Saturday, 2 May 2020


The corona-virus Pandemic is still in its 7 week lock down and we as smileband are still in support for 10 charities that we support and give money to through our wristband program, we aim to still help the support of these charities due there issue's that have impacted the virus crisis across the world.

Key measures have been taken in to place to keep people at safe due to the lock-down asking people to staying at home to help prevent people from spreading the virus so our society does don't get affected any more.

Bloomberg have committed 10 million in helping the corona virus program as its get's support from all corners that is funded by key related charities around the world that we support.

Key things to prevent corona virus

Stay at home

All ways bath when you come in from out side as the virus stick to your skin.

Avoid contact with people.

Keep a safe distance from people

Breath out with your mouth wide open

Take vitamin C 1000mg for your immune system.

Keep close contact to your pet, if you have a pet' they can taken any virus from you as it does not affect them. EG A CAT.

All ways wear a mask

There has been over  3,415,632 million cases through out the world

There has been over  239,824 thousand death through out the world 

There has been over 1,087,566 million recovery through out the world

In the uk the rate have seen a shocking 177,454 thousand cases

In the uk there has been a shocking 27,510 thousand deaths cases

The world does not know if this pandemic will recover to its normal state due to the fact that there is no cure for this virus, as it float's within our environment and we can not see it, its is highly dangerous and they are saying that we might have to live with this virus until it repairs as we do not know when this will take place.

The fact is that if this don't repair then we will have to adapt this virus to our immune system to and function with this as a living part of our life which can be very dangerous. 

Please read our news and health topics and support our wristband foundation program, so we can continue to give money to the 10 charities that we support.


Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Smileband News

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