Monday, 3 September 2018

Smileband general interest

Article written by Christopher Stanley, Racial existence is a living cause in our socity and it’s between all different cultured backgrounds, even between black people from different backgrounds that sees a negative discrimination that makes them think, England has changed over the years as it’s turned a face of change as more Muslim immigrants have filled the streets of London and it’s bring a different views that creates friction between English culture and Muslim culture from aboard, England is a Christian country and it’s holds its barriers up that creates this negative energy between social environment.

White English people don’t like there country invaded buy loads of different cultures but at the same time the economy would not be thriving as it’s now compared back to The early 90s. Muslim understand back in the early 90s they was no were to be seen, People was less at ease with each other back then compared to know. Muslim is a culture that is from another part of this world and it has different views to people that look on life simple,.

Muslim people look on life with a harder response to taking things serious in a strong way, Muslim are more of a fighting concept then Christians in society today but they justify the term peace to there religious views, This has made people convert from no religion to Muslim because of life is harder in other parts of the world.

The reason why this country eat food good is because they own land in other corners of the world which gives the pound its shine of being the strongest of all. England pick up off other driving economy’s in different well off countries as this make them that art or creation today. This aim of racial element is between English people and the friction between other cultures because it’s a white country.

Eg if load if people move to Africa or the Caribbean and Africa and the Caribbean was a filthy rich club they would get upset, so it’s the same in that response to English people. As I am born in England from a early stage in life I understand what I am talking about. Eg I was seeing a Muslim Turkish women and she from a rich background in turkey but here in the uk she don’t express her value as she degrade it.

Also were my name was Chris which is a name that is a barer of the Christian religion she tried to poison and infect me twice and also I found it strange that she would punish her daughter by making her read a books with nothing but a bed to sit on and no TV or any sort of entertainment for the young girl in a house that is like the dark death, she was the worst women I have ever seen in my life, experience with her was dreadful.

So Muslims have effective a change in this country as a whole and it’s sad that there countries are all ways try to express people in to converting to there religion and Christian never express people to convert to there religion as I feel it’s about letting people be free on there choice within influencing people mind to change to create a bigger team, there is good and bad in people from every different religious culture in life.

Muslim people don’t like English people but they see it as a safe place to rest because of destruction in there countries which is understandable. It’s has express negative connection for people being born in England and now English people see Caribbean people different and it was not like that in the early 90s, it’s like we are caught between cross fire.

African people don’t have the morals like a white English people as they would walk the rope with any one and any think to suit them as a lot of massacre in Africa were they kill there own people so the respect for there own people is very low. It’s is a hell of devastation that has made us fall apart as a nation in England and split in to a unknown description.

People get along to be fake and when the head turns it’s a different story. It’s a path that walks alone for Caribbean people as we are a different concept to how we think and feel as the mix of so much different cultures have uproar we’re people can’t stand each other, it’s hard to find a speaking English voice that is of culture in this country unless the are a drug addict that hangs in the street corner.

The story dates back years ago when the Caribbean people came to fight in war for this country and it’s was a mix of racism and differences because our country was like paradise and England was a manufacturing country that was built on an industry development for people to work and grow the economy of Britain.

There was not enough white English people to grow the development of Britain, as today the country is pushing for better grow for manufacturing and development for the economy due to the vase amount of different expected cultures which are a giving boost to our social economy as a whole, it’s in the great favour of the government and the royal family that the country is more productive to its aim of budget requirements.

As in the early 90s people would not care about the government but today that has changed due to a more mixed social community. It’s an materialistic society we’re people look on you based on your presence and well-being, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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