Thursday, 10 October 2019

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Distinguish facts, hate of according posture within the younger generation that acquires the right subjection to proof in life, today's was a light of change that saw a young life taken from the streets that hold so much cold hate and passion. This form's of ability within this social environment brings the exposure of danger, as a young boy of 14 years old was stabbed within a 30 second walking distance from me' to see the end of his life that had so much hope to a future of development for him self and his family.

The fight goes on and a change of systematic proof is needed to stop the death of these young children in today society. it keeps on happening and its becoming worst then years ago in today's built up society.

I was talking to a police officer and i was saying' why do you have women in your police force who wear makeup on the job looking like a pin up modal. it weakens your progress to stop these young children from death.

This was the response from a police officer, white children get stab as well; so i stated to him that its not about race, it about you knowing what you are doing or talking about. the police force are like a business and they are not running right to stop these situations happening to young children in society.

The police found a male that was suffering from fatal stab woulds that happened around 15.20.BST, There was a second male that had stab wounds in the leg but was not affected by this situation that took place as the police took to the nature of implementing a 60 order that would give the police the powers to stop and search people within the social environment.

These was a witness that saw the attack take place out side the Mcdonalds restaurant in stratford., there was a large crowd out side around were the stabbing took place and it was bring fright to people who was just looking as they did not know who had a knife or not around the local area.

Police took measures to lock off roads and areas around the incident., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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