Monday, 30 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Smileband have information that can help bring a healthy life style, that advances as clean focus point to you wellbeing and surroundings in life” as people suffer with high stresses levels. 

This can affect your internal organs that are prone to clogging through plaque build up, this can bring heart attacks and a change in your appearance that affects your psychological health. 

There is a proven way that people can reduce there cholesterol levels, a methodology that has be proven by key health professionals. 

A breakthrough understanding in cutting out one hidden ingredient, that is beneficial to your formal living of life style” by lowering your cholesterol level. 

This would reduce your cholesterol level below 100 and clear out 93% of clogged arteries, that perverts diseases, like a heart attack or stroke. 

This can also boost your physical level and mental energy levels. 

This was information that was made for the rich and famous people of today. 

Please learn and manage this one ingredient. 

A video is attached in a link below, that will address this cutting edge ingredient” that can bring a life changing cure to your life, It’s important that we clean our internal frame structure to feel more radiant and bright in life.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Friday, 27 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

A young man called Tyre Nichols was murdered by five black policemen, as they jumped him on the way home, after being pulled over in a traffic stop in Tennessee America. 

This has yet seen another outrageous incident” by the police in America” that a black man has been attacked by black police officers. 

This bring’s a understand that corruption follows across different cultures within the police force, as it’s was justified that Black Lives Matter was a cause for protest because of the death of George floyd, who was killed by a white ethical police officer in America. 

American police set examples for police around the world, as they express dangers for there actions of police in the uk, as the English police act with racial discrimination towards other cultures and individuals in society and the police force, due to the fact of there exceed wage earnings. 

Educational values are a major factor, that evaluates why people act, in a way that bring’s devastation” these are actions from all different individuals, in the work environment and within society as a whole. 

The condolences go out to Tyre Nichols family as they aim for a peaceful protest regarding this murder that took place in Tennessee. 

The five black police officers have been charged with second degree murder, as he was beaten for three minutes in savage attack. 

More then 250 people turned up for the protest regarding Tyre Nichols, as this is a blow to the black community” that have trust in black police officers, who are there to protect people’ not kill people. 

Tyre Nicholas, was a pleasant individual” who liked to skateboard and enjoyed interaction with society and friends, he carried a heart that was found to be loved by different people in his life. 

Tyre Nicholas also worked for fed ex and was a valued worker in his job related role. 

Attached below, is a link from CBC news” regarding this matter.

May Tyre Nichols rest in peace. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 26 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Smileband has joined with a company called red boost, as this product has health benefits that can boost your immune system. 

It’s has clinical performance based around oxygen levels and blood flow performance, that has advanced health benefits” that exceed a person life in the right  healthy direction. 

Red boost is everything you need to maintain an optimal blood flow, it gives you the most sharpest and the most vibrant definition of your self. 

Red boost, excels your intercourse interaction giving you more enjoyment when engaging within lovemaking activity” that helps your blood circulation improve to an advance level. 

Red boost has cutting edge natural nutrients, that improve you as a person internal and externally. 

Key points: 

*Increased intercourse, lovemaking  

*More energy and vitality 

*Easier weight loss and less cravings 

*A shaper and healthier recall 

*Increase performance and youthful stamina for your love life 

*Supporting healthy blood pressure 

*maintaining healthy blood sugar

*supporting a healthy immune system 

Red boost is $69 dollars per bottle, as I have attached a link to the web site” so people can buy this amazing product” that can bring a change to your life.

Please take Red boost in to account, as this product is amazing and life changing. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Artificial intelligence is the next step to creating a different future, that can be so advance” it’s could over take the human race. 

The robot is the next formal inspirational design, that is based around transforming” a world that is own by the most powerful people in the world. 

This is all a controlling process; that is based around the explanation of AI, Oxford university states that” one day AI robots can kill the whole nation. 

This might be a but too forward, as a robot is control by humans” as we are looking at film’s, that have addressed this role play, like I robot starring will smith. 

