in a park, called Linear park in culcheth. 

The 16 year old was pronounced dead at the scene. This is such a sad way to die, as there was no given chance for this young person to survive. 

May Brianna rest in peace. 

Below is an article from the daily mail, describing this incident.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 9 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

A Somali mother and son in Tooting Broadway, who have been homeless for the past 6 years, as they lived on a bench outside a library. 

The two Somali mother and son, stayed on a beach which they made there home, as it was said that Wandsworth council made attempts to rehouse them in temporary accommodation” but they refused to accept the offer, as they continued to sleep on the beach day and night. 

Smileband brought them chicken and chip’s and a drink of water on hot summer days, the lady all way’s gave a smile when ever smileband walked past, as they seemed happy and content with there position. 

They have broken the uk record, for the longest people to stay in one position on a beach without moving location in the uk. 

Smileband feels that this is a key mental health issue, that the mother and son was offered a roof over there head, but did not show up to take the housing that they was offered. 

It’s was such a sad day that on the 30 of December 2022, the old Somali lady, was taken in to hospital and died on New Year’s Day. 

There should of been a strict law, that made then not be able to stay on the beach, as it’s causes health issues for them self” also environmental problems for society. 

They was given a place to stay, to sort there life out” but continued to stay on a small bench that had no value to there life. 

Please see that there is a lot of mental health issue arising in society, as this is a subjected problem that can influence other individuals, to act in a incorrect way that results in death or damage or an attack on a person who is just minding there own business. 

The police should of moved on the Somali mother and son, because of environmental issues” but they did not as this is lack of professional standards from the police, who are there to protect society. 

An educational program, should be put in place so professional public services, do not neglect what is the right thing to do” as they should of seen that this mother and son had mental health issues, as the mother and son, should of took there accommodation through what they was offered. 

Smileband brings help to a charity called shelter, who offer help and advice and support to homeless people who don’t understand what they are doing in life. 

Smileband send its condolences to the homeless mother and son, as this is a tragic way to see out life. 

Attached below is a article regarding the homeless Somali mother and son.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a medical brake through, based on transplanting another person head on to a next person body. 

This is a procedure that involves key specialist doctors  with high extended medical knowledge and skill, to match all the key nerves from the body to the brain. 

Experiments on animals, began in the late 1900s” removing the head and replacing them to a next animal body. 

Now to date’ 2022” no success has be achieved in this medical procedure” as a 33 year old man was going to have the procedure undertaken, but has backed out from the operation taking place. 

The man called valery spiridonov’s head, was going to be attached to another person spinal cord, as he was suffering from debilitating diseases. 

This procedure can see a future extended life, for people as a body colons, which are a major future development in medical science. 

The cost of this procedure would cost 100 million pounds, as it has a high risk of death for the procedure to go wrong. 

They do say that the first head transplant could be done and achieve by 2030 at the latest. 

Future development is exceeded at a fast rate, as it is going to change the way we see human life” which is extended for the future of the mega rich. 

Attached is a article in relation to this subject:

Article written by Christopher Stanley  

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers,  

Lee Murray was a man from woolwich London, as he had a reputation for fighting, as a skilled Martial arts fighter, he is a well know person through London and America, as he is respected” by a lot of individuals in London. 

Lee Murray was convicted for a robbery that involved 53 million pound’s, no guns; was involved in this robbery, so lee murry’s attempt, was not to harm any individual in the robbery. 

As we have seen police government law, issue guns to people, who have killed there wife and kids” as they are accountants, who work in a normal job. 

Uk government law” are Setting people free, who have done worst then a bank robbery with no weapon, too what Lee Murray has done. 

Lee Murray used a fake gun, with no intent to harm any individual, so the Release of lee Murray is for the respect of his human rights. 

Lee Murray has spend over 16 years in jail, in Morocco for a crime, that was not subjected” for being involved in a African nation like Morocco.  

Lee Murray should of been sent back to the uk for trial but was not, as he has been held in a country, that had nothing to do with the robbery. 

There has been people that have done murders, that have taken a life” as a life can not be replaced, as it is very important that we express this, as lee Murray done a robbery, due to the money” that he took, which was recovered by police. 

This brings a strong conclusion to the fact, that lee Murray” has not committed any harm, to any individual in society, as lee Murray is seen as a cool guy, to people who know him in woolwich and London. 

Lee Murray’s, art for fighting, gave him the image of having aggression, like any other fighter, that is in his position in life. 

Lee Murray has family and friends, that want to see him return to uk soil, as he has spend over a quarter of his life in a jail cell, that is not related with the Moroccan nation.  

The uk law needs to make arrangements for extradition proceedings, as it don’t make sense, why he is spending time in jail, in a country” we’re no crime has been committed by lee Murray. 

Smileband director, has understanding of who lee Murray is from established friends, who know him” as a respected; sporting fighting individual from woolwich. 

Lee Murray has not harmed, any one’ in a way, that has brought life threatening injuries or death, as he is just a fighter, who has a passion for the sport. 

The uk law government officials, need to address this matter regarding Lee Murray, also address a law agreement with the Moroccan government, to send for his return” as every human in the uk, should be treated as the same’ based on human rights violations. 

Lee Murray is being violated to the fullest degree, as his time” that has been spent in a jail cell in Morocco, should have been spent in a uk jail. 

Lee Murray is a strong individual, that hold’s respect by others, for his skilled art as a fighter, as he wanted a career” that was in the lime light, as a British MMA fighter. 

Lee Murray” has been known’ by word of mouth” by a fellow friend natty” for helping poverty and homelessness people on the streets of England. 

