Thursday 14 December 2017

Smileband Health issues

Aside from cold weather and winter festivities, the inevitable flu season has begun - and it's only going to get worse.
The dreaded 'Aussie flu' is expected to wreak havoc on an already over-stretched NHS after blighting Australia during the country's winter.
But it's not all doom and gloom, according to various medical experts, ranging from nutritionists to A&E doctors and dermatologists.
Here, in a piece for Health that they have explained which cold and flu remedies they swear by and what they do to avoid catching a bug.
And their answers range from a plant extract, dubbed 'better than anything a doctor could prescribe', to simply drinking more water. I really don’t think you can get enough of it. If I feel a cold or sniffle coming on – I add two Berocca tablets to my shake, which seems to really stop anything nasty in its tracks.
Do you take an precautions to avoid getting sick?
In the wintertime I up my game a little. 
I am a big fan of antioxidants to help the immune system boost itself – particularly glutathione and vitamins C and E so I’ve added these to my supplement range. 
Berocca has been helping me for years and I really swear by it, particularly when I was working in the NHS and was exposed to all sorts of viruses on a daily basis.
I think eating a good range of fruit and vegetables every day is also essential – particularly strongly coloured fruits such as raspberries, blueberries and Concord grapes. 
I eat these on a daily basis, particularly in wintertime when the risk of infections is higher. 
As a rule I try to avoid antibiotics wherever possible and treat things with supportive measures instead. 2. Sarah Flower – nutritionist
Which cold and flu remedies do you swear by?
I swear by adding a good quality probiotic daily. This not only ensures your bowel is in good health but also boosts your immune system dramatically.
I also highly recommend vitamin D, daily throughout the year for those who don’t spend much time outside.
But everyone should take it during the winter months as we do not get vitamin D from the sun in this country during the winter months.
The third is a very good quality fish oil. 
Do you take an precautions to avoid getting sick?
Hydrate. Keeping yourself well hydrated is absolutely vital to help ‘flush’ out the cold, break down congestion and keep your throat lubricated. 
Try to avoid sugary or milky drinks especially if you have a lot of mucus as this can often make it worse. 
I would opt for water (sparkling water with lemon can be very refreshing), you can also try soothing warm herbal and fruit teas. 

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