Monday, 28 June 2021

Smileband News

There was a tragic death of a 13 year old boy who was a fun loving person enjoyed by much of his loved friends, he met a girl who took interested to a boy names Oliver Stephens and was known as Gilly to much of his friends. 

There was two other boys aged 14 years old who can’t be named for legal reasons because of there age. as these boy’s had a grievances with Oliver the court heard. 

Oliver was lead to a park by a girl in the nature that he was thinking that it was a mutual date between them and Oliver was attacked in a park. 

The ambush that took place as two teenage boy’s who stabbed Oliver to death and left him to die, Oliver Stephens was killed at bugs bottom field in emmer green, reading Berkshire on Sunday, the attack was arranged by this evil little girl who listened to rap music. 

The main alleged attackers who deny murder as they are on trial at reading crown court, the girl was also 14 years old, as the boy’s have both admitted manslaughter at the highest degree. 

The weapons that was involved was two bladed knifes as Oliver took stab wounds to the chest and the back on his body in this fatal attack that took his life within a blink of a eye. 

The lads then fled the scene before getting rid of the weapon's based on incriminating the evidence such a mobile data and clothes worn during the attack in a professional manner like real life killers out of the Queen bridge in america, as this girl was leading the assistance by her presence, as there was others involved but they did not play a role in the attack.

The trial continues to be heard at a later date. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Monday, 14 June 2021

Smileband News

There was shocking footage from a armed gang who took a dramatic return to a attack, as they came with weapons to a house in Nottingham as they raided this house' as the gangs took strong force to knock off a front door which lead to an attack to stab a person for the nature of drugs. 

The weapons that was used in the attack was knives and garden Shears, as the gang was brandishing these weapons to steal drugs, they said that 10 men travelled down to the house in a convoy of vehicles before kicking the door fully of its hinges.  

A man tries to escape from the house as he was stab before he managed to get away. 

The gang stole Cannabis plants from the location. 

The 10 men last Friday pleaded guilty to aggravated burglary at Nottingham court 

All ten men will be sentence on a further date. 

Mike Allen in the Nottinghamshire Live show said that cannabis grows are used to fund serious crime, as he then say’s that drugs production and dealing is never a low risk venture as there are other road man which are of strong existence to run a drug circle to over power others in society. gang bangers, hard hats, locals run arounds. candy floss slaps heads all want a cut of the pie, so please see that the right route in life is education and working development for the younger generation in today’s society. 

Weapons will all ways exist around drugs 

Please see a career opportunity below. 


Article written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Thursday, 10 June 2021

smileband news

There has been a serge of stabbing's in London that has seen people lose family members this year 2021, as we have not even been through half of the year, as its has rocketed to sky amount of 40 people that have lost there life this year. 

This can be justified to the social interaction between different cultures that has seen London become a more mixed culture society, crime elements in relation to drugs or robberies that have taken place in London.     

The amount of drugs coming in to London’ are at a sky hight” as there has been over 500 kilos being seize from key operations by the police, the police are also apart of a crime circle that inflicts criminal activity to society as they impact the same sort of impact that drives crime at a high.   

Knife crime aim's a serious problem to people in society as England are subjected to knifes and america are subjected to guns, as people can get a knife easy in the uk and in america people can get a gun easy, so if you make your judgment of the two you would see that the related figures on the impact based around both of the weapons used. 

knife crime is like a plague that has no cure of strategic development to stop this sort of crime, as there has been dozen of attacks with long bladed weapons The dates of stabbing this year have been on the 1st of January , two stabbings on January 11,  January 13, January 17, January 19, January 24, January 25, February 5, February 6, February 11, February 14, February 15, February17, February 18, February 22, February 23, February 26, February 28, March 8, March 11, March 22, March 30. 

This concludes on to April 10, April 12, April 23, April 25, April 26, two stabbings on the April 29, April 30, May 5, may 7, May 29, May 31, two stabbings on the June 2. 

The stats in 2020 was at an amazing 128 people killed, which saw 71 stab in London.

They say that the country lines drugs trade is the reason why people are stab in London, they say the county lines drug trade is making as much as 7 million as most kids that enter in to the industry are from broken homes. 

The aim to see a strategic goal that make's a route of change to our living society to avoid these stabbings. 

Please see the attached link for a career development that is only £40 pounds to join. 


Article written, by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...