Oxford university, might have this one wrong” as humans can design a cut off system, that shuts down the robots, so I don’t see how robots of the future can kill the human race. 

This is only if the worlds most powerful people feel that they want to extinct the human race, by using robots, as a tool that distinguishes humans for the fact of world ownership. 

This is based around assets, like gold or diamond and machinery, materialistic stuff, the world is at a tipping point” we’re people are in a cycle of not being developed right, as we are seeing a future of robots taking control for the purpose of nothing but us being lazy. 

Robot’s can help society, to be more hygienic” in the term of using them to serve food or clean the streets in an affective manner. 

This can be said to create a arms race, between different nation based around power, as we are seeing this today in Ukrainian land territory with the war with Russia or other war related countries. 

Robot,s are said that they can have more intelligence then a human, but I don’t see this as a truth’ because humans are the ones who are creating them. 

Michael Osborne the professor of machine learning, has said that he wants to stop the development of these robots” as it could kill our nation, he has called for strong regulation of tech firms development” creating out of control systems that can kill the human race. 

Now we need to take a step back” and see the positive and negative side to these robots, aim a focus on what they are used for, example: clean the streets, serving our food, designing products in manufacturing companies. 

These are all suitable ways of understand the way of using AI robots” as we have a strong world order of the most powerful high profile people using them for destruction of the humans race, which can be a fact in today’s living cycle. 

War is the motive that gives focus understanding that robots can erase the humans because of mankind. 

The world needs to bring love, as a key goal to all its established nations, as its people who need to bond together to build the world, as a whole for the better of our future. 

Working in poor countries to make a change is a big healing point for humans of today’s living cycle, the world need to grow together, so we don’t express the importance of using robots for human destruction. 

Attached is a article from the daily mail, stating on how this matter has come in to discussion.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 23 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

People are concerned for there everyday health, as there are so much people suffering from deficiency in the human body. 

The body is a temple, that is required to use key vitamins” that help our every day function and ability to exceed our way in life. 

More then nine out of ten Americans, suffer from body deficiency” as it is important that we understand what is required’ for us to build and develop our continuing growth and development” through our older ages in life. 

Iron is a set core deficiency, that is required to help us breath” as it is an important; metal that is needed for our bodies. 

The use of zinc is a important element for the important element of our nails, our muscles are required to have  potassium that is a major functional factor within our bodies today. 

If a person has poor night eye sight vision, this is due to the deficiency of vitamin A in our bodies. 

Vitamin D is very important, for the strength of the bones in our human bodies, as it is very important that people look in to all aspects of there health” as we are all ways lacking the need for important vitamins in our body. 

Death is a day from not taking the right nurturing intake” in our bodies as being young you will not notice this, as you exceed past the age of 27 years old you body starts to react different. 

This is also due to your life style, if you smoke” it can affect you body; in a different way that causes you to require the need for key vitamins in the body. 

Smileband in the future, will be bring out a full body count packages” that has health supplements for the use of our daily intake within our body structure. 

Please understand that smileband cares for your health and wants to see people stay focus for the future not our past. 

As our past is the mistake’s we make and our future is the change we can achieve together as a whole. 

This information is worth millions of pounds, so please read and express your understand of what is been addressed, as it’s a value to the importance of health within your life. 

Attached is a article, from the daily mail addressing these key deficiency in a bit more detail.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 19 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a fraud situation regarding sprinter runner Usain bolt, the Jamaican 100 metre sprint runner invested his Captail in to a investment fund. 

The organisation was called stocks and security limited, as Usain invest 12 million dollars in to the fund, it’s was said that 12 million dollars was withdrawn from the fund, as he was left with 12,000 dollars in the investment fund. 

This bring’s a cautious understanding to investors, that there are a lot of companies” around the world setting up fake investment organisations, to exceed the value amount of Captail from vulnerable individuals. 

It seems that our society, are becoming less educated based on business development organisations, that have skilled individuals” who understand the formal investment structure of the financial industry. 

