Wednesday, 9 August 2017

 The silencing of legitimate opinion continues.
The latest victim of their self-styled ‘purge’ is Google engineer James Damore, the guy behind ‘Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,’ a paper outlining his thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion in Silicon Valley.
In his 3,300 word, ten page manifesto he highlights the reasons for the gender gap in tech, current discriminatory practises used to correct that gap and Google’s left-leaning political bias.
'The google engineer who wrote a memo that argued women aren't biologically fit for tech jobs is out at the company'. He argued no such thing.
Personally, I don't agreed with every word of it but I consider it to be about as inflammatory as the cucumber in my Pimms. 'When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence. This silence removed any checks against encroaching extremist and authoritarian policies’ he wrote.
But whether or not we agree with every one of his sentiments, many of us will identify with the above that James been brave enough to say.
Too many no longer have a voice because the list of things we cannot say is longer than the list of things we can. And too often it is voices from the right that are presented as wrong. In his detailed analysis entitled ‘Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber’, he argues it is biological differences which play a role in the shortage of women in tech. And that Conservatives voices are silenced.
And, as if to underline his point, James Damore has just been fired.
Google CEO Sunder Pichai cut short his family holiday to deal with the fall out, making it sound like he just lost his father and mother in some kind of horrible accident. ‘This has been a very difficult time’ Sunder began, in a memo to all staff, many of whom were left frothing at the mouth at James’ cautious memo which dared to point out women are a bit different than men.
‘Firstly, let me say that we strongly support the right of Googlers to express themselves, and much of what was in that memo is fair to debate, regardless of whether a majority of Googlers disagree with it,’
You see what he did there? He already rallied the mob behind him, and announced that his army was bigger than your army, a ‘vast majority think you are wrong’ and therefore you must be.
This is the same mentality as those who click on petitions, imagining numbers of clicks equate to some kind of moral barometer on life.
And by a cunning sleight of hand Pichai asserts Goggle supports the right of his staff to express ideas. (Despite firing them if ‘the majority’ believe they are wrong). He continues:
‘To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them biologically less suited to our work is offensive and not OK. It is contrary to our basic values and our Code of Conduct which expects each googler to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination.’
I appreciate I am barely a woman and have my own bias, but no matter what angry women with armpit hair say, there are basic biological differences between men and women.
I am offering to stand naked in front of a mirror with Sundar to point these out in intimate detail if he will accept. My own testicular fortitude may be a barrier to his acceptance. 

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