Sunday, 14 January 2018

Smileband general news

Calling a policeman to report or discuss a crime has become a thing of the past. A nationwide Mail on Sunday survey has revealed that members of the public are facing major problems when they try to telephone local police stations. And finding a police officer on the other end of the telephone is increasingly rare. The majority of forces across the country have introduced telephone call centres, similar to those used by private sector companies, to deal with non-emergency calls. Often these centres are based miles away from the caller's home, adding to the public's sense of detachment from their bobby on the beat. And calls are answered by impersonal civilian operators, increasing the feeling that officers are becoming more inaccessible. In our survey, 58 per cent of the 43 constabularies in England and Wales refused to put callers through to an officer. Instead, civilian staff insisted they take the details. Some calls took up to six minutes to be answered. One Superintendent said: 'This is one of the biggest causes of complaint from the public and I have to sympathise. Ideally, I want a local call centre staffed by my local officers but to do that I'd have to take all my officers off the streets and sit them behind telephone consoles round the clock.' Conservative Home Affairs spokesman Oliver Heald said: 'When people have had a distressing incident they want to feel it's going to be looked at by a police officer. There is no reason why a call shouldn't be fielded but it should be fielded effectively. It's the linking between the call centres and the police which is the key issue.' In recent years most forces have had to reduce the number of local stations that are manned 24 hours because of manpower shortages and efficiency drives. Chief Constables have tried to cover the shortfall by centralising the call systems and making greater use of cheaper civilian staff to process incoming information. Just three police forces, the City of London, Durham and Northumbria, have no plans to abandon the old tried-and-tested telephone system in favour of centralisation. Using the scenario of witnessing a car being broken into, our researchers selected a town at random. They then called Directory Enquiries and asked for the telephone number of the police station in that town. On every occasion but one, the number they were given was for a call centre or headquarters. In only 18 cases were we able to get through to a police officer. In the South-West, we were put through to police officers within seconds. Only Devon and Cornwall put the caller through to a civilian because the station in the randomly selected town of St Austell was closed. Just two forces in the South-East - Bedford and Hampshire - put callers through to a police officer, although they had to hold on for more than five minutes. Sussex police offered to e-mail an officer but could arrange for us to speak to a policeman. We reached officers in both Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. But in Lincolnshire an operator spent several minutes unsuccessfully trying to locate an officer. In the Midlands, only West Midlands police put us through to a police officer. In the North-East, Durham constabulary was the only one that put a caller directly through to an officer. Northumbria and Cleveland also put us through after an initial wait. Forces in Merseyside and Cheshire were the only ones in the North-West who put our researchers through to police. In London, the Metropolitan police connected our researcher to an officer within three minutes. We weren't so fortunate with City of London police - our caller was cut off. In Wales, only Gwent police failed to put us through to a police officer. One operator in Kent told our researcher it was not usually possible for the public to speak to an officer if they phone the call centre, saying: 'Chances are there won't be an officer in the room.' Sussex Police chief constable Paul Whitehouse, who is the communications spokesman for the Association Of Chief Police Officers, said: 'The public's perception that centralised call handling is making the police more remote is perfectly valid and it is something we have to explain. 'Now the numbers of phone calls we receive have increased dramatically, we have to have better systems for the 21st Century. The first step is to make the telephone answering speedier and we've had to centralise for that.' President of the Police Superintendents' Association, Chief Superintendent Peter Gammon, said: 'Just because you are a constable doesn't mean you are any more skilled than a trained civilian call handler. We want to maximise the number of police officers we can get out on patrol or investigating crime.' But Norman Brennan, director of the Victims Of Crime Trust, said: 'I've found civilian staff unhelpful and inexperienced. When you ring to report a crime you want someone to understand what your concern is.'

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