Saturday, 15 June 2019

Smileband Health issues

Article written by Christopher Stanley, The health issues still continue forward to this day stating that people who eat Fat food are subjected to an irreversible dementia a study warns, this research found that an average person that is eating 650 calories a day compared to the 1970's that is in the formulated amount of a Burger, soft drink and fries.

Evidence that was brought forward by an Australian National university's Professor found that there was a string of formal information that was structured within evidence linking to unhealthy eating habits and no physical activity to a decline in brain function development that would affect that brain in ways that can't be seen by the naked eye, but would bring such problems like dementia and brain shrinkage.

The bad eat disorders that are eating away at brain of people who are huge eaters of fast food would see affects that would aim the route to dementia in a cycle-logical change through having no exercise or any formal healthy epic to its formative progression of development within the brain.

Their are lots of people who have the illness of dementia and other signs that relate to cognitive dysfunction including shrinking brains that would have the increased risk throughout life by eating too much bad food and not exercising enough throughout the day.

Key professional have explained that the best chance of preventing brain problems in the future would be subjected to dementia and brain shrinking as this can be implemented through drinking beer or spirits or smoking and not exercising the brain which would result in dementia.

The best method from early years in life would be to keep an active and well eat program from a young age to prevent the signs of dementia, as damage done is pretty much irreversible once a person reaches midlife, so Smileband urge people to eat healthy and get in shape as early as possible in life.

key problem's within not keeping healthy:


Brain function Development

Rapid deterioration

Brain deterioration

Unhealthy lifestyle choices

weight issue

Shrinking within knowledge

Medical attention

Cognitive Dysfunction

Lack of exercising

This message is a positive change to the main issues that was addressed above, that if taken in to account would aim a positive change that would relate to challenge, individuals, Parents, medical professional, and the government that would play an important role in the change structured on the social environment affection through bad eating.

Research that was analysed from results from 200 different studies would included the personality and total health that would describe that the worlds population is overweight and dementia is an umbrella term that is used to describe a range of different progressive neurological disorders that would relate to the brain as an example alzheimer disease that is a combination of different types of dementia.

People who are affected: 

Alzheimer society 

Reports 850,000 people living with dementia in the uk today

Reports 500,000 people living with Alzheimer in the uk today 

Reports state by 2025 the people living with dementia in the uk will be 1 million as there are no current cure's for dementia., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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