Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Smileband health topics

Shigellosis causes acute gastroenteritis. When severe, stools contain blood, mucus, and pus. While usually self-limiting to 4-7 days, severe dehydration can occur; especially in infants and the elderly. Asymptomatic infections can occur.
Arizona 5 year median: 444 cases
Transmission can occur through contaminated food or water, by person-to-person transmission by the fecal-oral route or through exposure to feces by sexual contact.
Incubation period can range from 1 to 7 days.
Lab Tests & Specimen Info

 Isolation Precautions
Enteric precautions should be followed for the duration of acute symptoms. 
Generally, no environmental measures are indicated for sporadic cases. For outbreaks, environmental cleaning may be necessary following EPA-approved cleaning materials and guidelines.
Prevention for Patients
  • Carefully wash hands with soap during key times such as before eating and after changing a diaper or helping to clean another person who has defecated.
  • If caring for a child in diapers who has shigellosis, promptly discard the soiled diapers in a lidded, lined garbage can, and wash hands and the child’s hands. Any leaks or spills of diaper contents should be cleaned up immediately.
  • Avoid swallowing water from ponds, lakes, or untreated swimming pools.
  • When traveling internationally, follow food and water precautions strictly and wash hands frequently.
  • Avoid sexual activity with those who have diarrhea or who recently recovered from diarrhea.
Public Health Actions
Public health will conduct case and contact investigation to determine the source, risk factors, and transmission settings.
Antibiotics are usually not necessary for Shigella infections but if treating, culture and test for antibiotic susceptibility. CDC has reported emerging strains of Shigella with quinolone resistance. 

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