There are a lot of cow boys” with no knowledge or understanding of how an investment strategic, stock and trading company exceed profit” based on intellectual understanding within the industry. 

This is a formal understanding to people that invest in companies, as they should take awareness to the understanding that knowledge is vital when investing your Captail” as no understanding, can lead to you losing Captail, based on not understanding a thing about the financial industry. 

The time it’s take’s a person to be fully competent trading stock’s is around ten years, then you are still liable to make mistakes, that affect you ability to trade as a competent individual. 

There is an investigation in place regarding Mr bolts 12 million dollars, as they are trying to recover the amount that was taken. 

Mr bolt is worth over 90 million dollars as one of his biggest sponsors are puma, as this still don’t account for him losing, such an amount’ that is of that value due to being very rich. 

A lot of poor people have invested money, this accounts for life savings, or the little money that a person has in there bank account to give to a fake investment company. 

People look for a easy way out in life, as they hold others accountable for the lack of knowledge” because greed is the bigger picture” for these key organisations that set up fake investment company, for the purpose of profit. 

Smileband wants people to think before they make a decision, to use there Captail to invest” as knowledge is an importance for growth in the financial industry. 

Think before you blink, as your money could be scammed within a blink of a flash” that is naked, to the eye that sees the truth’ when interacting with these fake companies. 

Below is an attached article regarding usain bolts being scam by an investment company.

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers,  

There has been news that a police officer called David carrick, who was a serving police officer for over 20 years, has been convicted of sexual rape abuse to women, that has lasted over 20 years, while he was a police officer. 

This has lead to knowing that the police are protecting other police officers, this was an act” in a aggressive sort of manner, through sexual abuse interaction with women by PC David carrick.  

This police officer made his life as an attraction predator” with a book load of women, who he had connections too, while working as a police officer. 

David carrick was on a wage of over £60,000 pounds a year, giving him the motive” to use his police funds to lure women to his location for sexual orientation of abuse. 

It’s was said in the daily mail,  that he said that he can kill with out leaving any evidence, as this is seen as him abusing his powers, which is a frightening message to any women,  as a police officer, he should have a duty to protect society.  

PC David carrick, exceed a wage of £60,000 pounds while he was suspended under investigation. 

There are a lot of dangerous police officers, still to this day’ working in the police force acting in a dangerous way, 

As this bring’s a strong understanding to women and young women to keep safe” who are vulnerable to keeping them self aware of police, who act in this sort of manner, as there job is only to protect society. 

Women are an important factor for being vulnerable in society, as the uk economy has grown, as a lot of ethnical cultures from all backgrounds have disguised the predator’s to exceed the passion of sexual abuse. 

Smileband wants women to keep safe, also be aware of men who take advantage of them for the nature of sexual relationships that hold no thought to were it could lead. 

Rape is a damaging, life changing event for any women in today’s society, as sexual rape cases are on the rise in the Uk like knife and gun crime. 

The police have declined to comment on reports regarding this police officer, as a police officer should never relate there job with sexual interaction. 

The story is attached in the link below via the daily mail.

All women of today, Please keep safe” as the uk is for ever more’ becoming a dangerous society. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 15 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Smileband have team up with yoga burn” ignite coffee, as they have established a unique coffee that burns weight by drinking coffee. 

This coffee improves your immune system and it’s improves a lot of facts within your body, you heart and appearance and organ functions. 

It’s all based around metabolism, it’s speeds up your metabolism in a unique way, that is described based in the web site link. 

It’s called coffee ignite, it don’t matter how much you eat, it will still burn your fat drinking this coffee, it’s a product that has not been subjected to company stores yet. 

It’s is ideal for yoga expert’s that have a strong passion for yoga. 

It Bring’s key beauty factors that bring life to your existing routine. 

The product is 100% natural, vegetarian non GMO and gluten free, no added fillers or preservatives, no artificial colours or stimulants, 100% completely safe, zero side affects, manufactured in the USA, FDA approved GMP certified, tested in third parties labs, highest quality, purity and potency’s available. 

