Thursday, 31 January 2019

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, I have no formal faith in Donald trump, he is the worst person that has ever been formed to America state of wealth, his development has no continue strategic purpose to its definition of growth, his words of intellectual presence awaits to hold ground for no achievement to his route or ways, the day will end when America see no more Donald trump and gain its purpose of ability back that sees a true leader and not a fake description of a man who has no political factors to his historical position as president of America. He holds words of his own wisdom and self courage.

Donald trump has a split personality that is divided between vision and fiction like a movie script that has gone completely wrong. Once I saw Donald trump as a man who could inspire a young mind through business but he dame right can’t  express it through attitude, I guess they let the gold fish swim in his bowl and don’t aim other people to swim with him.

Selfish and ungrateful is the word we hold our self for when we see a man of high quality give nothing to help the people who need help. Remember there is good and bad in every person in this world and Donald trump can’t see past his own back ass as his end will see a day of light and no sun shine to his given promise as a motive that express its formative strategic purpose as his innovative concept is of low quality that has no reach of success but Donald says that we are going to change a contract for the better of the future in a company that don’t even make an affect to this world.

America will see a leader return to save the good will of people that aim success from all parts of this world and that’s  what Donald trump need to know that the world is as one and his bigot ass don’t hold a place of response to people of all cultures in this beautiful world. Quality is of expectations but Donald trump keeps him self in a turn that creates a storm which strikes thunder and whistles the name of a ghost that he has taken from a soul off good deed at present.

It’s all a sociological right that see a man that can’t  fulfill his position but he pushes the money in front of people faces to exceed expectations of respect for him self and no one else. Who is Donald trump and what is his value as it’s billion of dollars that make his puzzles a picture of fiction that reaches his desire of passion to a world that want to be safe from danger.

I say one thing and only one thing, Mr Donald trump would never abuse a little baby or child in this living world today and love’s his family deeper then what the earth requires as a man who holds him self accountable for any wrongdoing in life but his words are dame right effective to his speech when addressing characters in his route or path that give a bitter taste in the mouth of social society., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Smileband general news one’s tv

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Today i touch based with this guy in society who was a relaxed person and has lived in the uk for the past 20 years and is subjected to looking at things in a different view based on different measures in life. He has seen the light and the dark side that has found to see people being stabbed in society and falling in to a deep sociology element that is profound to be different to the formative purpose of life.

His name is William and he has no job and is in the last faze of seeing a path that might not reach its destiny based on his given promise to what he exceeds to be as a structured development within society. He is happy just being who he is and looking to god for a change in a world that might turn for the worst for different culture from different backgrounds.

It’s a hard road and a solid goal that brings a purpose to its formative destruction that sights a difference of progress and innovation to its concept of society as a whole. Hopping for the best but yet to see the worst in what is aimed at diverse structures that brings a strategic measure to its level of leadership or era that would see people act in a positive way instead of being negative which will knock the world out of place.

People direct a lead that can exchange a message of ability to the vision or sight which obtains a quote which is a element to its purpose in a manner of self interest to different cultures that can bring a change in society. Apparently the world don’t seem round to people hat are one sided and it seems flat because that have there own heart at self interest which can result in a negative trance to the world at give pace as everyone is in some sort of race with each other to be better then the other person.

As the world is built on material aspects of what people require to make them self look good in a unique way to one another. See the length that is a strive for success or a goal that is a aim to help or change you existence from negative to positive based on a out look of achievement in your life., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Friday, 11 January 2019

Smileband general news one’s Tv

Article written by Christopher Stanley, The distance of a person who has hardship in life, who has a belief that he describes as his motive, that is a formative description to what he inspires as a term of difference that is adapted through key related nature. Holding truth that will guide him in a way that is unique to him self, key elements of structured innovation through his thinking concept to spiritual reality.

I came across this man and he was hungry and in needed of food to eat as I could only give him £3 pounds but he was thankful for the effort of my giving as his work was to describe a motive that was of his choice from when I asked him for assistance within this interview. He can’t get a job and he feels that he is second choice to this world above other people in society in the uk. He aims his passion at god and the ghost that sights his ambition to exceed in a positive manner.

Regarded elements that are for a mission that guilds his path as a route to were he see fit to exceed based on not having nothing in his life. The man that is from Africa understands no negative description to culture as he states that the white man brought the black People out of slavery in to a independent world of change, as I feel that his choice of mutual culture and respect for all people should give him the hope to better him self within his life.

