Friday, 30 June 2017

The sad news today was that the hospital had to make a decision based around little Charlie gard future, they came to decision to switch of Charlie gard life support machine and let him rest in peace, such a sad loss for the parents of Charlie gard, let's hope the future is bright and they can have another child as replacing Charlie gard could never happen for them. Please click, comment, share subcribe to our blog

Thursday, 29 June 2017

The tower block enquiry was taken place based around the questions why the fire took place and the nature of this if this was a terror attack, the government need to exceed the development of the lost and the families that are suffering at this stage of greaving heartache, looking to in the acts that have broke The rules of justices to the nature of these families.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The grenfell tower , it's shows that people of this kind don't think when it falls to other people that have this hurt and pain in there lives, Simon cowell should help the family's from the fire to find there life, Remember two wrongs don't make a right. . The people want questions as they ask so much, it's all based around terror, the fire that is connect to the Manchester and london bridge killings, it's far from just the cladding that done this, now these people are victims like the Manchester and London Bridge people, socity is falling apart from different cultures that have different ways of living there life. All people was raised different from child, so today's question is terrorism that is internal within the uk based around Muslims and normal English socity living uk people.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

This case was a exception that was brought to its discussion based on the hospital approach to the death of Charlie gard, a young baby that had a life that was taken from him based on a wrong words from one to another, we need to see a better approach to the internal thinking that aims at people in the uk, it's a factor that lies in a systematic approach that has a unique strategy that builds key relations for the welling being of family's in the uk. Mother and father see the side that no other person can see so they do know there position for the wellbeing of the child. Please share, click, comment, or subscribe to our blog

Sunday, 25 June 2017

The London mayor hits out on trump attack, as he condemns that this situation in the U.K Is because of trump, do we think that Donald trump can cause so much killing in the uk to English and Muslim people, it's was said they his ties with the U.K are not good, do you think Mr trump could cause such deversating drama to society, his Muslim ban in America is causing this affect in the uk? We ask that question?? This is a English country, Muslim people need to relax and English people need to relax because nothing is going to get solved.......
This is getting sick in London, acid attacks on coloured Muslim people, smile band does not comply with such terror to society, one guy on the news yesterday stated that a police women was laughing at his face for some reason when the attacks was going on, they are saying on the news that the White English are killing every one who has a different skin colour. They are taking it to the extreme, these Manchester, London attacks are the worst seen for years. It has to stop...... Please click, share, Comment, or subscribe to our blog.
We all look at the expectations of other football players that play at the highest level, this gives people the motive to look in to a way were they can offer there abilitys to see a positive change for these kids that fall ill with the form of cancer, please do click, comment, share or subscribe to our blog.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Out expectations are to perform a range of methods that see kids learn and gain knowledge to help there ability to do different things, we aim to aid support to kids in Jamaica, these kids have a much better life knowing how to grow and continue Jamaica biggest trade which is farming. Please click share, comment or subscribe to our blog.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

The news in the media is that no Royal member wants the Royal throne, they don't want to take part in any sort of duties that the queen does in her day to day routine, it's was said as a myth that they was going to let a wealthy Caribbean family take control of the U.K., but that's a myth, we all see stories that are of a distant relative matter to the English society, history tells its duties to a required standard that is from historical backgrounds....... Could past slaves be a thing of the feature in today's living race.............

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

The homeless in the uk has developed in to a matter of attention that requires the help of thoses who see a change for other people in today's living society, there could plenty of different situations that aim the position that these people to end up homeless in the uk, we need to reach out and see with our mind not be lazy and help these people in our every living day, every person in the uk has the importance of being secure to the nature of there wellbeing. please do share, comment, click, subcribe to our blog.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Smile wanted to pay its tribute to the people of grenfell tower block, also the people in Manchester and London Bridge and finsbury park incident, it's such a sad situation seeing people killing each other through religion and other issues, we need to fall back and view the situation as the uk is a place  were we rest........... No society member deserves to be a victim of such a violent deadly crime.
The world see a difference between two elements that bring hope and happiness to the life's of young kids in the uk, we look to bring so sort of help that can bring a change in the development program based around new cures for cancer in adults and kids, it's a illness that hunts from the day of birth for some people living in the uk, If we can bond together we can bring that light of hope to a person soul that address some sort of benefit' no matter how small or big it is, we Believe that it all adds up to success in a winning approach on this illness of cancer. Please click, comment, share or subscribe to our blog..............
This is sad news that a young man dies under the government in another country over a poster, otto was sent to 50 years in jail for the poster, this stuff brings violation to the nature of the respect for life, there was a lot more behind this person death, I think that he was killed because he was from America and the north Koran don't like America fact,  this stuff looks for trouble when countries do this stuff, people need to think before they go on holiday regarding business or any other matter. Please do click, comment, share or subcribe............
The day is looking at great weather, I more like the cool days my self but who am I to say we can't have a hot baking day, great day to talk with people and connect, building strong relations based on social environment. Please do click, comment, share or subscribe.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Revoked Licence Vehicle Siezed (smelling a scam) - Helen DK 
My husband recently got pulled over by the police,
And they said he was driving unisured (He has insurance).
They said his insurance is invalid as his licence was revoked
On Sept 1st (we had no notification of this)
He sent his licence off in August for points to put on
But at same time had to change some details on the licence
When posting licence we sent to Dvla Swansea using change of details postcode
DVLA reckon they never received letter (we believe it's there but sitting
In wrong department)
Anyway his car was seized and we have had to now apply
For a new licence at a cost if £50 for revoked licence

