Friday, 14 June 2019

Smileband health issue

Article written by Christopher Stanley, 

Obesity which is a risk that so much people over see throughout there life, its a factor of risk through excess weight that clogs the veins that brings stress to the heart, doctors have long known that the excess weight factors that relate to heart disease are linked to more studies that understand the factors between constricted and hardened blood vessels that correlates to obesity and heart disease.

Doctors have fallen short through understanding that obesity can cause heart disease as key researchers from karolinska institute in Stockholm Sweden have taken the special method to prove that there is a causal link between the two. 

Years of research have shown the link between the heart problems structured on a Swedish study have proven that excess weight does cause heart disease.

key factors to heart and obesity:

High cholesterol


High BMI


Eating the wrong foods

Third of the world population have obesity that influence others

No lifestyle change

The worlds third population from research study can prove that a path which would lead to death without the change of medical intervention would affect so much people in today's living society as being over weight can cause 13 different types of cancer

Example of types 

Oesophagus                             Meningioma                    Myeloma

Breast                                      Thyroid

Pancreas                                   Liver                               

Kidney                                     Upper Stomach

Bowel                                      Gallbladder

Womb                                      Ovarian

This study was first taken in to account when its was selected to hundreds and thousands of Britons through a statistical technique that was revolutionary called mendelian randomization, as this enable the Swedish team to use key parts of the genetic variants to show the difference between the relationship of cardiovascular disease and BMI = body mass index 

The research had made discovery that the BMI and the fat mass increased that would bring so much risk to more then half a dozen conditions that relates to aortic stenosis as this is the largest blood vessel called the aorta that narrows and fails to open fully that can cause serious problem that can lead to death.

Mendelian randomization found that the higher BMI and fat mass would be associated with the increase to the risk of aortic valve stenosis and other cardiovascular diseases that would suggest that excess body fat is the cause of cardiovascular disease.

Using key data statistics found that 367,703 men and women aged between 40 to 69 was identified to 96 gene mutations that was linked to BMI and body mass fat that was estimate to he effects on 14 different cardiovascular disease., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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