As it’s a strategic purpose that is formed through leadership and development of a confined purpose of ability to exceed expectations in life. The greatness of goals that banter the request of exchange through no money related expectations to gain quality in life as all humans should sort that method of formative description to its required choice.

Technological use is of the feature that builds its own protection to the development of our feature and society as a whole. The world become an organic purpose to its ability that groups the minds of people that have success in there reach.

This man research’s his inner self for his own understanding that addresses that right effective methodology that he has studied to understand as a belief in religion. I saw this guy in need of hope and I wish him well on his way and also hoped that he find a route to his happiness that he aimed to achieve as man that can’t find his description in life., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Thursday, 10 January 2019

Smileband general news one’s Tv

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Life is an expected purpose that has a goal that drives its passion within society, the terms of black culture which has its degree of issues based on influence or inspiration that can be in a negative concept or a positive concept, people in high positions just see this as another spoken word that goes through one ear and out the other, it’s turn the tides like a ocean of whales and sharks that aim at the same subject to get the best for there own life.

This is not giving a fuck about of people’s personalities in society or aspects that are structured in people’s family due to lost of family members. Hackney is an area that is the upmost favouritism for opportunity and failure, death crime rates have been a major problem in the past for hackney and it’s seems to get worst as generations change in our day to day living society.

We hold a group of expectations that are seen from older generations and younger generations. The kids need to show more love and this is why we ask that question, which is because of money or because of influence from other cultures that lead to youth killing each other for the love of rap music or money or reputation. It’s states wanting to be the ultimate thug or gangster. As being black subjects this motive as a one sided route to growth expectations it’s culture.

The fight is on like war between Russia and Syria and we see the losing side who are black in this country because of death rates in London. The police force are a major part to play in this role because 944 police officers in London have a criminal conviction which is subjected to influence through issues subjected to gang culture, rape and abuse as the police force stir trouble between gangs and normal people in society that leads to killing and fights and negative situations in society.

They are trouble makers that are one sided to how they think of people careers or life. The tree is green like the traffic light that say’s go, the sky is blue like the water that relates from our homes in our bath, the red is a sign that aims us to stop like a traffic lights which is in comparison to the internal blood of our souls.

So what tells us to go ahead and kill one another as it is a big purpose to its description in life as you go but then you have to stop at some point, these three colours aim how we wake up by hearing the birds sing in the tree, the bath we take to forward our day and the blood that is taken from us when it all ends, this is how a person life started and ended in that one day. Hold your views and your examples that address the most important aspects of culture and development that we live in around London., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Monday, 7 January 2019

Smileband general news one’s Tv

Article written by Christopher Stanley, This is a episode that is a degree of different concepts that can be based around a young women that has the feelings to describe her self interest based around her life within her area.

It’s a matter of thinking of change or looking at a concept that is focused to find a path that won’t affect people that have lost friends due to crime related issue in society. People need a strategic thinker to help change life through different cultures within society as cultures are a everyday changing affect in life. We bridge the distance that holds this formative rage that is within people hearts.

Analysing key related factors that look of major issues that would affect this young lady. The future is a dancing maze that sings it’s verse like a jumping jack or a snake that whistle its shiver though turning tides.

Life is like a ocean that beats the waves and sights the birds that flatter above scoping for a change to exceed or grab its chance that would feed the wake of promise to life. Judgemental people think on them self and concept people to a different sort of way that would insight hate or conflict to its division. The best motive is a organic means of finding the right terminology that would stop young people killing each other as it’s holds a grip in the older generation that brings motive to people In early years of life.

Mistakes are made and we are all human, so it’s a split second that can make a difference when someone attacks another person. It’s all about the inspirational fact that aim figures within its route as we all have that mission statement that finds us aiming at a functional strategic purpose to our concept in life.

It’s like a twig that snaps within the wind that brakes it’s hold as we place a new shape to our side. Please see that the sight of our true existence is a purpose of formative ways to develop and gain a goal that is a winning element of choice., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Saturday, 5 January 2019

Smileband general news, one’s Tv

Article written by Christopher Stanley, People have the difference between how we establish the real facts of life as the journey and the path that is a description between what’s real and what’s fake, it holds two Elements of external and internal factors that can be seen as micro and macro elements between what’s strategic to its formative concept of key terminology that aims a purpose of innovation and implementation that bring a creative image to its ability.

