Monday, 20 November 2017

Smileband health issues

Hepatitis H

Hepatitis H will undoubtedly be the name given to the next hepatitis virus to be isolated. Scientists are at a loss and are trying to understand why 10-15% of chronic hepatitis patients do not fit into any of the other hepatitis virus categories. So this may be a category waiting for a virus to claim it. There is evidence, however, of another hepatitis virus that has been temporarily labeled “non-A,non-E”. A patent is in progress for it to be called S.E.N.-V.   
  1. Safer sex means using a latex or polyurethane barrier for all forms of sex.
  2. Having a conversation about sexual health with your partner is key, but not everyone with STDs knows they’re infected.
  3. When using condoms and other barriers for safer sex, follow the instructions on the box. 

    Key points

    1. Safer sex means using a latex or polyurethane barrier for all forms of sex.
    2. Having a conversation about sexual health with your partner is key, but not everyone with STDs knows they’re infected.
    3. When using condoms and other barriers for safer sex, follow the instructions on the box.
    A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is an infection that’s spread during sexual contact with another person. This includes touching, since some STDs can be spread from skin-to-skin contact.
    In general, STDs are highly preventable. Almost 20 million new STDs are diagnosed each year in the United States, according to the centres for disease control and prevention (CDC). However, a large number of those infections could be avoided if people made different decisions about their sexual health.
    The only guaranteed method to prevent STDs is to abstain from all sexual contact. However, most people don’t find this to be a practical solution. When engaging in sexual activity, there are steps people can take to limit their risk of STDs.

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