It’s is a product not to be missed, please listen to the video link attached, as it’s explains everything regarding this unique product , Also a link to buy the product. 

Attached is the link below, copy and paste in to your web search address bar. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Saturday, 14 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been another incident we’re a 7 year old girl has been fighting for her life, due to a open range shooting that took place at a funeral. 

It’s was said that a black car pulled up, then started shooting bullets, at a crowd of people in Euston at a funeral. 

It was targeting a person, who was said to be at the funeral, this has caused a devastating injury to a child and other’s that was impacted by the gun shoots. 

This brings attention to the fact that gun crime is on the rise in London, established methods need to be taken to acknowledge society” that we need a change” to this war on guns, as no man is bigger then a gun in life. 

A gun can over power any individual, that feels that they are dangerous to any human in our society” as it’s can take a life within a second. 

This is why we need to change the way people think and act in society, that drives gun,s and knife crime to its fullest, as it’s a never ending pandemic. 

So much lives have been taken by gun’s or a knife’s over the last ten years” families and friends have been infected by these demons; who act in such a way that is daunting to any person who has normal feelings. 

This is down to the mental actions of people based on conflict violence that runs through there minds on a daily basics. 

Statistics that are know through data analysis, shows that there is more guns, on the streets of London then there has ever been over the past 10 years. 

To buy a gun is cheap and deadly, as understanding the nature of what a gun can do to a person life is reckless and devastating, as there is a young little girl fighting for her life, as this is due to careless actions of men. 

It’s was the funeral of a British Columbian cancer victim were this shooting took place. 

There need to be a full addressed matter taken in to consideration, based around this shooting” as a young girl and other young individuals have been injured.

Article written by Christopher Stanley  

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Friday, 13 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Smileband aim’s to care for the health of people, in today’s living society” as we have seen illnesses erupt throughout our living world. 

There have been cures for every sort of illness within a living human, that acquires a given thought to a person wellbeing” smileband has attached ingredients that bring’s a change to the way your body mind and soul feels. 

Health essentials with key remedies, that heal the body and mind, which is attached in the link” as this would describe; key ways to make healthy nutrition and recipes that aim a better functioning body development. 

This web site shows a A-Z of different health problems! 

Allergies, brain and spine health, cancer care, chronic pain, cold and flu, diabetes and endocrinology, digestive” 

Ear nose and throat, eye care, heart health, infectious diseases, lung, oral health, orthopaedics, rehabilitation and home health, rheumatology and immunology, skin care and beauty, transplant, urinary and kidney health. 

All this will be address in the link attached to this post, as the world acquires health; that is not given for the sake of the importance of life. 

We only have one life, as this can be taken from us in a flash” like a thunder that Strikes without any knowledge of when it will happen. 

Please see that smileband care’s for the people, as no person is bigger then who they say they are in life. 

Attached below is the link to the web site.

Take care!! 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been a tragic death, Lisa Presley has died of a cardiac arrest, it’s was said that her mother found her dead at her home in Graceland. 

It’s was said that her son Benjamin Presley passed away from a suicide in 2020 of self inflicted gun shot wounds. 

It’s a sad tragic death that has took place, that her son died at a young age, his mother was a partner of Michael Jackson. Who died back in 2009 of a overdose. 

It is a shame that we are seeing some much death’s of celebrates, as our earth has been infected by pain, as Oliver Kanye has passed away today aged 71 years old and will be much missed by the McLaughlin family. 

Time come,s in life, when we need to look at the bigger picture and see that life is a short road to the sky with no return, as life has a value that can’t be explained to one another” that is a vital judgement purpose to god in its self. 

May all the soul’s rest in peace, as god take his hand to give each other a chance of a new life” that can’t be found or to be seen from humans on our planet earth today. 

Lisa Presley was a women, who express her life as a women that described beauty and passion for her value to her late father, who was a legend in history to people who saw him as a icon like Michael Jackson. 

Oliver Kanye, was a man that had a good heart that express good value and love to his family and other people who knew him in life. Andra Stanley was a women that held her heart high and was a proud mother to the value of her children. 