Drive and motive is a goal that routes a purpose of development to lift its earth of sourced data or information that is connected through defining aspects to people in society. Spiritual meaning of a man that routes his path from not having a home or family to relate back to as his routes which are from far in the sun that beams like a ray of sharp light.

Thunder brakes the silent wind that is a episode of striking response like a knife or a dagger in the heart or a shield of protection that comes from within the written words of a quote which is from a face of unknown nature.

Heat and fire cools it’s ice like a mountain that drops water on a river bed as the thirst of a people can that hope for different change or choice makes his words clear. Fight or hold your breath as homelessness has the pain for a person who try’s his hardest to overcome his nightmare in a day that might end with a cold shiver.

Whistle the word or hold a meaning that is a given mission that has its vision as a statement of trust of dishonesty to a mans nature of force. Successful judgment of prescription to a person who might get the help or see the difference that obtains it’s purpose to a force that holds its ability as a leaner or a teacher has the epic that is within its right way of working measures to its formative description., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Friday, 4 January 2019

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, The dangers come to people that are less likely to see It heading there way, it’s a description that exceed its most important issue in life. An attack took place were a Lady was beaten with violence of excitement to a crowd of people watching. A Talented footballer who was once at the heights of his game was seen to scale at his lowest point in life. Taking to a women like a savage in disguise, hitting like T J combo off killer instinct or Mike Tyson in a full 12 round boxing match. We hold these people as sycophants who can’t control them self as it’s a major fact of mental health issues that lead to this guy lashing out with such surprise. A day turns to dark and light hits when we awake as this poor lady could not tell the difference between facts or fiction when it was at its most presents. 

The person was released on bail to attend court at a later date and could exceed a custody sentence of up to 6 years in jail. Men that take there anger on women need to look at them self first and take note that a women has not got the same power as a man, as we listen to folks all the time on social media describing them self as a person of dangerous description as every person or most people have fallen in to that trap of fighting or verbal abuse that sights danger to one another in life as we are all human but to exceed your power with a women in that sense is outrageous in this living society of today. 

We See the country as a haven for trust and belief that brings a focus reach to our expectations, it’s a segmented connection to an organic structure within a manner that describes key strategic measures within its formative way as a given purpose of a mission or vision statement that settles one’s reach as a goal to success. 

This brought failure to a person who had the chance at a high level to express top flight football at its best through the addressed measures said above. Please note that we all can’t be the same and to fight with no direction is a waste to life as a whole. It’s a grab and take situation that brake the boundaries when required at its most important time in life., pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Smileband general news

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Gangs in London are subjected to Violence and the most dangerous areas in London are Peckham, looking on this is a deep aspect that is subjected to music drugs and guns, most young black lads are able to get hold of guns very easy, hand guns, mack ten's and etc, this is a major epic as they see that its getting more Violence because of the paper chase for money.

People getting shot in there own homes as they feel that the government don't care for the culture of young black people today in the uk, we hold the views to people in the street that young people want to be like the older generation and they feel that the younger generation will be worst then the older gangsters of today.

They are in search of a identity that we cant describe, there is 169 gangs with large amount of members in London today, kids are getting younger and younger today selling drugs out of there school uniform to make money to express the life of a real gangster.

People look in to god for the change of this situation for god to walk with them to guild them in the right direction, Jamaica is a hard epic of the birth right to yardie gangs and Africa is the fight in the same concept to gangs of today.

Even young people that are not mixed up in crime are subjected to the dangers of this epic as the fact of just being black and walking down the street could fall in the wrong direction, people are trying to convert people to Islam by using guns to aim the direction to change the way people think based on crime in London today.

white culture hide the fact of being involved in such a negative issue as most white culture people are the main concept of bring guns in the country from Europe and drugs in the country which reach the black society of today and create a danger to the death of black people today.

America has brought a gang inspiration to the streets of London as black crip's gang members that is formed from america is subjected to the English streets, these gangs are of black culture as we see that when they go for a job interview people look at them as black and the are from a area that is subjected to crime and its black listed them from even getting a job in today English society.

They say the government place guns on the street so black people can kill each other to erase the black culture of today as this is the mind thinking concept of black people today, the Home Secretary understand they people think this but they say the government would not subjected them self to aiming guns on the street of London to kill black people.

People are getting kidnapped and killed in London and are subjected to torture through gangs that rape and drug women in London today's society. some young black people that have been attached to gangs now go church in the fight for a change as its a hard mental fight for people that have been seen in gangs and see a life that is different to normal people of society.

THIS CHANGE NEEDS TO BE HEARD, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...