So’ lee Murray has the heart” to help people, as he was influenced in to a robbery, not knowing” that it would change his career, as a fighter and his life. 

Lee Murray attended a school called eagle’s field, so he grew up as a kid in woolwich, which is called his home, people make mistake’s in life, as lee Murray has made a mistake, when he done this robbery. 

Lee Murray has not harm any person in society, as he was a man that had a massive ego, as more of us men have today in society, so he should not be discriminated for his personality, as an ethnical; African Moroccan /English man. 

Lee Murray” was a young man at the time of his arrest, so his knowledge and understand, lead him to make big mistakes, that has destroyed apart of his life today. 

The uk government needs to make changes for lee Murray’s position and make extradition; to bring him back to the uk. 

Attached is information on lee Murray, Please don’t believe all information” as some information is fake and not true regarding lee Murray. 

Only Lee Murray know’s the truth about him self. Fact! 

Human rights are a big major factor, relaying the issue” that is subjected, for a lot of different individuals within the uk today.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers. 

The tragic shooting of a head teacher at Epsom collage was said to of been done by her husband George, it’s was said that he turned the gun on his wife and there young daughter. 

This is a cause for action based on mental health, a man who was married to a women who took the life of his wife and child is outrageous. 

George turned the weapon on him self and took his own life after killing his family. 

The main reason has not been disclosed, as they just sold there 1.5 million pound house, as this took place on the school grounds. 

The family was said to be ok, as there was no indication of issues that would lead to her husband shooting his family. 

People are not seeing a right functionality within there mind set, as the motive of this incident” has answers that need to be addressed. 

George hosted a party the night before he took the life of his wife and child, there was no sign of them being upset with each other, by individuals who attended the party. 

Ms Patterson made a distressing phone call to her sister just before her life was taken by her crazy husband, Ms Kirk drove to the location and found that they was all dead as this was such a tragic moment for Ms Kirk. 

Mr George Patterson, was a licensed gun holder and was a coward for killing his wife and child at the moment that was described as horrific. 

Mr Patterson was a chartered accountant, and was in his 40s but dressed like a man in his 50s” he was a Man that kept to him self and should of not been a person with a licensed gun. 

As for what reason did he hold a licensed gun. A lot of people in the uk hold licensed guns, as this is a major problem as a man from Cornwall last year shot a person for no reason that was justified not right. 

Smileband wants to send out this message, that licensed guns are not a subject of need in the uk today” as we are not a danger to guns on our streets like America. 

Guns are a subject violation to gangsters, who act within there own purpose of use through turf wars or other major related issues. 

The law needs to know that there is no need to address a gun for the purpose of a person entertainment, within there own environment” as it is a uneducated measure that has no focus point to life. 

May Ms Patterson and her daughter rest in peace and find a route with god, as this is the only route that was given them from a husband and father who had mental health issues. 

Let say no to gun crime and focus on making a change that affects our community, which is a influence on our younger and older generation today. 

Attached below is a link from the daily mail regarding this matter.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 6 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a major devastating earthquake in turkey, it’s had destroyed Sites and taken lives that have affected the Turkish community. 

It’s was hit by a earthquake magnitude of 7.8 that was a record braking earthquake, Turkish people have fled to Syria” that would see them encounter the war that is taking place in Syria. 

This is a tragic situation and humanitarian resources have been arranged for the Turkish communities, people was sleeping when this earthquake erupted killing over 2.300 people. 

People have been trapped under building’s and crushed in Homes were they lived in at the time, it’s a crisis that has brought sadness to families across the Turkish community. 

Slightly after the first earthquake, there was a second earthquake that took place” wiping out sections of the entire Turkish community. 

The world health organisation predicts, that there will be more death tolls” as it’s was such a bad impact that hit the Turkish nation. 

Syria was also hit by the earthquake, killing individuals with injured people as well” that has impact them; due to there war crisis that is affecting them right now. 

Smileband send out its condolences to the families and hope for a better return to normal functionality within there society. 

Earthquakes can be a life changing mould that brings difficulty to poor and rich individuals, that have been impact, by earths change in response to the climate environment structure. 

May the families that have lost a love one, or there home has been destroyed” find faith within them self to recover and regain a focus strength for the future.

Attached below, is a article from the daily mail describing this devastating impact on turkey.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 5 February 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been some tragic news regarding the head of Epsom collage, who has been found dead at her home with her husband and there 7 year old daughter. 

This has brought concern to how Emma Patterson and her family have been found dead at there home, A full independent investigation” has been taken in to consideration; regarding the motive that has taken place regarding this devastating incident. 

Emma Patterson was described as a delightful person to family and friends, she was a joyful person who enjoyed her life, also encouraged others to lookup to her for inspiration as the head of Epsom collage. 

Every person at her college; is shocked by this news and hope for answers, regarding the death of her family of three. 

There is said to be further investigation taking place regarding this matter, as death is a shallow response that brings no gratitude to others wellbeing in life. 

It’s strange how the death of Emma Patterson family have addressed the uk, as her husband George and daughter lettie have lost there lives together. 

Death is a lost soul that hurts families and friends and can not be replaced by the power of god, it’s a lost cause that has no purpose to its formal understanding that elaborates life as a whole. 

Epsom collage; was the independent school of the year according to its web site, successful student’s have studied to gain good grades to enter in to university. 

Emma was a well established head teacher, that had key values for her student, and took pride in her work as a head teacher. 

Attached below is a article from sky news’ regarding this matter;

Please see that smileband, send out its condolences to Emma’s family in this most difficult time. 

May they rest in peace. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...