Smileband express its deepest gratitude to the people who have passed away, and hold’s its self accountable for not being able to change a world” that is affected by demon’s who see them self as an important role to living society, that don’t hold a heart of value for living life. 

Rest in peace 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Thursday, 12 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

Football player Richard Rufus, has been sent to jail for seven years, on fraudulent charges based on an established investment program” which he conned people out of millions of pounds. 

Richard was Claiming that he would bring them a investment return, the fact regarding Richard’s situation, was that his investment knowledge went wrong” as he lost people money. 

It was said that he used Rio Ferdinand’s name to get people to invest money in his organisation, Richard had companies like Morgan Stanley and coutts head hunting him, regarding his financial development in his company. 

Richard made over 15 million pound from friend’s and family, he was using the money to pay one another instead of investing and earning the money correctly. 

There was no investment structure in the company, Richard had a big houses with flash cars and a life style of a championship league football player, which was his career until he retired from football. 

Richard Rufus played with players like Chris Dixon, as he was a creditable football player, at clubs like Carlton FC in the days, when they played top flight football. 

Richard invested 5 million for his church, but lost them 3.5 million” which was outrageous for a church, who need funds to relate with the god. 

There are a lot of investment scams, these are established through different platforms” and they take advantage of knowledgeable people, to exceed there money from people, who have an understanding within the financial industry. 

It’s a very daunting industry, to be involved in” and greed is a big factor within the Industry” for people who set up companies to just scam people put out of money, as they don’t have a slight Intrest in the foreign exchange market, when setting up these companies. 

Please be sure, if you invest” use a company that has an established reputation in the financial industry. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday, 9 January 2023

Smileband general health

Dear smileband viewers, 

Smileband had joined a program with a company called alpilean, there products are based around health on losing weight. 

As there are so much people in society that are concerned about there weight, we have team up with Alpinean, to bring a health product that gives satisfaction in losing weight. 

Alpilean had 6 powerful Alpine nutrients and plants that are backed by clinical research, that feels the temperature of you body through your internal organs and cells, as body temperature play a role in your fat metabolism. 

Alpilean lowers the body temperature to reduce the fat in your body, bring’s you to a healthy life style, to reduce the fat in our body. 

This product was invented by a Stanford university professor, who had a vast experience in development health related products. 

Please check the link below if you are concerned for being overweight. 

Smileban with be promoting products that support you health and development, so you can have a stress fill life and reduce the problems of having a heart attack or any other related illness in being overweight. 

Link is below in blue writing, please check them out, so you know who they are Alpilean. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley

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Sunday, 8 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

This is a continuing problem, that is evolving in America” as a young boy of six years old, who has just started a life as a human, is a subjected person of a crime shooting that took place at a school. 

A teacher was shot and critically injured, by a young boy age 6 years old” this boy can’t even understand the concept of speaking the American language, to a full extent at the age of six years old. 

This bring’s a strong understand, to how a boy of six years old can have a gun at a school, it’s bring’s a red flag to the American society, as the government don’t have control over there society. 

This affects society, as a whole and the world we live in today, to see a boy of six years old” shoot a teacher for the value of nothing, only to bring change to a life of another and a change to the life of this six year old boy. 

Mental health’ is a big issue that play’s a role in this young little boys life” drastic measures have been taken to place the boy in custody at the age of six. 

The family members are to take full blame, as to why there child had a gun in a school full of other kids, as another person child could of been the victim of this little boy having a gun at school. 

The teacher was a women in her 30s, and is said to be in a stable condition at this moment in time” as her family are concerned for the safety of there family. 

There need to be a full accounted program that subject’s psychological mentoring for children in America, as the kids of today, are at a young age were they see a gun as a problem solver, to there situations within there young mind’s” as this has no knowledgeable existence what so ever to there required understanding in life. 

The young boy is too young to be tried in court, and will be revoked from living with the parents” as the boy is to be placed under the purview of the department of social services known as care in the U.K. and watched closely by the department of social services. 

