Thursday, 17 August 2017

“I would like to be a queen in the hearts of the people.”
“The worst illness of our time is that so many people have to suffer from never being loved.”
“Your patron has never been happier to see you. Whatever uncertainties the last few weeks may have brought I want you to be certain of this our work together will continue unchanged. Especially at Christmas. The sick, the old, the handicapped and the homeless, the lonely, the confused and the simply unloved who are needing your help more than ever.”
“Two things stand like stone – Kindness in anothers trouble – courage in your own”

Charity Work of Princess Diana

Throughout her life Diana was something of a rebel. Her work with victims of AIDS could in some ways be seen in this regard. She was one of the first very high profile people to be pictured touching those afflicted with AIDS this had a significant impact in changing people’s opinions and attitudes to the disease it was certainly a charity not following the protocol and tradition of the Royal family. AS Princess Diana said:
“HIV does not make people dangerous to know. You can shake their hands and give them hug heaven knows they need it”
Diana had a very personable touch. She was very at ease in meeting people from any background and even if they were  ill or in hospices. The patients would react very favourably to her meetings, they warmed to her life energy and heartfelt sympathy. Part of her appeal was her sympathy and natural compassion. She could empathise with people’s suffering, having suffered much herself.
To the media Diana often portrayed a very stoic and positive energy, but an aid suggested that at the same time these engagements often drained Diana emotionally at the end of some engagements she felt depleted.
As well as working on charities such as AIDS she lent her name to the campaign to bad landmines. Her personal support is said to have been a significant factor in encouraging Britain and then other countries to support the Ottawa Treaty which sought to introduce a ban on the use of anti – personnel landmines. When Robin Cook brought the second reading of the landmines bill to the house in 1998 he made a point of paying tribute to the contribution of Princess Diana.

Diana Princess of Wales – Charities

Landmines & Explosive Remnants of War

Continuing the commitment of Diana, Princess of Wales we champion the issue of landmines, supporting the campaign for a worldwide ban and speaking up for those whose everyday lives are blighted by landmines.

Prisoners’ Families

The Fund supports young people in prisoners’ families – an invisible group stigmatised by society and judged guilty for a crime they did not themselves commit.

Palliative Care

Enabling people to die with dignity and with the least possible amount of pain. For this reason it has launched a £5 million initiative on Palliative Care.

Princess Diana with AIDS Sufferers

“Princess Diana showed deep understanding and sympathy and said Diana said it was a shame that people with AIDS had to suffer the stigma and fear of others.”

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