Sunday, 15 April 2018

Smileband general news expression

This article is written by Christopher Stanley, 

Black people in today’s society use negtive terms that are subject to affect people and infect damage to people who are of normal society that aims the wrong perspective that aims the wrong progression that is founded within its purpose of culture that strikes from a ethical white formal history that they call black people the N............... word, this describes negro in a negative way, this has affected my life and people who have lost life’s within there family at a young age, it builds a wall that drags black people down. 

It’s like we are a culture that has no control and acts like wolfs calling each other a N............word in the negative term to negro, its kills black people and aims us in some dumb frame of being like a animal from some next species, 

mixed race people use that term N............ word as it’s describes there other half of culture from there white side as they might subject them self more to there white side from there black culture within there black side which make them different from a true full black culture which that word that describes us in a negative term based on being full black, in England we don’t use that term in music, 

interviews or any other form of speech, as it is used from America it affects black culture here in England from there term describing us as the word N...............word that describes negro in a negative way. White people laugh at black people describing them self in that form all the time as they invented that word for the skin of black people.

 It’s the worst concept in history that we describe our self under that form of description. White people don’t describe them self as a racial word to each other even if they fight each other or kill each other, it brings more friction between black people to kill each other using that term. It’s become as word that is basic to something that is good, 

it’s the most dumb element of human history that strikes like thunder in the middle of the night. It’s death to poor black countries that are lowered because of these rich rap Americans using words they feel is ok. Using people names when they think it’s ok because they have money in the bank. Violation with a capital V. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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