Please can people see that America is a highly influential country to the world we live in today, as they need to stop children carrying guns to protect other kids and adults from this ever happening again. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been another tragic death, personal trainer Sean Patterson, from Shepherd’s Bush London was killed when he went to Jamaica on holiday. 

Sean Patterson was visiting family in Jamaica, when he was hit upon’ by a person who use to live in Jamaica but was deported back to Jamaica. 

12 gun shot wounds was imbedded in his body” it was said to be a contract killing that took place, Sean was known to the police in the U.K. for firearms and other drugs related offences. 

Sean was a man, who turned his life around” as he had a positive future ahead of him, as he was a personal trainer in the U.K. 

The Jamaican police have found the suspect who shot Sean 12 times, as it is said that further investigation are in place throughout the U.K. and Jamaica” as it’s was said to be a subjected contract killing. 

Contract killing’s are a frame of weakness, as it’s a person who acquires money to carry out a brutal murder for the nature of cash. 

This is a topic that happens on lot of times through out Jamaica and England, people carry hate and sensitivity”  that express no value for our living society. 

Gun crime in Jamaica is a big major issue, as it has all way’s been a problem” as the Jamaican government needs to invest more money in to making Jamaica a country of security not danger. 

Jamaica has a net worth of 13 billion dollars, and it is said that there value for future expectations will exceed more value as investors have leasehold for further development for a better Jamaican future. 

Smileband sends its full condolences, to the family of Sean Patterson” in this moment of time, due to the lost of there much beloved son. 

The future is looking grim, due to the murders that are taking place all the time. 

Let’s educate society that guns are a big zero tolerance in today society and knifes are a big no in today’s society, as also fighting is a issue that evolves knife and gun crime in the first place. 

Please keep the peace that is influenced, through society and sports like boxing and MMA” as it can lead to issue that arise in our future that causes death.  

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Sunday, 1 January 2023

Smileband news

Dear smileband viewers, 

There has been more deaths then ever in the rap industry” as this is becoming a concern, the latest death has seen a star from a group called three six mafia. 

A lady rapper called gangster boo has past away from a suspected overdose, this news has hit the American nation as young rapper’s are dying. 

This year a list of rappers have died PNB rock passed away this year” j stash passed away this year, wavy navy past away this year, Tdott woo died this year, snootie wild died this year. 

To continue: Riky Rick died this year, DJ Kay slay died this year, Lil keed died this year, trouble died this year” a Canadian rapper pat stay died this year. Desto died this year. Coolio died this year. 

To continue: take off died this year, grand daddy I.U. Died this year, big scarr died this year. 

This is not to conclude last year we’re” we have seen rappers past away from this tragic death. 

Smileband feels that the rap game needs to change for the future, we need to bring a educational sense to the nature of rap music. 

Explain the difference between what is said in rap that aim it’s positive and negative points, rap is a music of art and skill and talent that is subjected, by the few who succeed in being successful in the rap industry. 

Smileband is writing a book, based on educational illustrated abstract word’s that aim an expression to the art of rap. 

It’s will define key point that would highlight the negative words used in rap, to illustrate the positive concept of using rap as a language in today’s music. 

Smileband want to make rap a university course, and ask for other rap artists to start write books that can distinguish the fact of making it’s a educational concept of positivity. 

We need key authors who can elaborate the definition of rap as a whole, as it is a music that is celebrated by people around the world. 

Smileband book will brake down negative and positive element and educate younger individuals how to rap and become a much more respectful artist in the rap music industry. 

There need to be a change for the future of young people and adults who are affiliated with rap music. 

A university course needs to be addressed” so people aim a right response to the rap industry. 

Let’s bond together and make a change for the future of rap music, as it’s killed loved ones that affect family members and communities across the world. 

Rap is a talent like any other music, it is joyful to listen too at times, it need to be addressed in the right manner. 

Please look out for smileband vol 1 based on illustrated word’s of an abstract expression. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Smileband News

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