Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Smileband health topics

People Most at Risk
Because of their weaker immune systems, children under the age of 5—and even more so under age 2—are especially vulnerable to influenza. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, each year, over 20,000 children younger than 5 are hospitalized for flu complications. “Children with the flu may show a decreased level of activity, fever, rapid breathing or coughing,” says Dr. Tincher. “Always be aware if they’re not interacting with you as they once were.”
Pregnant Women
Due to changes in their immune system, heart and lungs during pregnancy, pregnant women are at higher risk of severe flu. “Your physiology, blood pressure, blood flow, and heart rate are all different during pregnancy because the baby is taking up a lot of your blood flow and nutrients,” says Tincher.
This sensitivity lasts for up to two weeks after giving birth. The flu can even cause problems with the pregnancy, like premature delivery.
Adults 65 and Older
As people get older, their flu-fighting immune systems become frail. The CDC estimates that between 80 and 90 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in seniors over 65. “Their immune systems are not fully active, so it’s easier for them to pick up the virus,” says Tincher.
Those with Medical Conditions
The flu weakens your body and can exacerbate an already existing health problem, which is why people with certain conditions may have a harder time coping with the virus. Plus, these conditions make people more susceptible to flu complications like pneumonia, and having the flu can make these other health problems worse. The best example is diabetes. Infections like the flu make it harder to control blood sugar. Conditions that may worsen from the virus include:
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Neurological conditions
  • Chronic lung disease (i.e., COPD and cystic fibrosis)
  • Heart disease
  • Liver and kidney disorders
  • Blood disorders (i.e., sickle cell disease)
  • Weakened immune systems due to disease or medications (i.e., cancers or HIV and AIDS)
  • Severe obesity. 

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