Sunday, 14 January 2018

Smileband general news

Call handlers at London's Met Police say they are being threatened with court after they were accidentally overpaid nearly £1 million. Some 500 staff handling emergency 999 calls received £976,574 more than they should have between 2013 and last year. 
Now they are being asked to repay all the money. 
'This has caused astronomic stress, and out job dealing with life and death situations is stressful enough,' a source told The Sunday Mirror. 'I'm being bullied for something that is not my fault.' 
The overpayments occurred after a new computer system was introduced designed to reduce costs. 
Workers said the extra money went unnoticed because wages varied depending on shift patterns. 
They claimed the new system could not calculate correct amounts for part-time workers whose rates changed on weekend and night shifts. One shift worker, who was overpaid £5,000, said they never noticed their overpayments. 
A source, who described the system as 'out of control', claimed several employment tribunals had already taken place — which found in the workers' favour.
Verbal warnings about potential legal action are already understood to have been made by the Met's audit team at Hendon, north-west London. 'I've been threatened with a County Court judgement. It's totally heartless — I'm being punished for a mistake that was not mine.'
A spokesman for the Met Police said: 'We seek to recover all overpayments, normally made over the same period of time they were made. 
'County Court judgements would very much be considered a last resort and only where an individual has repeatedly failed to engage or agree a repayment process. 

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