My question is shouldn't we have been notified his licence was being
Revoked, and if it's revoked shouldn't he have got done for
Driving with no licence?
I'm smelling a police scam

Anyone know much about The Great SOCPA Section 165 Scam 
This is a situation that is happening in today's society as I am a victim of this targeting crime by a police officer that don't think people in every corner of this country has there own life, it has destroyed my life, I had a trade to be a plumber gas engineer which required my driving licence, I went to court for driving across tower bridge and I took a written letter from my boss Danny hensmen, this was stating that I need to keep my licence because my job required me driving a work van, so I pleaded with the judge and as I was not speeding with danger to cause harm, as I was only going 30 miles per hour the judge did not give me any points on my driving licence and gave me an increased fine, next thing someone revoke me under the act for no reason, I have now today done my research via contacting courts and retrieving my court extracts from past court dates, which there is no record of me attending court on that date, as it was only a fine I got and no conviction of points there was nothing on there data information systems of that summonds to court  as I paid the fine right away from when I finished the court hearing, so that there shows that I did not lose my driving licence. (Great SCOPA section 165) The lady at DVLA was very rude and unhelpful about helping me get my driving licence sorted out and the police said they don't deal with stuff like this so they could not make a call to the court just to ask if I received any points on that date, did not help me what so ever, I also contacted the traffic commissioner of the police and there was no reply, I felt like I have been a prisoner when they did this to me and I still feel like it now. I don't have no ambition base around a career, I am 34 years old that have drained my vision for success. Even if I did not have a driving licence I would still work to help support people from charities that help people in need. Put my blog see that people like me get discrimated all the time in this country. It could be because of race, it could be of gender, it could be because you not rich and you are poor, so much different situations can deliver discrimation to your self as a person. Please hold that view of the stressful life I have and please click, comment, share, subcribe to our blog. Thanks......... 
The poor or rich society is a split difference between a open goal and a provided element of control, we ask the question, is it the leaders?? Is it the people? Is it knowledge? We ask these questions based on the economy performance, eg' import / export, the two key major factors of how a country performs. Countries are rich but they have a poor performance in providing for there people, jobs and education is not of high benefit to the society of poor countries, This video provides a understanding between poor and rich opening out eyes to a next factor. Please do click, comment, share or subcribe to our blog.
The aim that we as a support program is that we want to address a finding route to build path for people of all ages, mostly the younger generation to help that find a path that builds unique skills and opportunity that can give there mind a open sight to something that aims at progression, this can be a job related role in the uk, also we want to grow as a foundation that can secure funding from the government and raise earnings from our blog based on your commitments to follow us and aim your view across via a comment of share or subscribing to our blog.
We also look at the work unceif does and we try to aid the best possible support to bring help to different corners of the world that need the required help of unceif. Our concerns are of crossing that line between love and hate and make it love, we don't want no danger to our kids or family members that are in a different location around the world and in the uk, Please support smileband'  click, comment, share, subscribe to our blog. We need your support to help us and them.
This London mosque attack is a worthless effort to kill people, like every other attack that has happened so far, please see that we need to change to build a better future else were to exceed better future............  Please click and comment or post your pictures.
Our expectations are to continue support and then find s support cause to gain funding to support the development of our business plan, this is to exceed more support in different ways to make a change. Also any sort of fun activity like ICE BUCKET idea, we want to make our blog fun so people can all ways comment and share our videos or information that is linked to our support program. If you can please upload a link video of you doing something strange or funny and we can source your link and attach it to our blog, as this would give us more drive to continue the support that we do knowing that you care.........

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Our other expectations are of meeting the requirement to address support based on water drought in countries like Africa with a cause of support to help the people that need a bottle of water. We aim to gain clicks and comments based on people views of past post that are addressed in this blog. If we can gain a society that helps we can exceed the forward success approach to meet the need of these people, also build to further a position that gives younger people jobs that gain expected skills for there future.
Our program also offers a stable background that drives a support for the people within our society that are homeless with out a home, our means are to see a change in this day and age that is the upmost importance to make a change in getting people of the streets...... Please click to support out cause. Share to build a foundation of support in all corners of this country.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

The need to all see different uses of getting support across to different parts of the world to see a change for people lives that are different with HIV, we aim that you please see the matter of us getting a much clicks as we can to our blog so we can grow and build a foundation to support jobs in the uk for the younger generation and also aid support across that get's the help that is required.
This is a young lad that has autism, the life of these kids are different that means extra requirements to support them through hard situations in life, parents go through stressful periods in life trying to control them through, new medication, ways of support, profession nurse for support, these all cost a value of a bottle of water or sandwich to help a child with autism. Please aim to click this blog and keep up with the updates and every click aims support to the help of these kids.
Please see that we also find the heart to give a per cent to the kids of the Caribbean, every child needs help, even kids in rich countries, please click our blog as much time as you can to aim for a better support program for children in the Caribbean.

Smileband News

This young girl has the horrible illness that put her life in the most difficult situation that no one wants to go through. If we can help this little girl get well then please support our blog with more clicks then ever...............

Smileband News

Dear 222 News viewers, sponsored by smileband,  In Phoenix, Arizona, a sixth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School has been arrested aft...