Saturday, 19 August 2017

The Illuminati’s Plan for World War III 

A witness with a military background and a position of influence within the City of London has come forward and offered Bill Ryan of Project Camelot a view into Illuminati plans for World War III.
Apparently the Illuminati plan to use nuclear and biological weapons to cement their control of the world and reduce the world’s population to a “manageable” size.
The Earth’s spiritual hierarchy and the Galactic Federation have assured us that no nuclear war or any scenario close to it will be allowed to happen. 
However, we have seen, from the earthquake in Haiti and the tsunami in South Asia, (2) how much destruction the Illuminati are capable of wreaking on the planet and how, left to their own devices, they woould not hesitate to desolate it to ensure control. It is necessary for us to be aware of the Illuminati’s plans and not to co-operate with them, though, as the witness states, not to engage in violent resistance either.  
I began my career as a historian with a paper on concepts of Anglo-Saxondom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The witness postulates that it is a vision of an “Anglo-Saxon” mission that motivates the present cabal.
However, in my view, racial theories are purely self-serving. An “Anglo-Saxon” mission allows for British/American co-operation. But, if it worked better to craft a “Teutonic” or an “Aryan” vision, the cabal, I believe, would do so.
Towards the end, the witness shares his knowledge of the intervention of benevolent ETs. There are many papers on this site and on its companion (3) that discuss the 2012 scenario which the SHGF are propelling us towards, with the help of their Earth allies.
There is no reason to become afraid based on what you read here. But there is good reason to become informed.

“B” refers to Bill Ryan of Project Camelot and “W” refers to the anonymous City of London witness.

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