Monday, 5 March 2018

Smileband general news

Article by harry Pettit, 

Cryogenics could be our best chance at cheating death. That's according to one expert, who believes we could soon revive frozen bodies.

Dennis Kowalski, 49, President of the Michigan-based Cryonics Institute, claims humans could oen day be revived from a cryogenic state, and stem cell therapy could help them bring them back to an even younger age.

He also suggests that the first human frozen by cryonics could be revived within the next 50 to 100 years. The Michigan-based cryonics Institute, is a non-profit organisation that offers human freezing services for $28,000 per person (£20,200).

Kowalski, who also works as a firefighter, paramedic and paramedics teacher in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, says that a lot of things that weren't possible will soon be possible with regards to cryonics.

He told the MailOnline that if reviving cryogenically frozen people is not possible, at least we are learning.

Around 2,000 people have put their names down to be cryogenically frozen by Mr Kowalski's institute and more than 100 pets and 160 people have already been frozen at the their laboratory.

'After cardiac arrest, you have around 5 minutes to half an hour to revive someone,' says Mr Kowalski.

'But it depends on temperature and how long they were alive for.

'We're finding that when you cool people down you have more time,' he said.

Mr Kowalski said that his work is an extension of stem cell research, and that stem cells could be injected into cryogenically frozen patients to help repair damaged cells. <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
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